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Second CristotSome good SMK placement by the British, though they MALFed two guns in trying, others were turned into burning wrecks by the PSK. Still, the infantry made good progress and were able to capture the Victory locations in plenty of time. dmareske
Bloody Bois JacquesGerman OBA worked really well on the center and their two MG nest defense was effective. Still, The Americans almost managed to slip through a 2 x MMC + Leader stack on the western flank, stopped only in the nick of time by MG fire. I would describe it as a close run thing.

I found the scenario quite enjoyable. SSR4 really transforms the battlefield in a novel way, allowing some interesting gameplay possibilities. Thumbs up from me!
Brush OffThis is as much a puzzle as it is a scenario; lots of choices for both sides despite its tiny size. My plan as the Japanese was to approach the USMC forces using concealment, and then attack in CC to cause casualties. However, this quickly unravelled when the dice had their say: first USMC defensive shot rolled snakeyes and my 9-1 leader promptly failed a 1MC and died of wounds. Things then went from bad to worse - not even my 10-0 leader could pass a MC, and my squads were quickly losing strength. By the end of my third turn, I had virtually nothing left and had killed just a single USMC squad, so I conceded. Don't agree with other AAR's that say this is hard for the Americans! Andy_Bagley
Panzer GraveyardThe German infantry progressed through the buildings with the help of smoke cover from the Panzer. But the German lost 4 panzers too easily hunting British tanks instead of providing support to the infantry. The British sniper won the day breaking and killing various German MMC and leaders at key moments, freeing a prisoner that rearmed in their back. It forced the Germans to split and get him.. Nevertheless, the German was still gaining ground. By dusk, the British were able to force their way and capture back some buildings. Despite a tense game until the end, I did not particularly enjoyed this scenario contained in a very small area which emphasizes the micro-management style of play. lt_steiner
Jakacking AssThe scenario objective clashes with the convoy restriction in a bad way, leading to a potentially devastating loss as soon as the Germans line all their ducks in a row for the Polish AT gun and supporting cast and crew to deal so much damage in their first attack or two as to make any attempt at victory by the Germans a fool's errand. If there were an exit VP condition instead, I could see this scenario being vastly improved. As it stands, it could only be used as a teaching moment for someone wanting to practice their PRC elimination/bail out rules. Jobbo_Fett
Espirito InaspettatoMy Greeks were slaughtered moving up the hill. A combination of good play by my opponent and unkind dice sealed the Greek fate. I think the game could go either way and this scenario is worth the play. RJenulis
Blood Amongst The PinesMy Finns sucked life. 1st roll for the MMG was an 11...that was game. I had to concede on Turn 3 as my lousy dice rolls allowed the Russians to just walk all over me. So much fun. grumblejones
The T-Patchers Bongiovanni
Vogt's Ritterkreuz Bongiovanni
All Down the LineGreat little scenario. My plan to concentrate my attack on the northern flank quickly unravelled when the German sniper took out my 9-2 leader. Fortunately, a successful CC on the southern side gave me the initiative there, and I got my revenge later when my sniper broke a German 548 holding a critical defensive position, which then failed two rally attempts. Approaching the last turn, I had just enough units to give me the 13 VPs I needed, so the Germans mounted a last-ditch attempt to stop me. This time the dice didn't fail me, so my opponent conceded on his Turn 5. Andy_Bagley
Raid at Cerreto AltoAt first, I couldn't hit anything. Then the odds changed and I was able to keep my AFVs mobile enough to survive. I ended up snapping quite a few PW and then was able to exit with them, securing the win. von Garvin
Breakin' Into the SlammerDecent scenario. Don't bother defending 4G49 and 4G54 if playing as the Japanese. Just pack most of your forces into the Police Station. That's what I did, and it was very difficult for the Americans to make any headway. I picked some likely canister locations to put the AT Mines, and lucked out (needed a 1) and immobilized a priest and the MTR halftrack. The smoke Fire Mission helped me more than the Americans since they got shrouded in the resulting smoke. A BUNCH of skulking kept my forces concealed most of the game. Sound strategy, but not very exciting. In the end, the Americans got close to the building, but couldn't get a coordinated attack going to gain a foothold.

Be prepared for toppling stacks when playing this one. Cellar, Fortified, Fanatic Strongpoint, 1st level, and Rooftop counters, PLUS, concealed units with leaders and weapons stacked like a Dagwood sandwich in a small confined place makes moving pieces extremely difficult. Once one stack falls from the constant shuffling, it's like a domino effect. Kind of a pain to play face-to-face because of it.
Bridge Over the River Queen Lorenzoknight
Bridge Over the River Queen Dispang12
Acts of Defiance dsoukup
Blood Amongst The Pines Danno
Scouts Out Ric of The LBC
Fire from the HoleVASL jrwusmc
Silesian InterludeSome interesting dice rolls:
Russian 2-2-8 manning the AT gun survived the advance of 3 squads into his hex by ambushing/withdrawing, then DMed all 3 of them in PrepPH with a 4+1 shot, and no quartered them!
In the meantime, russian sniper killed two of the 3 German leaders and the German sniper.
Konrad ThreeTough battle. Russians could hit the broadside of a barn and only knocked out the halftrack and a Panther. In the final CC, a single 4-5-8 in VBM CC with a MKIV snaked the CC roll for the win. grumblejones
Konrad Three Danno
Westerplatte 1939 Campaign GameStarted in mid-April over VASSAL and ended in late June with some breaks in between. This campaign is... interesting, to say the least. It occupies a critical point in time and feels particularly hard on the Poles, with seemingly extraordinary requirements to get the historical outcome. It should be stressed that the Polish side needs to do everything they can to not lose their Machine Guns and make the most of their mortars, otherwise they will see their hopes at a campaign victory dashed rather quickly. Jobbo_Fett
The Heat is OnWe rolled for sides and I got the attacking Russians. Once we noticed that the scenario seemed heavily in favor of the Russians, Scott offered to find something else, but I took the challenge as playing better players in lopsided scenarios can only help me hone my game. After viewing Scott's setup, I decided to disregard trying to capture the building and instead worked on getting off the board. I setup nearly my entire force on the opposite side of the board and entered from offboard. Scott got a nice long range -3 shot from said building which put a few of my units in immediate trouble. After a few turns I was making decent progress up the board edge, eliminating 6 of his 8 dummies, but unfortunately found all his wire and his 88L gun. Luckily, I eliminated his 88L with a crit before he did major damage, only burning one of my AFVs. One of Stugs got a nice DI shot on another one of my AFVs and I lost another to a Stug. I was able to exit one off the board in turn 4 and another in turn 5. My last hope was handful of infantry that I had assembled near the level 1 hill, but Scott pretty much ended the game on turn 6 with a couple of First Fire shots that knocked enough of my infantry down to where I figured I just didn't have enough to get 10 more VP off the board against a force that was effectively blocking the exit hex now. I conceded in turn 6 and we discussed what the Russians could have done differently but with no smoke available, very little cover and Scott covering the approach from level 1 stone buildings it was determined that the Russians would have needed a bit more good fortune on their side to win this one. All in all, pretty fun, a lot of action. A good time was had by all. tatumjonj
The Hedgehog of Piepsk tpdorsey
Silver & BronzeI set up a fairly even defense, with a few more infantry up north, and a few more tanks down south. I quite strongly contested the northern entry, though conceding most of the buildings on the north side of the road. I knew the two hills would be important, but chose to protect them with defensive smoke rather than units. In the south I set up mostly north of the road, with only a token defender in the big building and a couple tanks in two of the others. I mostly relied on my HMG to do the initial protecting. I placed more tanks in the south, thinking I'd have a better chance of squaring off against his StuGs, while both BAZ went up north to try and protect against deep pushes by the Hetzers. I forget when we had heavy snow start, but it was very early, and it lasted the entire game. I cursed it on many shots, and thanked it on others; it was obviously to the non-shooter's favor. The Germans lost a couple HS on Turn 2, but most of my defenders managed to maintain concealment. Turn 3 saw the first tanks lost, when a StuG moved up to challenge one of my TDs and one of my Shermans was fried exposing itself in the northern streets. But other than that the turns were still fairly quiet. The Germans had a very rough time crossing the southern road, and would barely crack it even late in the game. Meanwhile up north the Germans were grabbing real estate, but my defense was holding quite well. Especially in the west, where I all but evicted him. Turn 4 was rough for both sides, with each losing 1.5 squads, the Germans losing an 8-1, and both sides breaking a MA. But the Germans would get the worse of it when a Hetzer was taken out in CC by an AE HS. If it sounds like the Germans were coming up short in the CVP battle it's because they were (10-20), and they can ill-afford this with a very tough VC to begin with. I really think this game is way too short; certainly 7 or even 8 turns would seem more reasonable. As it is the Germans had to push the attack on Turn 5, and lost another 2 squads, a 7-0, and a StuG to 1 captured HS for the Amis on their half of the turn. Then, with most being hung out to dry having to push the advance without infantry support, a Hetzer and StuG were lost compared to a M4105 during the Ami portion of the turn. Down to two tanks (one coming off a stun) compared to six for the Amis (one with a broken MA), and the Amis actually retaking buildings in the NW, the Germans threw in the towel with the VP score 64-45. It certainly didn't suffer from lack of action, and was a refreshingly fluid defense, but overall I didn't find anything too special about this. buser333
Fighting Withdrawal Goraph
Mila 18 Goraph
The Czerniakow Bridgehead Goraph
The Commissar's House Goraph
Commando Schenke Goraph
Commando Schenke Goraph
The Guards Counterattack Goraph
The Guards Counterattack Goraph
The Tractor Works Goraph
Too Rapid An Advance Danno
Too Rapid An AdvanceTough fight with too many freakin boxcars and Russian 11's, which honestly stripped the fun from the scenario. One SS 4-6-8 reached the opposite board edge with the relief force on Turn 5 for an SS win. Victory conditions should require an SS squad to remain on a hill hex. Might be too hard for Russians to win this thing. grumblejones
Nor Will Deep Hell Receive ThemAllied Victory with option 1 : 24CVP Bongiovanni
Deadly AssumptionGermans failed to get any tanks in the initial ambush, after which the Americans methodically chewed up the Germans. The survivors conceded on turn 4. aiabx
Sumatra SkirmishThe Marmon-Herrington armored cars got quickly destroyed by accurate Japanese MG fire. First banzai charges ran well and put the Japanese troops quickly in the victory buildings. However, the Dutch formed a kill stack of 3 squads with the 9-2 leader and began to cut the adjacent Japanese. Reckless, the stack attacked successfully in CC but lost their leader. Banzai charges and a last HtH CC provided Victory for the Japanese. lt_steiner
A Fluid Situation Danno
A Fluid SituationFun scenario but tough for the Germans. My Germans did pretty well but didn't capture any of the large buildings. I ended the game with 20 points vs. about 27 for the Russians. grumblejones
Iron Grave AlexB
Road CrewNot a fan of this scenario, which seems tough for the Germans. Or at least, it needs careful planning as well as understanding of the SSRs as well as wire clearance rules - which I didn't manage in the time we had available. I also put both of my armoured cars in harm's way close to a HIP Russian squad with an ATR. So a couple of good shots and it was all over by Turn 2 when my Germans exceeded their CVP cap.
Placement of the wire counters seems obvious, and their position can be well defended despite the Russians' scattered starting positions.
Spring CleaningNice (very) small scenario. Lionelc62
Monty's GambleThe HIP for the British makes all the difference, and taking out the AFVs is key to stopping the Germans getting the CVP off the board. I covered the north and the south with one of the 57Ls, but my opponent only really approached the north with his vehicles. An early shot got 1 out, then my gun was tied up in melee for several turns. As he was exiting my South gun managed to turn and fire taking out a second AFV, but it was a very slim line of sight that was only just successful. With 2 tanks out of the game, his chances to get infantry off board slowly whittled down to nothing. CategorySolo
Goodbye, GeishasLow Ammo killed the Americans. Both tanks MA malfunctioned on first shot. Over top of turn 6. RJenulis
Getting Your Bell Rung igycrctl
Foxtail Lorenzoknight
Foxtail Dispang12
Cutting Off the TailKMT cavalry make a rapid 3 prong attack. Red Army slows advance and pass MC. Red Army holds left but gets bypassed. Red Centre begins to fold due to overwhelming and meticulous advance. KMT wins by taking building and routing remaining Red Army. Slugfest at the end as Red Army do not go quietly. Too many horsemen. BobMcKenna1966
Panzerpioniere! Bongiovanni
Shoulder to Shoulder Bongiovanni
Courage of Cowan Bongiovanni
Factory Fodder Bongiovanni
Unhorsed Bongiovanni
Monty's Mess Bongiovanni
Farmyard Affray Serge
Cutting Off the Tail igycrctl
Cpl. AnzacFirst to play and post. Danno
Cpl. AnzacJapanese got early successes against the east edge New Zealand Schwerpunkt. By Turn 6, the Kiwis had lost 5 squads and taken 2 of the PFZ's. But the Japanese still controlled the other two for the win. grumblejones
Deliver Us from EvilAs per most night scenarios, as the attacker, it is usually best to pick a side so the defender can't move all their forces and then methodically roll them up. As the Japanese, I didn't even bother to defend the Pharmacy School since as a whole, it is worth less points than the Science Building. Plus, that entire section is lit up by blazes. My friend must have realized this as well as he only sent a small force over there and slowly started taking building Locations.

His tanks swooped in from the front (the Priests) and rear (Hellcats) - 24 MF makes the playing area easy to traverse quickly(!) - and had the front and back of the buildings surrounded. The four hex visibility against the moving tanks didn't really come into play because he unloaded his infantry out of range and sight before moving them further up. By then, the main American attack had already gotten a foothold in the science building.

The main American infantry force hit the Science Building on the SE corner. They had some breaks, but too many squads with serious firepower overwhelmed my forces over there. With most of my forces stuck on No Move counters, there wasn't much I could do to try and stem the tide. Clear, clockwork victory for the Americans. I rated this one very low for the Japanese because they really can't do anything. They have some tricks, but if you can't move, there's not much you can do.
Unhorsed fdapra
Deadeye SmoyerMopped up the building on the final turn but with the Panther only just revealing itself to BU and go into motion I had my work cut out in trying to take it out. Smoyer was taken out by the PSK hs defending the Panther and an PF took out the sherman. The HT scooted around to attempt to hit with its BAZ but broke it, in doing so - which left 2.5 squads and the 9-1 to get the win.

The first attack immobilised the panther, who then sN'd the location for a 3MC which all but one HS pinned on. This left the final pinned squad needing a three to win, and proptly rolled it. A lucky win for the US.
Failure to Communicate dsoukup
Deadeye SmoyerThe Americans started well, advancing from the east edge into building 45P4 with little trouble thanks to some poor shooting by the Panther, which revealed itself in 45P2 (no surprise there). I also raced my halftrack round the back of building J3, unloaded a HS with its bazooka, and then abandoned it with the crew taking its HMG. All good so far, but then my opponent did an excellent job of avoiding infantry combat in the building, whilst also running his Panther all round the board, keep it always in motion and covered by smoke from its sN. All my shots at it missed, including malf'ing the MA of my M4 tank.
I also made the mistake of failing to seal off all three building levels, so that when I approached his last infantry stack from ground and second level, he simply ran away through first level. I might still have got them, but the elusive Panther escaped my advancing fire shots on my last turn, so the Germans won anyway.
Deadeye SmoyerMy opponent has already written this one up - little to add. The Panther had remained HIP until the final German turn but it was obviously only in one of a few hexes and with the building having fallen it was going to be swarmed by infantry so unHIPing and going into Motion seemed the best plan. I had a HS in the same hex but that went down to Advancing Fire and if a sN 3MC can’t break the American squads then maybe it just isn’t going to be your day…. An enjoyable close game decided on the last CC roll Simonstan
The KrinkelterwaldDouble One 2024 Main Round 3

Bob's approach was cautious in this one which, when the low morale of the Americans came into play, didn't leave him enough time to exploit the breaches.
Paul Legg
An Estonian InterludeDouble One 2024. I didn’t interdict the bridge on the first turn which allowed all the Estonians to form a ring of steel around the victory building. Andy defended perfectly and I couldn’t make any headway at all. Dave
Penny PacketsThis is a complex scenario with a plethora of AFVs that generate regular dives into Chapter H to check out which way their MGs are pointing. My Germans got the better of the AFV battle and Marc conceded on turn 5 with both of his Shermans gone and the Americans in a VP hole that he felt was to big too overcome. Dougban
Morning GloryCanadians came up the middle avoiding the wire on the board edge and the Germans were ready for them. AT guns took out four tanks and the MMG had some impressive ROF which kept the Canadians broken. When the fifth tank immobilized in some mines Dan conceded not having enough points to exit. The Creeping Barrage was interesting but had little effect. dmareske
Morning GloryFirst to play and post. Danno
Mac Wants the Flamethrower Lorenzoknight
TrappolaFirst to play and post. Danno
TrappolaPartisan ambush was a flop with only a single squad broken and a single squad broken. My dice were awful much of the game. Dan's dice were hot and a on Turn 7, the Italians had to exit one final squad for the win. I shot and got a +1 MC and Dan snaked it for the win. Fun scenario, but could be much tougher on the Italians with a better ambush. grumblejones
Gardens of the CitadelIntense Polish resistance from the leader saw an early death of the good German leader and the squad he was with. German tanks managed to miss quite a few times, and the PzIB/150mm broke its gun immediately, never to be repaired.
Polish tanks weren't much better, but it was almost a done deal when, on the final turn, a self-rally brought back a half-squad, and two vital moves, surviving defensive fire, allowed the Germans to capture the final 2 buildings they needed in the APh. Exciting scenario, surprised it hasn't been played more often!
Second Crack at Caumont fdapra
Factory Fodder fdapra
A Quick StrikeOverview:
This PTO action set in July 1943 pits the Americans vs. the Japanese in a battle of an Allied advance through very difficult terrain against a prepared Axis defence. It is an Infantry-only scenario that is even devoid of Light MTRs with the exception of one single Japanese "knee-mortar". The number of Support Weapons available to both sides is overseeable with 2x MMG, 2x LMG, 1x LtMTR for the Japanese and 2x MMG, 2x BAZ43, and 2x DC for the US. The Japanese have only two Leaders (9-1 and 8-0), the Americans three (9-1, 8-1, and 8-0). This is just the minimum necessary to lead the Infantry which consists of 7x447, 2x228, and 7xConcealment Counter for the Japanese, while the Americans get 2x 667, 1x347 and 11x666.

The objective for the US is to capture Japanese Pillboxes (Bunkers) and to exit a number of EVP.

Of the Pillboxes there are 4x1-3-5 supported by 2xTrench. The Japanese are looking at some serious firepower to hold two halfboards against. Both sides set up onboard, so there is no Bore Sighting for the Japanese. The Japanese may set up Concealed if in Concealment Terrain and Entrenched if in suitable Terrain. But they cannot just "build a castle" and wait for the attackers attempting to crack that hard nut. Instead, they have to cover all the possible approaches to the exit board edge all the while being able to shift their defence to whatever area the Americans elect to put their Schwerpunkt. This looks like a very tough job for the eight Japanese squad evquivalents in a 6.5 turn scenario in which the US only have a distance of 14 hexes to the board edge...

But this is, where the terrain kicks in. It was the first time I have played on board 74 which has quite a unique feel with PTO Dense Jungle in effect. There are ubiquitous patches of Swamp, Marsh along with three ponds and Bamboo. This means that the possible movement will be channeled and the attackers either have to push through choke points or to move through Swamp, Marsh, or Bamboo with all that entails. In other words, the terrain is to be considered part of the Japanese OoB. The defender has to draw every benefit from it that he can in order to stand a chance.

As of 22. June 2024, ROAR has this scenario at American 28 / Japanese 23 with an Excitement Rating of 6.35 (out of 9).

I played the defending Japanese in this one.

Japanese Analysis:
When preparing my defensive setup on VASL, the first thing I noted is that VASL takes care of the differentiation between Swamp and Marsh by assigning them a different hue of green color. I seem to recall, that this has not always been this way, so kudos go out to the VASL crew for this one.

Looking at the map, the Japanese do have the option to set up right in front of the US attackers. The most difficult terrain channeling movement is, however, not located on board 75 but on board 74 further back. With a length of 6.5 Turns and the Americans moving last with only a distance of 14 hexes to cover, clearly the Japanese have to delay the onslaught as best as they can.

If the Japanese set up to the front, this will - of course - buy time. However, the defenders also have to keep in mind that with the few squads they have, they will need to fall back. This can be a challenge against the light of superior US numbers, some open areas that the defenders would need to cross and by the limitations presented by Swamp and Marsh. In case that the Japanese want to take advantage of HIP setup within Pillboxes, this could also be a consideration.

As Dense Jungle provides +2TEM and the US don't have any MTRs which could provide Air Bursts, in most cases there is not much point in setting up Foxholes in the Jungle. It is not even necessary to use them as "quasi-Concealment counters" up to the start of play, as the Japanese may set up Concealed in Concealment Terrain. Theoretically, the Japanese could use them to create Rout Paths or to create the occasional position in Open Ground or Palm Trees. But the truth is that there is mainly enough Dense Jungle around for equivalent TEM with less additional Movement inhibitions.

Since the Pillboxes are worth a significant amout of the VP required, the defender will not want to bunch them up in a single "castle". This would allow the US to bypass the "castle" and/or to concentrate on it and to eventually capture all Pillboxes in one single area. Should the Pillboxes set up too far up front, they can be captured/destroyed and the US could still form a Schwerpunkt of the attack afterwards. Because the US will need to create some form of focus to his attack, the Pillboxes might be better placed spread out and further to the back. Don't forget, that a Tunnel comes with each Pillbox. Some piece of advice: Understand, where Tunnels may run and where not. And where Tunnel Exits may be located. For the Japanese, the use of Tunnels may even be quicker than aboveground-movement in some cases. And it allows them to avoid the crossing of dangerous Open Ground.

And then, there is board 74... Boy, passing through this will be either a PITA or painfully slow - or both. The Japanese must understand that the terrain is the equivalent of the squads "missing" from their OoB. As the defender, one has to locate the choke points. The terrain will funnel movement and the defenders will have to lay in wait at the end of that funnel with the resources they have. Furthermore, the Japanese must make the best use of the few open areas that the field of battle provides. The US is - characteristically - burdened by the low morale of 6 (and some few 7). While in +2TEM of Dense Jungle, the weak Japanese firepower will have trouble affecting even 6 Morale troops, things are all different if these have to temporarily leave cover. At the same time, the +2TEM of Dense Jungle does help the Japanese a lot. Since the attackers are limited in Stacking and creating Fire Groups in this terrain, this helps the Japanese not to be evaporated by concentrated enemy firepower. Eventually, the US will come close to the board edge. But again, there are not that many viable areas. The Japanese should take into account shifting whatever survivors into the area to which the bulk of the US force is heading for the exit. Even a broken HS blocking a hex or a small amount of Residual FP can ruin the American's day...

American Analysis:
Now WHAT is going on?! You've got 13.5 squad equivalents. And all you get from this here US Army is 2xMMG, and 2x DC? The 9-1 "90 day wonder" 2nd Louie is stalking around towards "North" in various directions through the camp, his gaze fixed to the new shiny compass. The 8-1 and 8-0 sergeants mumbling to each other with grave looks have been overheard that the logistics folk have screwed up big time by sending one Liberty Ship loaded entirely with bibles to increase morale. And a second one with gear boxes for bulldozers and engines for medium B-25 Mitchell bombers. On the bright side, a sailor has dumped 2x BAZ43 on you that were clogging his crate and getting in the way of his little side-line business with booze. If this weren't enough, the 9-2 1st Lieutenant is away sorting this awful mess out, while the news broke that your outfit is earmarked for a "quick strike" through some vicious swamps and jungle, which stands as solid as your grandmother's belief in the blessed virgin Mary. Judging to be "tank country" by a look at the Bazookas. After finally having found his spectacles, the 2nd Louie has read his prepared speech to you, that he will lead you to glory like a soaring eagle by capturing the not too far Munda airfield after a hike just a few miles over yonder - pointing straight out to the deep blue sea...


In other words: In the absence of generous Leadership and the usual lavish supply of SW, its down to (merely) carrying the can for this screw-up by the grunts.

So what do you have? Great Inherent FP, importantly including Assault Fire. Then there is that fine Infantry Smoke Exponent of 3 (or 2 for Infantry WP). In case the sneaky Japanese gack their Ambush rolls in CC, you might even get out alive - and an enemy Halfsquad dead - by the odds if you initiate the exchange of civilities. Then, of course, you have that splendid Broken Morale of 8 - which of course means that you first need to break before being able to take advantage of it... While your DCs are fine for being a "threat in being", they are even better to blow some Japanese to Kingdom Come if you can contrive to Place them. The Bazookas can only be useful against Pillbox occupants with some luck; the chances to actually destroy a Pillbox with them are neglible. That said, capturing Pillboxes generally appears better than trying to destroy them.

Talking about Leadership. Inevitably, some Infantry will break. But you need Good Order Infantry in numbers for getting the lead out and to exit the board. So you need to think on how you can get as much Infantry as quickly as possible back to Good Order with the few Leaders you have. Of course, you will also want the Leaders for extra MF and that -1 DRM. You cannot afford to lose Leaders...

The good thing for the Americans is that they can decide where to put the Schwerpunkt of their attack. An attack on a broad front will likely not work as the terrain does not allow for it - so some decisions have to be made. At the same time, the Japanese will have troubles to defend the whole width of the board with what they have. Maybe it can pay off to pin one of the Japanese halfsquads and to prevent it from reinforcing other areas by despatching one or two of your own halfsquads. If there is no one there to defend chokepoints, then very quick movement is possible. Later in the game, the Japanese will likely have difficulties plugging all the gaps. That said, still I believe that the US has to form some Schwerpunkt.

Another consideration is how many units to exit and how many Pillboxes to capture or to destroy. Depending on how the Pillboxes are placed, getting all of them might be very difficult. On the other hand, if the Japanese leave a Pillbox unguarded, there might be a good chance to grab it with one of your halfsquads for cheap. Try to find the sweet spot between grabbing Pillboxes and exiting units.

Ah, and the terrain... You will hate all the Swamp, Marsh and Bamboo because it funnels your movement just where the evil enemy is bound to lay in wait. But... maybe the occasional chance might arise to do the unexpected: A calculated move into Swamp, Marsh or Bamboo might pay off if it catches your opponent on the left foot. It does cost a full turn to enter these terrain types, though. One good thing, however: Since the Japanese don't have that much firepower to bring to bear, the Americans with their low morale will be helped a lot by the +2TEM of Dense Jungle.

As the Japanese eventually have not enough units to stop your hordes, Residual Firepower is your opponent's friend. So carefully consider how best to impose Target Selection Limits to minimize the impact.

Well, and beyond that: Do not lose time!

How It Played Out:
As aforementioned - I played the defending Japanese in this one.

I focussed my defence not up front but tried to delay there a bit. In a way, I misplayed my two HIP halfsquads somewhat: Sure enough, Americans ended up in their hexes so that I could emerge in the the CCPh. However, I should have placed the halfsquads in positions where the Americans would previously have lost Concealment. Due to this gross oversight, I did not manage to Ambush the Americans and lost one halfsquad outright. The other one survived the non-HtH first round of CC, so a Melee ensured which somewhat obstructed the path of advance of the Americans before failing to do any damage when the Melee turned HtH in the Japanese turn - and getting consequently killed for this lack of spirit.

My guess was that the Americans would attack through the center and on the northern flank, which basically was what happened. Alas, I missed numerous of the not so frequent occasions with decent chances to actually cause damage with Japanese due to repeated Cowering. I did lose three squad equivalents pretty early. Consequently, further developments appeared to be an uphill battle for me.

On the bright side, it became pretty obivious that my positions on the southern flank seemed not to be threatened. Therefore, I could afford to vacate those positions to shift the units there towards the center in a timely manner.

Around turn 3, the Americans had reached the area, where the terrain got ugly in earnest. Having focussed on the northern half of the battlefield, the attackers were mainly confined to the A, B, F, and G hexrows for their advance. I did my best to fall back dodging the worst of US firepower and could stop the advance cold for the time being along the northern board edge. Yet, the Japanese position felt precarious in the middle because the previous losses there were painfully felt.

In turns 4 and 5 I was able do deal some important Break results against a number of Americans which took some steam out of his push. Along the northern boardedge, however, my defensive position was overcome. By now, the Americans were concentrated in the 4 and 5 hexlines in the northern half of the playing area and the Japanese units from the southern flank had shifted accordingly. The chokepoint of 74H7 was under pretty firm Japanese control.

(Note: I realize that I am mixing up the order in the description a bit, but can't get it sorted correctly in detail. I should be enough for you to visualize the culmination of the scenario.

This meant that the Americans would have to focus on the A, B, and C hexrows to exit in turns 6 and 7. I had nothing to prevent them moving forward along these lines except for a pretty soon to be dead broken halfsquad that bought some moments of precious time. More importantly, I had contrived to move a Japanese 447+LMG from 74H7 to 74F6 which threatened all the Open Ground hexes the Americans had to cross with a Firelane. Two US stacks sat in 74C6 and 74A7. Alas, one stack of Americans reached 74C9, an Amercan 666 sat in 74B9 and a (previous "Leader Creation") 6+1 in 74E10. I had just managed to get a CX halfsquad to 74C10 and a CX 8-0, 228+MMG to 74E10 in a frantic effort to cover the exit line. The Japanese halfsquad was duly vaporized. But I could advance my 8-0, 228+MMG to D10 to cover the exit hex A10, and some surviving CX 447 to 74G10. With all the malice my Japanese 8-0 could muster, he advanced by himself into 74D9 for an Ambush to behead the lone 6+1 hapless Colonel and to infiltrate out to 74E10 out of LOS of the enemy.

In US turn 6, the 666 in 74B9 K/#'ed my MMG crew in 74D10. At that point I thought it was all but over. But the Japanese are tenacious, are they not?

If the planned Firelane and Inherent FP of the (meanwhile) 347+LMG in 74F6 could just break some Americans having to cross over in their last MPh of US turn 7 from 74C6 and 74A7, and a couple of more theoretical "ifs", I might just pull it off. My lone 8-0 malicious leader in 74E10 had just one more fiendish devilry up his sleeve: He advanced into 74D10 to pick up the MMG in the (last) US turn 7... He was helped by the CX 447 advancing to 74F10. So there was some dubious cover of the exit line.

In the final US turn 7, the Americans moved one squad and a leader from 74C9 to 74E10 apparently hoping to draw some fire and to impose Target selection limits. My opponent was surprised that this ploy did not work, so he moved off these units - who were the hell of a lot relieved not to be riddled by point blank bullets. Next, I let pass the 666 exiting via 74B10.

Now, the interesting part began: The remaining Americans would have to cross "Death Alley" ranging from 74E7 to 74A9 covered by my 347+LMG. The first US squad tried from 74C7. I managed to bring down the all-important Firelane with a sigh of relief - and to break the sucker. Next up was a 666 from 74C6 going CX for their lives.

It passed through the FL in 74C8 - which rolled: Boxcars!!! Oh my misery!

Realizing that 74C8 was a chokepoint and in normal range of my 347 I followed up with inherent FP to no effect, but leaving 1 Residual FP. The US squad hastened away until 74C10 where it was broken by a shot of my CX 447 in 74F10. Well done - and if any follow up Americans would try to pass through 74E10, I would still have a Final Fire option by that squad. More importantly, I needed my 8-0+MMG to be free to cover 74A10, B10 or C10. However, with the all important Firelane gone, the path along 74A8, B8, B9 was now open.

Rather than to put all eggs in one basket, the next 666 in 74C6 moved separately from a CX8-1 in the same hex. The one RFP in 74C8 broke first the squad and then the Leader. Sometimes it is the little things that matter - or not.

There was nothing now I could do to prevent the rest of the Americans from safely crossing "Death Alley". My 8-0+MMG was the only thing I had left to cover no less than three exit hexes in 74A10, B10, and C10. Unless that Leader kept ROF (not even sure if a non-fully manned MMG can keep ROF at all), there was no way to do it. And that Leader would be bound by Target Selection Limits by the US ADJACENT brokie in 74C10.

It was over. I reached over to congratulate my opponent for the win.

He said: "No mate, I congratulate you to your win."

Looking at him puzzled, he stated: "Even if your accursed 8-0+MMG does not do any damage, I am just one point short of units to exit to meet the VP requirement."


What a game! I felt that I was losing this one from the beginning after having lost three Squad Equivalents early and looking at a 3:1 disadvantage of squads (much less firepower). Later I thought I had lost because I had it in my mind that Japanese CVP mattered which I had exceeded - they didn't, only the Pillboxes and US exit VP. Then I was sure that the K/2'ing of my MMG crew on the exit line would do me in except in case of the most absurd chances. With my all-important FL boxcar'ing out and "Death Alley" open, I was convinced that even the remotest chances were dashed. It turned out, they weren't - just...

Bottom line:
Fight to the end!

Splendid scenario design by Bill Sisler. The board74 terrain makes this one special despite being Infantry only. It turned out that throughout the game both my opponent continuously believed we would not win this. Both of us came incredibly close. In the end the "little thing" - that 1 Residual FP in 74C8 did matter!
von Marwitz
Second Crack at Caumont cosarara
A Stiff Fight cosarara
Unhorsed cosarara
An Estonian InterludeUnusual scenario in that the defender moves first, and the obvious strategy is to run away as fast as possible to the victory building. The Russian setup might have been better; as it was I managed to retreat my units largely unhindered and - with a couple of fortunate DRs - got all of them back to building Y7 without taking any losses. It was then just a question of covering all the approaches and rotating my squads to maximise concealment, and the Russians just couldn't get in. A brave last rush across open ground with a commissar and 628 squad was hit with a DR or 3 on IFT2 -3 for a 2KIA, and it was all over. Never even managed the overrun with a TKS that I had been hoping for! Andy_Bagley
Death From AboveEven having played (and won) this scenario, I'm not sure if I like it or not. Very unusual in that the Russian attackers - mainly a cavalry force - are try to destroy German aircraft either on the ground or as they take off (SSRs cover). I tried to threaten the flanks by keeping a couple of cavalry in reserve, but my main attack was through the centre. More by luck than judgement, this turned out to be the right approach, as I was able to position my guns to fire at the German aircraft from long range (even with their short barrels), and even get some infantry close enough for IFT shots. Needed some low rolls, but I had enough of them.
One German plane got off the ground but had limited success with its subsequent air attacks. Two more were shot down as they took off, and a third was destroyed on the ground by a 75* Infantry Gun at long range - sufficient to give me the win. Not easy to see how the Germans could prevent this, although a more up-front defence to hold the centre might have been a better try.
Death From AboveThe “mystery” scenario at Double One tournament 2024. My opponent has already written this one up. I agree, I was so concerned about the Cavalry sweeping round the flanks to get to the airfield that I failed to sufficiently cover the centre (particularly with the AA Guns) from where he was able to destroy the aircraft taking off (HMG / mortar / squads all having shots) and ultimately knock out the third for victory with long range artillery fire. Simonstan
Twilight of the ReichWith all three Jagdpanthers still in the fight and looking well positioned with the remaining infantry support my opponent conceded ahead of playing out T5 Simonstan
Fire on Top BastionDouble One 2024 Main Round 1

I decided to go with strong flanking attacks to grab the two hills in the back field and threaten the front hill from the more covered approach. A small force crossed the ford to stage for a possible late game banzai to grab VP. Martin used his two wires to block the two stream end hexes, but although delayed I was able to force my way through. Martin had setup his main defense on the rear portion of the U6 hill, no doubt hoping to gain concealment, but a mortar team in L3 prevented that. Japanese losses were high but they had taken 15 of the available 17VP on hill U6 and were in position to take the majority on the back hills, at which point Martin conceded.
Paul Legg
Death From AboveDouble One 2024 Main Round 2

Having 3 boards to defend, albeit width wise with 8.5 Romanian squads feels very daunting. I setup to place the mmg and lmg to lay fire lanes to interdict the massed cavalry. Unfortunately the eastern squad cowered and the advanced cavalry were able to penetrate to the valley east of the airfield. The first plane that took off was able to get in a good attack on them as they obligingly lined up line astern. This resulted in 3 broken squads, although all 3 passed their bailing out checks. That was to be the only aerial attack as in turn 3 no target was spotted and on turn 4 the mgs malf'd. The broken squads would come back and take out one of the parked planes and imobilise a 2nd as it took off. The final plane was destroyed on take off by a critical hit from my own mortar which had been captured the turn before.
Paul Legg
A Grain of SandThis one was over very quickly as I defeated the team of Plachta and Dave Nicolas on the German turn 2. They immediately drove into two of my boresighted hexes on Turn 1 and two AFVs were down immediately. I got another one in my Prep and should have gotten a fourth with my IF shot but I botched the TK roll with a 10 when anything below a 9 would have worked. I got a HT loaded with passengers and burned it. After I had exhausted my fire, they drove one of their tanks up adjacent to mine and parked. Another one immobilized trying to get two more MP with ESB. I popped out my HIP squad from behind the first one, got a PF and burned the 5th AFV and then I pulled another PF out and nailed the immobilized AFV with it. They determined that at that point they were over the VP cap and called it a day. Fun scenario and I'll take a win against these two any day, but I think they were just a little too aggressive with their movement. tatumjonj
Reckless Raid Rich Weiley
Course d'Obstacles Sous un Ciel de PlombFirst to play and post. Updated version from LFT webpage.
Course d'Obstacles Sous un Ciel de PlombHard fought game. The Germans quickly gobbled up 12 buildings and then the French took 12. The French managed to retake the church for 13 and that was game and a French victory. grumblejones
Mayhem in ManilaReally fast playing scenario. I kind of diced my friends American forces after an initial round of cold dice during the first turn. My MTR went on a pretty decent rate tear and shredded the 10-2 kill stack which luckily for me, decided to stop in a woods hex. I nailed the Sherman with an IED and got the Priest with a T-H Hero. After that, the Americans tried to rush across the streets, but nothing good came from it. At best they pinned, and at worst received a CR. After the bottom of turn 3, the Americans were so badly roughed up that they didn't have enough manpower to meet the victory point requirements, so we called it. You'd think on a deluxe board 5.5 turns is plenty of time, but it wasn't. The Americans have to push hard and take some risks. With average luck for both sides, I could see this one going either way. Worth a play. Jude
Feast DayVery nice scenario. Grab buildings and don’t lose the church.

Andy had the advantage throughout but a snake-eyes in a close combat against my 9-2 on the last player turn was the nail in my Canadian coffin.
Fish in a BarrelMy fish were shot in the barrel. Couldn’t squeeze past the nashorns. Dave
Panzerpioniere!We used a 10VP Balance for the German fdapra
Shoulder to Shoulder fdapra
Panzerpioniere! cosarara
Shoulder to Shoulder cosarara
Fish in a BarrelI never stood much chance in this one after sending two of my T34s through the woods in H19 and H20, only to have both of them bog and subsequently immobilise - even the one with my armour leader! A third tank tried to run past the Nashorns on the hill and got shot, leaving me with a lone functioning tank. My infantry tried to push up the hill on the west side against stiff German opposition and I couldn't make sufficient progress to reach the victory area. I managed to get one of the Nashorns, but conceded when his Psk took out my last tank.

Feast DayAs Dave says, great scenario, although I thought it was pretty close and could have gone either way until that last turn snakeyes. We were both running out of troops by that stage and my task would have been very tricky had he won that CC. Andy_Bagley

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Map page and new search options
The Maps link on the left hand nav bar takes you to a maps page that provides the opportunity to search the maps via names and tags. The maps that don't have images will slowly get updated, and those who have admin rights can add tags to help scenario designers and players filter maps by a set of tags, such as Rural, City, Stream, etc.

You can update your map collection, in order to search by maps owned on the advanced search, by ticking the boxes on this page which should automatically update your map collection. The button that is on this page takes all publications that you own and adds the maps that are listed on those into your collection.

As always, a big thanks to those who help populate this data!
Map data update
The way maps are stored under-the-hood has been changed. Previously maps were simply strings of text that were split into map_strings and added to the scenario. They weren't really unique map rows, which meant that there could be duplicates with similar names, and it wasn't really feasible to do nicer things with them, like attach images to them, or work out which publications they were from.

This has changed now, and the data has been ported across to the new map objects. All that's missing is the publication->map data, ie, which publications have which maps!

For those that like to edit and update these things, it's now possible to enter the maps for each publication (by logging in and editing the publication page and adding the maps). If we can get a good set of this data we can do things like "show me scenarios that I own the maps for" and other module dependencies for scenarios.

I've not done the same for overlays, because it seems a bit more of an overhead, but in theory it would be possible, but maybe a bit too much effort.

Finally - you can now hover over the map values within the scenarios and publication pages (if the maps have been added to them yet) to see a map preview. If the map image isn't there yet, it might need updating, but the standard ones should all work - I think!
Advanced Search tidy up
Thanks to JP whose eagle-eyes spotted a couple of small issues, the advanced search is now correctly handling third party/official searches and remembering your selection of starter kit preference during a search.
March Madness 2023: 10th Mountain Division pack - now available for download
Thanks to the guys over in Kansas, and Encircled productions, the archive is now hosting the 2023 10th Mountain Division pack.

Price is $15 and the pack features 9 scenarios and a 4 scenario campaign which can be played as individual scenarios or as the connected mini-campaign.

Balance reporting
You can now add balance to reported games and view a balance report for scenarios. The balance range comes from assistance of Indy and is an implementation of the Wald Interval algorithm.

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Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs4h 6s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Defender's Guns4h 6s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the unit counts6h 26m 40s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 26m 40s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 26m 40s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the unit counts6h 27m 55s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 27m 55s ago
Tenacious TakikawaHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 27m 55s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the unit counts6h 31m 11s ago
Plugged by VlugHutch Modified the unit counts6h 31m 45s ago
Manila MadnessHutch Modified the unit counts6h 32m 32s ago
Manila MadnessHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 32m 32s ago
Manila MadnessHutch Modified the Unit Elements6h 34m 27s ago
Plugged by VlugHutch Modified the unit counts6h 36m 19s ago
Plugged by VlugHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns6h 36m 19s ago
Plugged by VlugHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 36m 19s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the misc. rules6h 39m 24s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the unit counts6h 40m 34s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns6h 40m 34s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 40m 34s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs6h 41m 52s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the unit counts6h 41m 53s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the unit counts6h 42m 51s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns6h 42m 51s ago
Herman's HeaterHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 42m 51s ago
The Horiuchi HustleHutch Modified the unit counts6h 46m 14s ago
The Gotanda GambitHutch Modified the unit counts6h 47m 25s ago
Sumatra SkirmishHutch Modified the unit counts6h 49m 3s ago
The Nut Lane BlockhouseHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 50m 28s ago
The Nut Lane BlockhouseHutch Modified the unit counts6h 51m 8s ago
The Nut Lane BlockhouseHutch Modified the unit counts6h 52m 21s ago
The Nut Lane BlockhouseHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 52m 21s ago
Sumatra SkirmishHutch Modified the Unit Elements6h 54m 1s ago
Cadets at the CrossroadsHutch Modified the unit counts6h 55m 20s ago
Cadets at the CrossroadsHutch Modified the Unit Elements6h 56m 4s ago
The Gotanda GambitHutch Modified the Unit Elements6h 58m 14s ago
The Horiuchi HustleHutch Modified the Unit Elements7h 1m 11s ago
Sumatra SkirmishHutch Modified the unit counts7h 2m 34s ago
Sumatra SkirmishHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns7h 2m 34s ago
The Gotanda GambitHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns7h 4m 3s ago
The Gotanda GambitHutch Modified the Defender's Guns7h 4m 3s ago
The Gotanda GambitHutch Modified the unit counts7h 4m 4s ago
The Horiuchi HustleHutch Modified the unit counts7h 5m 38s ago
The Horiuchi HustleHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns7h 5m 38s ago
Panzer Graveyardlt_steiner Added a playing7h 6m 35s ago
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Changsha ChainsawHutch Removed a map7h 8m 47s ago
Changsha ChainsawHutch Modified the misc. rules7h 9m 25s ago
Changsha ChainsawHutch Modified the unit counts7h 11m 20s ago
Brush OffAndy_Bagley Added a playing7h 42m 38s ago
Bloody Bois JacquesASLSKGwahlur Added a playing8h 16m 40s ago
Bloody Bois JacquesASLSKGwahlur Rated the scenario8h 23m 58s ago
Second Cristotdmareske Added a playing9h 11m 4s ago
Scouts OutRic of The LBC Added a playing10h 26m 35s ago
Blood Amongst The PinesDanno Added a playingYesterday
Acts of Defiancedsoukup Added a playingYesterday
Bridge Over the River QueenDispang12 Added a playingYesterday
Bridge Over the River QueenDispang12 Rated the scenarioYesterday
Bridge Over the River QueenLorenzoknight Added a playingYesterday
Bridge Over the River QueenLorenzoknight Rated the scenarioYesterday
Breakin' Into the SlammerJude Added a playingYesterday
Breakin' Into the SlammerJude Rated the scenarioYesterday
Raid at Cerreto Altovon Garvin Added a playingYesterday
All Down the LineAndy_Bagley Added a playingYesterday
Vogt's RitterkreuzBongiovanni Added a playingYesterday
Apenas Nos HablamosYarlis Uploaded the Board imageYesterday
Necesitamos un CuartelYarlis Modified the misc. rulesYesterday
Necesitamos un CuartelYarlis Modified the Unit ElementsYesterday
Necesitamos un CuartelYarlis Uploaded the Board imageYesterday
Mountain Marinesiperboreano Added a playingYesterday
Mountain Marinesiperboreano Rated the scenarioYesterday
The T-PatchersBongiovanni Added a playingYesterday
Blood Amongst The Pinesgrumblejones Added a playingYesterday
Westerplatte 1939 Campaign GameJobbo_Fett Added a playing2 days ago
Trial by Shellfire - The Fourth DayJobbo_Fett Added a playing2 days ago
Konrad ThreeDanno Added a playing2 days ago
Konrad Threegrumblejones Added a playing2 days ago
Silesian Interludestrategos Added a playing2 days ago
Silesian Interludestrategos Rated the scenario2 days ago
The KrinkelterwaldPaul Legg Added a playing2 days ago
Death From AbovePaul Legg Added a playing2 days ago
Fire on Top BastionPaul Legg Added a playing2 days ago
Deadeye SmoyerSimonstan Added a playing2 days ago
Fire on Top BastionPaul Legg Linked the scenario to ROAR2 days ago
Twilight of the ReichSimonstan Added a playing2 days ago
Feast DayPaul Legg Added a playing2 days ago
Feast DayPaul Legg Linked the scenario to ROAR2 days ago
Fish in a BarrelPaul Legg Added a playing2 days ago
Fire from the Holejrwusmc Added a playing2 days ago
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Too Rapid An AdvanceDanno Added a playing3 days ago
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Into The Rubble 2 126.43
AH:ASL Annual `91 166.42
Schwerpunkt #17 126.42
ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition) 86.41
Tactiques # 8 106.40
Schwerpunkt #16 126.40
Rally Point #13 106.40
HASL 11 - Sword & Fire: Manila 306.40
G.I.'s Dozen 136.39
ASL Journal # 6 156.38
Out of the Attic #2 166.38
Rivers to the Reich 156.37
ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition) 546.37
Critical Hit # 4 106.36
Tactiques # 1 106.36
Witches Cauldron: Oosterbeek Perimeter 166.36
AH:ASL Annual `89 156.35
Recon by Fire! #4 146.32
Franc-Tireur#12 126.32
Tropic Thunder! 126.31
Franc-Tireur #7 116.31
Tactiques # 6 86.31
Franc-Tireur#13 176.31
Quick 6 Scenario Pack II 66.31
Nor'easter Scenario Pack II 156.31
Blitzkrieg Pack 186.30
High Ground! 86.30
Winpak #1 106.30
ASL Action Pack #18 Oktoberfest XXXVII 146.30
ASL 2 - Paratrooper (2nd Edition) 86.29
ASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX 106.29
Onslaught To Orsha 2 326.29
Out of the Attic 166.28
Critical Hit # 3 186.28
Tactiques # 9 106.28
Dezign Pak 2 126.28
ASL Action Pack # 7 106.28
From The Cellar Pack #6 106.28
ASL Action Pack #11 29 Let's Go! 106.27
Schwerpunkt #21 126.27
Corregidor: The Rock 216.27
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (3rd Edition) 246.26
Fanatic Pack 1 126.25
Rally Point #16 106.25
HASL 10b - Red October 116.25
Rally Point #18 106.25
Berlin: Red Vengeance 116.23
March Madness `97 Pack 126.23
ASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle! 176.23
ASL 15 - Forgotten War 166.23
Hero PAX 1: Hurtgen Hell to Bulge Nightmare 86.22
Armoured Aussie Pack 76.22
Rally Point # 6 106.22
Dezign Pak 7 126.22
Tactiques # 2 106.21
Rally Point # 8 106.21
Dezign Pak 4 156.20
Schwerpunkt #15 126.20
Covered 136.20
ASL 4 - Partisan! 86.19
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (2nd Edition) 86.19
Internet: MMP 66.19
The Canadians In Italy 1: The Red Patch Devils in Sunny Sicily 86.17
Out of the Bunker 146.17
Schwerpunkt #19 126.16
Franc-Tireur#15 226.16
Franc-Tireur #8 106.15
Rally Point # 9 106.13
The Canadians In Italy 2: The Spaghetti League 126.09
Schwerpunkt # 3 126.09
Schwerpunkt #18 126.08
Buckeyes! 106.07
From The Cellar Pack #7 106.07
Franc-Tireur#14 326.07
ASL 6 - The Last Hurrah (2nd Edition) 86.05
ASL 8 - Code of Bushido 86.05
HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II 86.05
Time on Target # 1 136.05
Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide! 86.04
Schwerpunkt # 2 126.04
Backblast # 2 86.03
SASL 1 - Solitaire ASL (2nd Edition) 216.00
Recon by Fire! #1 86.00
Waffen-SS I: No Quarter No Glory! 66.00
Objective: Schmidt 176.00
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) 106.00
Dezign Pak 8 105.98
Schwerpunkt # 1 125.93
HASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far 125.91
The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers 105.91
Paddington Bears '97 Pack 85.90
Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign 65.90
Dezign Pak 3 155.89
Southern Cross Scenario Pack `96 65.88
Time on Target # 2 215.87
Deluxe Pack #1 125.87
HASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa 105.85
Hero PAX 2: Eastern Front Hero Fest 85.83
From the Cellar Pack#12 115.82
ASLOK 2005 - 20th Anniversary Scenario Pack 105.81
Wacht Am Rhein 165.73
Winpak #2 65.68
ASL For Fun-LCP 325.68
Melee Pack I 65.63
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell 85.60
All American I: Kellam's Bridge 105.52
Leibstandarte Pack 3 - Clash at Kharkov! 85.48
Panzer Aces 65.43
Shingle's List 85.42
Hell's Highway 65.35
Guerra Civil: The Spanish Civil War 125.20
Firefights! 65.19
The Long March 175.16
Soldiers of the Negus 84.93

Top rated players

As of July 1, 2024. Grey players are inactive. Filter Active: View all
1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1651395
3Paul Works3551350
4Paolo Cariolato8321308
5Stefan Fiedler351292
6Steven Linton501285
7patrick palma4871283
8Aaron Cleavin561273
9Philippe Briaux321267
10jon smith551242
11Indy Lagu
12Justin DiSabatino
13Aaron Sibley2751228
14Craig Benn461227
15Gordon Jupp4281225
16Paul Messina581216
17randy shurtz391209
18David Stoffey401208
19nathan wegener6421208
20Michael Focht771207
21Tom Kearney5291204
22Sam Tyson261193
23Carl Nogueira181189
24Curtis Brooks251184
25Seumas Hoskins631182
26M T901175
27Eric Topp
28Simon Staniforth
29John Garlic1041171
30Kevin Sanders1181170
31Douglas Leslie
32Brian Wiersma201168
33Tony Fermendzin351165
34Lionel Colin661164
35Vilis Pavulans1491160
36Steven Pleva121158
37B-E Karlsson1251158
38Scott Fischbein1061157
39Spencer Armstrong561153
40Jobbo Fett
41david ginnard271149
42Robert Wolkey191149
43Will Fleming181149
44Sean Mitchell251148
45Paul Sidhu161147
46Mark Moore271143
47César Moreno451143
48davide galloni1411142
49Igor Luckyanov371141
50Dave Mareske
51Andy Bagley
52Raoul Duke1011137
53Don Lazov861136
54Derek Ritter211135
55Scott Hasson241135
56Alessandro Demichelis291135
57John O'Reilly171135
58Gerard Burton1851131
59Andrew Young141126
60Steve Bowen441125
61John Boyle381124
62David Douglas71123
63Larry Rohlfing1711122
64Martin Mayers911119
65Melvin Falk91119
66Miguel Guerrero91118
67Darren Kovacs111118
68Martin Vicca241117
69S. Slunt621117
70Björn Lorenzen151116
71Martí Cabré3231115
72Rami Saarinen831115
73Greg Barsness551115
74Michael Augustine171114
75Chuck Hammond131114
76P-J Palmer121114
77Enrico Catanzaro221114
78JP Laurio2261113
79Chris Mazzei171110
80John Gorkowski461109
81Juhani Bonsdorff111108
82Louis Langdeau611108
83Rick Reinesch151107
84Davide Bendazzi881105
85Jeffrey wasserman921104
86J. R. Tracy121104
87Brian Lazewski121103
88Rich Weiley
89Tom Weniger71101
90Steve Bond661100
91Jim Thompson101100
92stan jackson321098
93Fred Ingram8171097
94Bruno NITROSSO121097
95David Reenstra351097
96Michael Rodgers
97Peter Dunn191096
98Tom Mueller171096
99Sebastia Hummel151096
100Alan Peterson641096

Newest players - welcome!

cgreggChris Gregg2024-06-27 18:17:12
KJ9991Josh Klein2024-06-25 16:19:13
Deathtouch101William Prucyk2024-06-22 04:04:07

On this day...

NEWS60 Call Them IronsidesFour Throws, Kent, England1940
EP79 Teutonic KnightsGubnik, Russia1941
HP18 Flame Tree HillGarapan, Saipan1944
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