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Frank's Tanks Rich Weiley
Tir Au Pigeon (Shooting at Pigeons)This is a puzzle for the Germans to get all the guns and tanks in the right position to engage the KV. Mud and bog-check make some problems for the Germans, and the don't have a lot of stuff to kill the KV - but in this game the very 1'st shot from a 50L AT was crit, and the KV was burning. Surprise in turn 5.

A nice game and good for learning about MUD and moving guns if you are German player, a bit boring for the Russian player.
Extracurricular ActivityResigned as the Hungarian player after turn 3 after half my force was broken trying to cross row I. There didn’t seem an effective way back and from turn 2 time pressure had begun to build.
The Hungarian tanks are poor and the squads were brittle. I am probably just not a good enough player to apply the order of battle effectively.
One of my first attempts at an Urban Scenario setting and Martin schooled me in the use of his squads.
Shklov's Labors Lost igycrctl
Raff's DilemmaAmericans lost two AFV and the half-track early on but still managed to break the German defenses by end of Turn 5. Kydder
Stand Fast the Guards Heloanjin
Gun & Run Bongiovanni
Morning's PerilPerfect game with VASLing with Stew. I landed most of the gliders next to the wire fence and breaches and could land pretty well unscathed except for my HMG and HS which bought it in a crash. Back and forth, including a very dicey combat in the NE gunpit that saw the Fallschirmjaeger hang on by a thread, before attacking while CXd in CC. If that flank had fallen than a real collapse could have ensued. Leader Creation for the Germans was way too good, with three leaders (2x8-1, 1 x 8-0) and a Heroic HoB in the course of 5.5 turns. Stew tried to push the last AA gun out of range, but his crew was clipped with a hail-mary shot. (VASL Log) Ahriman667
Let's Dance toffee
11th Company Counterattack Bongiovanni
Pössl’s PosseRussians got early momentum by executing a successful Turn 1 Human Wave. There were various swings back and forth throughout the game, but the Russians carried the day with a little extra to spare. Sgt Rock comic book event was a DC toting 9-1 leader ran into an adjacent open ground adjacent to the Marder (that was out of HE). A nearby infantry fired, and the 9-1 HOB'd to a heroic 9-2. The Marder fired its BMG and broke it. It then fired AP 3 times at it for no effect. The leader placed the DC poorly (no attack on the Marder itself), but the Specific Collateral Attack resulted in a 1KIA (STUN) on the crew. Augie
Smashing the 3rdRussians got lucky with one tank taking out three German tanks in one fire phase. With half the tanks gone and two more shocked the German player called the game early. dmareske
11th Company CounterattackTook the Finns in this fun little scenario from Hakka Paalle. They have the advantage of range and high morale but it is not easy to break every Russian unit. After a couple of turns of ineffective fire, the Russian defenders finally started to break under fire. The key moment was when my lone surviving BT tank passed its movement TC to "bypass freeze" two 628s with a leader. This resulted in the worst possible outcome in the CCPh when the tank was immobilized and thus held the defenders in melee while the Finnish infantry moved in for the kill. Better still, in the next turn it managed to hit the defenders with its MA and break them. This allowed the Finns to storm the "Alamo building" which was defended by a lone 527 with an ATR. In the end it came down to a CC battle at odds of 1 to 1 in which the Finns eventually prevailed by reducing the Russians to a HS in the first CC before finishing them off in the final turn. This could very easily have gone the other way and it is easy to see why the results are do close in previous playings. Dougban
The Governor Cpl Wright
Frontal Attack!A very fun scenario with a tighter-than expected finish, aggressive movements, and devastating dice rolls. The Finns must attempt to run across open ground, and mine were immediately set back by a pair of breaks thanks to poor MCs, which would continue for the majority of the scenario. The Finnish mortar broke immediately and was never repaired, eventually being abandoned to try for the objective.

I ignored skies in my playthrough as I thought it would do more harm than good, but that turned out to be false. Although I did make it to the road, an extra turn would not have been missed by the Finns! The Russians need to be patient, and a little bit lucky, and try to pluck at any unlucky Finns that take a chance when moving.

Ultimately, my game came down to the tank rolling incredibly well 3 times in a row, blasting the only avenue of approach the Finns could take to try and secure a victory. Fun stuff, surprised it hasn't been played/recorded more often!
Red Churchills atomic
Taking HeadsI was shellacked. My inferior tactics could not withstand so many low rolls by Peter. Over after Turn 2. usmcwo1
Morning's PerilDuplicate entry See recent entry.
Rob had a problem with his Log file on YT. So, I uploaded mine. (VASL Log)
Sheep in Wolf's ClothingAgain with the overlays...and the grain probably was best kept in the game. At any rate the 2 ELR Germans went down early and hard as the British hit them from two sides. The reinforcing Germans ran into a buzzsaw upon entry and all but the 9-1, crew with the MTR and a 4-4-7 didn't break. Germans conceded at that point. grumblejones
The Puma ProwlsAt a moment odds seemed to favour the Russians until one of the two remaining T70 got immobilized and the way to exit was open for the last Puma. A close victory for the Germans with 6 VP to 5. lt_steiner
Sheep in Wolf's ClothingFirst to play and post. Danno
Day at Night Dispang12
Aussie Alamo
Defiance on Hill 30 PeterA
Securing Cider CrossroadsThe Germans got some good SMOKE and were able to advance against the dug-in British. The Mtrs were able to cause damage, but the Germans broke enough Brits to get one tank at the Crossroads and fend off a meager counterattack. Germans were able to get the victory and gain a major victory in the campaign game. dmareske
Securing Cider CrossroadsFirst to play and post. Danno
The Hour Zero Dispang12
Broken ColumnFirst to play and post. Danno
Broken ColumnTough scenario for the British. In fact, I honestly don't see how any British Player wins this one without some bad German rolls. It will be interesting to see if someone can figure out this Gordian Knot as the British. German Sniper hit my Jeeps and immobilized one and broke two of the crews. So my jeeps never got rolling. The first German MLR on Board 42 held me back all the way to Turn 6 and then I still had two more ambush points to go through. So I conceded on Turn 6, because there was no way I had any chance to win. And the Overlays...we have over 100 boards...let's stop using overlays...especially when they are designed to just script the result. grumblejones
Welcome Back toffee
Ruckdeschel's Attack Lluison
Gut PunchThe defenders tried to deceive the Soviet enemy, numerous and attacking in force, by making thembelieve in a strong German resistance in the factories. A festival of desperate panzerfaust shots eliminated a few tanks but not enough., The Tiger II and the 88 AA gun did some part as well. Six Russian tanks ended burning but still 4 others moving. A glimmer of hope was born when a charge of German conscripts unexpectedly managed to re-enter the factories, adding doubt in the minds of the Russian attackers. Last turn, the Soviets commited all their forces and manage to eliminate the 3 remaining resistance nodes.
A Soviet victory in a scenario which offers a lot of choice on both sides and thus ensures good replayability.
The Overlook Danno
The OverlookBritish defended at level 2 and forced the Germans to come at them into the open ground killing zone. British Hero knocked out both Flame Tanks and the German assault on the left and center was pushed back and then mopped up leaving only the 9-1 and the assault up the hill on the right. The British were able to hold the Germans for the win. grumblejones
Night of Nights Dispang12
Bricks in Flames Danno
Bricks in FlamesIn games like this, you must get results as the Defender. My British broke some German squads, but couldn't stop the Schwerpunkt along the west edge...the very side that the scenario designer left wide open for the Germans. My British did their best, but only knocked out 3 of the tanks before MALF'ing a critical AT Gun and losing the mortar crew. And where pray tell is the mortar supposed to set up...good grief. The SSR's are just awful. No RoF for the British guns are German Turn 1 and only half-movement for he German tanks....why....?? The Germans managed to get one tank across the open ground with a bunch of squads and then the flames burned the living hell out of my squads with a 2 KIA result on my 9-1 and 6-4-8 with the HMG. That was game. The British cannot miss...they must destroy all four tanks or there will be hell to pay. grumblejones
Bridge Over the River Queen
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing JimT1277
Commando SchenkeSteve and I had a great game, came down to the very last turn in a last ditch effort to storm building 1X4 last two hexes. dlazov
A Bridgehead Too WetThe Germans had some unexpected trouble with the British armor, losing a PzIV and getting a PzIII immobilized in the tank battle. After the British tanks were gone they were however able to take the required trenches by Turn 8.

We played this to practice some basic desert rules. It's a nice enough scenario, though the British player is pretty much condemned to just sitting in the trenches after his armor is gone - which will most likely happen sooner or later. This would probably also work as a solo game.
Not Fade AwayPlayed over two sessions, and I dicebotted Ian in both of them. It was still close at the end : in the final turn, the Americans had a 3:1 CC to take a building for an 8-point swing in VP to win the game, but gacked the roll. Gamer72
Ad Hoc at Chef-Du-Pont cub99
SzczukiThe Polish defense concentrate around the objective buildings, concealing themselves from German view. The Panzers IB moved forward in two groups but were soon either immobilized or destroyed by ATR, mortar and armored cars. Meanwhile, the German infantry steadily progressed through orchard or grain. The German ATR finally took out the feared armored cars turning around and firing with their gun and rear MGs. This allowed German troops to progress on their right wing and take the first bulding. The Polish defenders resisted quite well. In the last turn, the final German assault succeeded at last in breaking the Poles and secure victory with the unique half-squad able to control the building. A huge festival of DR2 for both sides and sniper activation. A fun play.
Two or three more OB-given concealment counters would have been great for the Poles.
Lee's Charge manzoliandrea72
Defiant ConfrontationThe Finns put up a valiant defence, but a miss-play with which hex to send the HIP Hero in at the start, and some poor luck in turns 2 and 3 saw the Finnish defense falter and simply collapse. The Russians lost a lot of troops initially, a full stack being No Quartered back to the counter tray, and subsequently losing all their SWs thanks to the bitter cold weather.

The Finns really suffer from their small OOB, only having 4 half-squads (Not 4 squads as the above would suggest). The variable reinforcements is lovely, but the errata says to reduce the victory conditions of "Russians must control 4 buildings" to 3, which is almost an automatic victory based on the location/entry for the Russians vis-a-vis the Finns. Don't use the errata, maybe consider giving the Finns an extra half-squad. Fun nonetheless, and quick.
Morgan's StandA solid performance by the German attackers. In spite of some serious infantry losses on Turn 2, the Bosche got their HT on board during Turn 3 and it ran straight through town, surviving a couple of BAZ attacks (darn boxcars!) and wound up sitting on the victory bridgehead hex by mid-game! Three turns later, the Germans had a tight grip on the bridgehead with a leader, LMG, two full squads, a Pz IV and a Stug. At turn six, I rolled for reinforcements and got a 6 when I needed a 5, so I conceded the game at that point. The American reinforcements never got on the board. Great game, Bill! Jplott94
Baking Bread NicolasLL
A Breezeless DayThe Germans got mauled early on in their approach, then I concentrated on keeping CVP losses to minimum. They barely made it!
In Turn 7 with all Americans broken I had just enough (exactly 70 Exit VP) left to exit. I did manage to also Control ALL buildings on board 42.
The Lion, DrivenA combination of poor initial Japanese setup and poor DRs (or good Allied DRs, e.g. snakeyes vs my Banzai) meant I was always losing this one. The Commonwealth troops quickly cleared the southern woods and the roadblock, so it was up to my reinforcements to try to get next to the road. I tried my sneakiest, and it went down to the last turn where I still had a very remote chance, but luck was still not with me so a comfortable Commonwealth win in the end. Andy_Bagley
A Ridge Too Far NicolasLL
Bowden's Wood Lionelc62
Urban GuerillasVASL League Round 4 Bongiovanni
Across the Rio Grande Danno
Across the Rio GrandeYep...I was the Swedes...any bets on how that went for me?? Yeah, I got blasted by the gun and lost another squad in CC to a HIP 3-2-8...and I conceded on Turn was just time to move on from this scenario.
The Factory 'Aprilia'The way the American reinforcements enter is certainly a key to victory. Here, they decided to enter on turn 2 cutting withdrawal possibilities for the first group of Germans. With that move, they easily gained 3 of the required multihex buildings. However, this allowed the Germans to the East to regroup and defend their positions. And thus they did slowing the American progress. They managed to get one more building through successful assault and another by a flanking maneuver. On the last turn, the American still needed the control of one multihex building. They launched the assault on this heavily defended building which was the German HQ. Most of the US troops broke but they managed to enter the building and get some CC with no success. A fun scenario for a German victory. lt_steiner
Bridge Over the River Queen A15.4er
Volunteers Became Scarce Bongiovanni
Ad Hoc at Chef-Du-Pont Danno
Busting in Balta asloser
Maczek Fire BrigadeFun scenario with my Poles able to hold off the Germans with a loss of 6 buildings at game end. Germans MALF'd all of their Main Armaments, which allowed the Poles to knock out the armor and hold off the infantry long enough for the win. grumblejones
Maczek Fire BrigadeFirst to play and post. Danno
Armored Car SavikurkiThe Finnish supermen were able to evacuate safely despite breaking on an unlucky set of morale checks at the first possible chance. There's something to be said about the poor quality of the Soviets and the Finns that can make or break the enjoyment one has with a scenario like this.

I would have much preferred if the victory condition included not losing the Armored Car (else you raise the EVP required from 5 to 7) to make life a little more dangerous for the attacker. I'd be curious to know how most of the ROAR victories for the Russians happened (an impossible ask) as I really think this one comes down to a few lucky rolls and then forcing surrenders for them.
Legion of DoomA tough fight for the Croatians. The 8 morale of the NKVD proved to be enough to withstand the final onslaught of the Croatians. An exciting finish, but the Croatians needed a miracle. dmareske
The Cactus Farm[Imported from ROAR] asloser
Tanks in the StreetGakked my setup but still made it interesting. Museumfest. wwillow
First Matanikau Danno
First MatanikauFun scenario. Japanese got a lot of 3's with low factor shots and pinned and/or broke the Marines. Japanese got the win in a bloody confrontation. grumblejones
Sabres CrossedAn exercise in frustration for me. As the North Koreans,
you are attacking uphill against dug in Americans who have
3 81mm MTRs and you have almost zero cover. As such,
I never thought I had much of a chance.

As others have opined, this feels tough on the N Koreans.

I'm willing to bet that I missed something as Pete Shelling's
designs aren't typically dependent upon a trick.

Rob would rate this an 8. I could not.

To be sure, there is a lot of replayabilty. I'm not sure I'd
play this one again.
Indy Lagu
A Bloody HarvestIncredibly fun game. The Polish defenders had 3 heat of battle rolls, resulting in surrender, berserk and finally a battle hardening. Came down to the final defensive fire roll! The most fun I’ve had so far with ASL. Gravy_Bread
Legio Patria Nostra NicolasLL
Hurricane BiakThis PTO action by Andy Rogers is set in June 1944 featuring an Infantry only fight in the vincinity of Mokmer airfield on Biak in Dutch New Guinea which the Allies wanted to capture while on their strategic push towards the Philippines. Some US forces tried to circumvent the coastal defences to approach from inland, but the Japanese did interfere, with part of the latter finding themselves surrounded and trying to break out.

The objective for the Japanese is to exit a certain amount of VP along a narrow stretch of the northern board edge with Prisoners not counting double. The playing area consists of two half boards with both sides setting up some forces onboard and receiving reinforcements from offboard.
It is notable, that the Japanese only enjoy a marginal advantage in the number of squad equivalents and weaponry (14 plus a crew with 4 Leaders, 1x MMG, 3x LMG, 3x 50mm MTR vs. 12.5, 4 Leaders, 2x MMG, 1x 60mm MTR).

Being an Andy Rogers design, I fully expected the scenario to develop into a vicious close-in fight culminating in a very few hexes when first looking at it.

The Terrain:
PTO is in effect including Light Jungle. All water depictions are Level 0 Open Ground, all Marsh and Swamp is Light Jungle – something which VASL is not able to mirror. Kindling and – more importantly – Entrenching are NA. During the first two turns, a +1 pre-dawn LV Hindrance is in effect.

The terrain is represented by the oldies but goldies halfboards 38 and 35. Been there, done that. Maybe some other boards might have been able to be found for some novelty. But on the other hand, just a single SSR, no overlays, familiar boards, and a simple Infantry-only OoB's make this comparably easy to set up and play. In fact, it might serve quite well as a learning-scenario for PTO.

The main force of the Japanese sets up roughly in the western half in the middle of the southern board. They will initially have to cover some Kunai which will provide some cover somewhat improved by the +1 LV hindrance. The middle of the playing area is covered by patches of Light Jungle, Palm Trees, and some Bamboo. The Japanese reinforcements will enter into the middle ground from the east, offering some chance to flank the defenders.

After the Japanese have overcome the middle ground, the terrain becomes more open, which will provide the Americans with the challenge to eventually fall back across it and the pursuing Japanese to attack across it.

The north-western most part of the playing area forms the American „Alamo“ position. Relevant patches of Bamboo make it a boon for the defenders albeit these can also become a bane if the defending Americans get stuck in front of the Bamboo when the Japanese close in. Altogether, though, the „Alamo“ substantially helps the defenders, who need to make the best of this terrain in the end game. The US reinforcements conveniently can enter anywhere along the north edge.

American Considerations:
The US setup area requires the Americans to set up in the wider middle of the playing area. It is immediately obvious, that they will have to fight a fall-back defence. Initially, they are up against three Japanese Leaders, two of which are a 10-1 and a 9-1 leading 3x 448 Elite squads and 7x 447 First Liners.

As the Japanese have no options but to cross the Kunai towards the Americans, you may bet that they will use Banzai Charges to boost their Morale to dizzy heights, taking the +1 LV hindrance as a bonus.

Kunai is fine terrain to lay firelanes, which can be especially effective against Impulse Movement. But 2 Firelane Residual FP flat shots (-1 FFNAM, +1 LV) will still have trouble scratching Morale Levels of 10 and 11 which are not subject to Pinning during the charge. Heck, hardly anything can stop these fanatics yearning to give their lives for the Emperor. And exactly this is the problem the Americans face. If the Japanese succeed in initiating H-t-H Close Combat and/or Melee, evil things might befall the Americans and a timely retreat might become exceedingly difficult. Or the US might lose squads early that they will direly need to defend the „Alamo“ later. Furthermore, if the Japanese manage to stay right on the heels of the retreating Americans, the latter might find themselves having to cross the Open Ground before reaching their „Alamo“ under Japanese fire. If this weren't enough, the Americans might get trapped in the middle ground by the reinforcing Japanese entering from the east if they linger too long.

Likely, this is exactly what Andy „H-t-H Melee“ Rogers had in mind.
But as the defending Americans, this is exactly not what you want to let happen.

So you need to watch out that the initial Banzai Charge will mostly just fall short of being able to reach you. And you need to make sure that you don't get caught up by the Japanese in the middle ground. Instead, your objective should be to get the bulk of your force back across the Open Ground to reach the „Alamo“. This also includes to take precautions that your broken units can make it back to the „Alamo“. After all, if they have some time of respite which they will not get in the middle ground, the Americans tend to rally quickly. To that end, it may be necessary to sacrifice some US units if this allows you to delay the Japanese onslaught just enough to enable your fallback.

Once in the „Alamo“, make the Japanese pay dearly for crossing the more Open Ground south of it. And then, a „wall of bodies“, even if broken, can be enough to foil even the most vicious Japanese for just that turn of time to deny them victory by exiting the required number of EVP. To prepare your „wall of bodies“ for the end game, you should deploy throughout the previous turns. The Japanese will rush after you, so most of the time the shorter range will not matter that much. At the same time creating more targets and thereby dividing up Japanese fire can be beneficial to you.

Japanese Considerations:
„The shortest route to victory is 14 to 18 hexes for which you have 6 Turns, so you can make it in just two successive Banzai Charges! The soft gum-chewing Americans have about just half the morale that you have while Banzaiing. This means that with expected roughly even OoB's, your strength is just twice as big as that of your enemy. On top of that, while normally the filthy Americans are supported by several battleships, scores of destroyers, and half a dozen squadrons of bombers and fighter bombers - not to mention battalions of tanks and regiments of artillery to take out a single pillbox close to the coast, they have none of that here. Have our scouts descried that inevitable 7-0 with a Radio? In fact, yes, they have. And I have personally beheaded him while he was casually lagging behind to take a leak. I also have beheaded his radio for good measure. This is why you'll not find them on the scenario card!“ Rifleman Tanaka ponders the inspirational words of Captain Mitsukami: The Captain has always had a reputation of being absolutely intrepid and resolute facing off any odds for the glory of the Emperor. But even if half of his words were true much less than Mitsukami's imagined "doubled" Japanese force might indeed pull it off in more than double the time forseen by the Captain.

Naturally, there is no time to lose. There is never any time to lose in ASL. The only occasion to lose lots of time in ASL is when you try to rally your 10-3 Leader in vain for consecutive Turns after he gacked his MC following that 1FP @ +1 shot. You can respire in relief as you have no 10-3. Sometimes, the historical notes provide a hint regarding the tactics to be applied in the given scenario. In this case, the hint is found even before that:

Scenario Design: Andy Rogers

Usually, this means that you will end up with stacks of units concentrated in a few hexes and then drop a fistful of H-t-H Melee counters on top of that general area. Before you know it and before the SMOKE clears [EXC: Gusts], everyone has been slaughtered but a few survivors covered in gore that are yet too dazed to realize that they have just won the scenario.

The fastest way to cover ground and your Japanese in gore and with H-t-H Melee counters naturally is to conduct a Banzai Charge. Or several of them. The initial approach does not leave much room for subtlety, and for the first two Turns you can take advantage of the +1 LV hindrance for Pre-Dawn conditions to mitigate some of the US firepower. Your high Morale and the Kunai will do the rest. And your swords and bayonets, needless to say. If the Americans set up too far forward, this will likely play into your hands. If you have ended your Banzai Charge and become Lax and subsequently advance into CC in Jungle terrain, you have to consider the Ambush odds. But once the Japanese are in H-t-H, evil things tend to happen. If the issue is not decided immediately, locking the Americans in Melee for a turn might already be enough to spell his doom as this can enable other Japanese units to swarm in and possibly take advantage of the lower US Morale when pouring bullets into a Melee.

After you have reached the middle of the playing area, you should attempt to break the US right there and to prevent it from escaping beyond the rather open area beyond. Cutting Rout Paths of the retreating Americans is probably your most efficient way to inflict damage on the enemy. I believe that the game is won or lost in the middle of the playing area. Besides hurting the Americans as described, the Japanese should attempt to stay on their heels so that they can fire at them when they have to cross the open area to fall back to their „Alamo“. The Americans do have the chance to mostly avoid that, but in order to do so, they rather have to run backwards rather than to merely conduct a fighting withdrawal with most of their troops. If they retreat quickly, then the Japanese can follow up quickly, which will win them time for the end-game. Whatever the Japanese do, they will never be able to „outrun“ the US Turn 2 reinforcements. But if the Japanese are able to hurt the Americans badly in the middle area, the US reinforcements might turn out to be insufficient to prevent Japanese victory.

Before the end-game, at least some American forces will have reached the „Alamo“ area. But unless they have been attrited by then, the Japanese will have their hands more that full attempting to push through. This is all the more true, because the Bamboo in the area channels Japanese movement. On top of that, the blocking Bamboo might allow the Americans to shift their forces behind it to concentrate their surviving forces where the Japanese place their Schwerpunkt. In fact, the Americans might likely be able to shift their defensive Schwerpunkt faster than the Japanese can shift their offensive Schwerpunkt.

If things get tight, the Japanese should not forget to play the dirty tricks: You can still advance (offboard) after concluding a Banzai Charge. If you contrive to Ambush your enemy, you can Infiltrate offboard. If only an American SMC blocks the exit, an Infantry OVR might be the last resort.

How the Game Played Out:

Turn 1:
I played the defending Americans in this one. True to my own analysis, I set up my defences in a way that the expected Banzai Charges would mostly just barely fall short of reaching me. The MMGs were placed in 38W10 and 38X10 with the intention to lay down Fire Lanes across the Kunai at the first opportunity to get as many 2 FP flat shots (-1 FFNAM, +1 Pre-Dawn LV) as possible against any charging Japanese. My 60mm MTR was placed in 38R8 ready for a timely retreat to 38R5. A lone half-squad lingered back in 38X6 which to which would be transferred by one of the MMGs double-timed back there to be in place for a Fire Lane before the Japanese Turn 2 reinforcements could attempt to rush across the Open Ground towards the exit area or to threaten my eastern flank. One Leader and three squads had basically the same task in the 38AA trough 38CC hexrows. Each of my at-start three Leaders was paired with a full squad in order to begin with Deployment in a timely manner. I forgot to conceal my units in Concealment Terrain, i.e. just everyone, in an awkward display (sic!) of ineptitude. I had to console myself telling me that very soon there would not be much Concealment left anyway.

As expected, there could not be real surprises by the Japanese setup either: The sons of Nippon were lined up along the edge of their setup-area hissing with the thirst for blood. My opponent tried to pop SMOKE and WP from his two 50mm MTRs but did not find any. As it would be extremely difficult to stop what was about to ensue, it might have been better for him to save the attempt of going for SMOKE and WP until after having overcome the central jungled area. Then the IJA Banzai Charged. ALL of them with the exception of the two half-squads that had fired their knee-mortars. I put down my first Fire Lane and cowered for the second one. The Japanese were passing their Morale Checks right, left, and center. Altogether, I managed to kill merely a single half-squad – these apparently were some Japanese with an attitude.

So it was time for the Americans to call in the Battleship NOBA, the bombers, and the artillery regiments. Enter Lt. 9-1: „Gee whiz! Now where he heck is Sgt. Tucker with his darned Radio? I thought I saw him stepping into a bush to take a leak just a moment ago.“ IJA rifleman Tanaka was just about to believe that Captain Mitsukami had had it right, when the arty did come in. The 60mm MTR went on a ROF spree and viciously rattled a Japanese stack in 35N9 wounding their 8-0 Leader. But besides that, the Japanese were quite uninhibited. Final Fire into 35K10 killed another Japanese half-squad importantly preventing an advance into CC with one of my MMG squads, and Japanese Advancing Fire broke the most forward US squad in 35M10, which fell back to 38T8. This left the Japanese roughly in the line of 35O10, 38T10, 35M10, 38V10, and 35J9.

In the first American Turn, I beat an expedious retreat towards 38R5, leaving behind one broken US squad in 38T8 and forfeiting the 38T9 area Jungle altogether. My MMGs pulled back into the 38X7 Kunai area. On the American eastern flank, my Leader with a squad pulled out from 38AA10 to 38Y5, the other two squads went to 38AA8 and 38BB9 to delay the Japanese Turn 2 reinforcements about to enter from their eastern entry area. In the end, the Japanese had no LOS whatsoever to any US unit, so there would be no Banzaiing in Japanese Turn 2.

Turn 2:
My opponent seemd convinced that forcing the 38R5 Jungle which was firmly held by 1.5 American squads and their 60mm MTR, supported from the 38W7 area by an MMG would be imprudent. Therefore, he only sent his 228+MMG and Wounded 7+1 with a MTR half-squad to the 38S8 direction to chase my broken squad in 38T8. The rest of the Japanese at-start forces shifted for an easterly hook around the 38V9 Bamboo area. The Japanese reinforcements pushed in from the east, taking up positions in Jungle and Palm trees of the board 38 DD and EE hexrows. Contrary to my Defensive Fire, the Japanese Advancing Fire was quite effective, breaking two of my eastern squads. The Japanese Sniper broke one of the MMG squads for good measure. This left my Americans in the center quite shaken. I began to rout back to the Huts in 38Y5. My broken squad in 38T8 ran away to 38T7 with increasing desperation.

Meanwhile, the US reinforcements had moved into the 38W1 area to guard the „backdoor“.

Turn 3:
Not only getting mad but „even“, the Japanese now blasted my strongpoint in 38R5 with their MTR, which had in the meantime also been reinforced by one of my MMGs. My 9-1 and the MMG squad broke, my MTR squad was CR'ed and broke as well. In the center, the Japanese continued to push forward but I was able to just prevent a breakthrough. The Japanese reinforcments in the 38EE hexrow mostly moved northwards towards the Palm Trees close to the northern boardedge likely aiming for the „backdoor“ of 38Z0. With some luck, I could just manage to rout out all my brokies into the Huts of 38Y5 to the point of being overstacked. My brokies in 38T7 took and passed Interdiction, escaping back to 38R4 – too close for comfort! But at times, No Quarter and a broken Morale of 8 opens opportunities...

In my US Turn 3, I took the last chance to cross over the Open Ground from the center area to the „Alamo“ area while the Japanese were still subject to LOS Hindrances. Leaving a sacrificial squad in 38Y4, re-DM'ed brokies in the 38Y5 Huts were able to slink back to 38V2 at the last moment. All the while, I tried to continue deploying squads with limited success.

Turn 4:
After I had somehow evacuated every American unit [EXC: one Dummy waaay back which was supposed to be Sniper bait], the Japanese moved up to the Open Ground gap separating the US „Alamo“ position from the center. A stack worth 6 VP of Japanese flankers had reached 38EE2.
My Americans used this turn to consolidate. Units were rallied, squads deployed and spread out to form a „wall of bodies“ and „Banzai bait“. I believe with the exception of one squad or one half-squad, all my defenders were Good Order. Up to this point, the Americans had lost 2.5 or 3 squad-equivalents and the 60mm MTR. I even managed to evict a Japanese 228 Crew from the important hex of 38R5 in CC, replacing it with my Good Order 666.

Turn 5:
Taking the US defensive position into consideration, my opponent conceded at the start of Japanese Turn 5. His reasons were that first of all the Bamboo would severely channel his attack path. Second, even with Banzai Charges to help him crossing the Open Ground, he would not be able to penetrate the opposing „wall of bodies“ within his remaining two Movement Phases. Third, the Japanese push would have to be executed against (almost) entirely Good Order defenders able to put down Point Blank Fire on Open Ground. On top of that, both MMGs were in position to lay down Fire Lanes. Finally, it seemed doubtful if ensuing Close Combats would be decided immediately for two consecutive turns in favor of the Japanese to allow them to make the exit.

American win.

I suppose that the scenario began according to the designer's intentions – with one or more Banzai Charges, which are exceedingly difficult to significantly harm. Possibly, in Turn 2 things began to veer off track for the attackers, because the Americans completely withdrew out of LOS and the Japanese decided to pass the 38V9 Bamboo area with almost all of their at-start forces only around the east. This might have allowed the US to concentrate their falling back forces more in the center and provided them just barely with enough men to delay the Japanese onlslaught around Turn 3 just long enough to let the considerable number of broken Americans (3.5 squad equivalents with one MMG and a Leader), to rout back first to the Huts in 38Y5 and then onwards into the „Alamo“ Jungles.

The latter area favored the American defenders, as the Bamboo would channel the attackers to a few hexes, block Banzai Charges through it, and to block LOS of the Japanese as well, so that the G.I.s with their high broken Morale had just the time needed to recover. Because, likely decisively, considerable losses in the center area by the US could be avoided, there were now enough units around to form the impenetrable wall of bodies blocking the exit area. Deploying the Americans in larger numbers took also several Turns, as with their lower Good Order Morale, the G.I.s tend to „stick together“.

Had we continued to play, Andy Rogers would have had his way at long last. Melees all about, H-t-H fighting and his fistful of red counters with white letters. But at odds likely favoring the Americans. With 20 reported playings it might be a bit early to state, but the now current ROAR rating of 8 Japanese vs. 12 American wins might indicate, that the latter have an edge in this scenario.

What was remarkable about this scenario from the US point of view is that it felt that the Americans could nowhere „take root“ to anchor their defenses anywhere before hiding behind the Bamboo of the „Alamo“ in the end. The terrain felt „uncomfortable“ to defend, which was reinforced by the – necessary – SSR to rule out Entrenching. From the Japanese point of view, it was frustrating in our playing to always barely falling short to really come to grips with the Americans before it was too late and they were limited by the narrow exit area.

von Marwitz
von Marwitz
Quickly Toward the Bridge! JimT1277
Raff's DilemmaChuck's hot dice against my American armor resulted in two Immobilizations by the 20L, and a lucky PF shot against a third Sherman while my fourth had an ESB trying to get away from his PF-toting infantry. And naturally I malf'd the MA on two of my own tanks, making them effectively useless.
With the tanks largely out of action, it fell to the infantry to make some headway against the Germans on the hill. By taking advantage of deadspace and flanking movements I managed to get on the hill but by that point I lacked sufficient firepower and manpower to clear it, so I conceded on Turn 4. I guess you could say we got a 'historical result'.
Shanghai in Flames
Last Ally, Last VictoryGermans were off to a strong start, Group 1 entering first with the German AFVs moving to occupy the Russian AFVs north/north-east of the village. The German infantry moved along the southern edge towards the hills to enter the village from the south. On Turn 2, Group 2 took a similar tack to try to keep the Russian AFVs focused elsewhere so the infantry could make the village. The HIP Russian 57LL took out a Tiger and PzIVJ, blunting Group 2's support and letting the Russian AFVs start to encircle and eliminate the German AFVs.

The AFV battle lasted until Turn 5, at which point all of the AFVs but one Russian T-34/85 remained and moved to harass the rear of the German advance. The German infantry had been stymied by the collapsing Russian defense and was too slow to take the necessary buildings, falling two short.
Hammer to the Teeth Serge
Prelude to Festung Brest Danno
Prelude to Festung Brest grumblejones
Panther CullA tense game, with the dice ultimately deciding it. Unlike other AARs on this scenario, the Germans here started with their Panthers well to the rear out of harms way. If they stayed there, this meant I had to capture two victory buildings without losing any AFVs - not an easy task in just 5 turns.
I came in from the south and captured the first building quite easily. The second was tougher though, as I felt I needed to keep my tanks back out of PF range so they were just giving fire support. I got a lucky break when the German halftrack ventured out and was knocked out by an unlikely hit. But the Germans then came back, creeping the Panthers forward and knocking out a Cromwell (which failed its motion attempt) with bounding fire. I eventually captured the second building but lost another Cromwell to a HIP squad with a PSK, whilst the Cromwell VI malf'ed (and subsequently broke) its MA.
So I still needed more VPs to win, and my opponent gave me a chance with a mistake on his last player-turn which gave me a rear shot on a Panther in my final turn. I needed 7 or less to hit, but rolled an 8, and that was it. Good scenario though.
Pocket PanzersARNHEM 2024 Bongiovanni
No. 8 Platoon OverrunARNHEM 2024 Bongiovanni
Making a Break for ItARNHEM 2024 Bongiovanni
Tale of the CometARNHEM 2024 Bongiovanni
The Vital HoursARNHEM 2024 Bongiovanni
Bricks in FlamesSurprise Round of Arnhem 2024.
More than a dog, a joke.
By the End of a Rifle!What a fun scenario! Nick's forces got over in fairly good order, but unfortunately (for me), many of my first line squads became 2nd line in the pre-game TC. Still, had a blast! von Garvin
First Cristot Dispang12
Race for FreedomThere's definitely some fun that you can extract out of this scenario, but some of the design decisions can drag this down. Too few units on the German side make defense tremendously hard to pull off, and in my case only saved due to fantastic IFT rolls nearly every applicable phase. Despite that, however, the Polish were just as good at sweeping away the Armored Cars, promptly sending them to the junkyard, and immediately improving their odds at a victory (thanks to the VC condition).

Honestly, I wish the map covered a smaller area. As it stands, anything but great luck or a near-perfect setup will see the Polish waltz to a victory.
Polesie PushThere's definitely some fun that you can extract out of this scenario, but some of the design decisions can drag this down. Too few units on the German side make defense tremendously hard to pull off, and in my case only saved due to fantastic IFT rolls nearly every applicable phase. Despite that, however, the Polish were just as good at sweeping away the Armored Cars, promptly sending them to the junkyard, and immediately improving their odds at a victory (thanks to the VC condition).

Honestly, I wish the map covered a smaller area. As it stands, anything but great luck or a near-perfect setup will see the Polish waltz to a victory.
Advance to KakasThe Japanese Attacked on both flanks rolling up the Dutch into a few remaining buildings in the center. Lots of casualties on both sides. In the end, the low ELR and lack of no quarter did the Dutch in. RJenulis
Four Stars of Valor Rich Weiley
Late for MassArnhem 2024 Rd 6. Updated Version wwillow
Sting 'em at Zingem igycrctl
Arrivederci NemboWe played it as a Starter Kit scenario. My Italians set up to race around the Canadians and did so successfully with the 8-1 and 3 squads exiting on Turn 3 for the win. Scenario is too scripted as other posters noted. Might be more fun to play as a full ASL Scenario. grumblejones
Arrivederci Nembo Danno
Late for MassRound 6 - Arnhem Tournament 2024
Updated version.
The Drive for Saint-LôBoth players, but more the German, need to think one scenario ahead.

The Germans can make their life much easier by some tactical demolition.

Really good CG, excellent price point.
Defeat in JavaVery intense and rough game for both sides. Dan's tanks came in hard and fast. The Japanese would destroy 5 of them and the last one would exit with a MALF'd MA. Horribly bad dice on both sides sapped a lot of the fun for this game. Dan would inflict 18 CVP on the Japanese and only need to exit 22 EVP for the win. By game end, he had managed only 20. So a Japanese win. grumblejones
Defeat in JavaFirst to play and post. Danno

Latest News

ROAR record importer
After too many requests from players, I've now added a way for you to import your playings from ROAR into the archive. The instructions can be found at the bottom of your My Page, but essentially requires you to copy and paste your playing records from your account page in ROAR into a spreadsheet, then from there into the input box.

Games aren't removed from your account but duplicates won't be added (duplicates check player name, scenario and dates).

Please do carry on using ROAR if you choose to do so, but this is being offered to players who'd like to consolidate their records here.
Reports and statistics
I've added a replica of the roar balance report (based on archive plays) underneath reports -> balance, on the left hand menu and some statistics charts, too.

Want to see how many games have been logged and when? Are we playing more now than we did 3 years ago? What about the year when the most scenarios were published? Or are games played with vasl more regularly than ftf?

All this and a little bit more on the statistics page (found on the left hand side under reports).
Map page and new search options
The Maps link on the left hand nav bar takes you to a maps page that provides the opportunity to search the maps via names and tags. The maps that don't have images will slowly get updated, and those who have admin rights can add tags to help scenario designers and players filter maps by a set of tags, such as Rural, City, Stream, etc.

You can update your map collection, in order to search by maps owned on the advanced search, by ticking the boxes on this page which should automatically update your map collection. The button that is on this page takes all publications that you own and adds the maps that are listed on those into your collection.

As always, a big thanks to those who help populate this data!
Map data update
The way maps are stored under-the-hood has been changed. Previously maps were simply strings of text that were split into map_strings and added to the scenario. They weren't really unique map rows, which meant that there could be duplicates with similar names, and it wasn't really feasible to do nicer things with them, like attach images to them, or work out which publications they were from.

This has changed now, and the data has been ported across to the new map objects. All that's missing is the publication->map data, ie, which publications have which maps!

For those that like to edit and update these things, it's now possible to enter the maps for each publication (by logging in and editing the publication page and adding the maps). If we can get a good set of this data we can do things like "show me scenarios that I own the maps for" and other module dependencies for scenarios.

I've not done the same for overlays, because it seems a bit more of an overhead, but in theory it would be possible, but maybe a bit too much effort.

Finally - you can now hover over the map values within the scenarios and publication pages (if the maps have been added to them yet) to see a map preview. If the map image isn't there yet, it might need updating, but the standard ones should all work - I think!
Advanced Search tidy up
Thanks to JP whose eagle-eyes spotted a couple of small issues, the advanced search is now correctly handling third party/official searches and remembering your selection of starter kit preference during a search.

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Frank's TanksJimT1277 Added a playing7h 46m 12s ago
Quickly Toward the Bridge!JimT1277 Added a playing7h 49m 43s ago
Sheep in Wolf's ClothingJimT1277 Added a playing8h 45s ago
Raff's DilemmaKydder Added a playing9h 18m 19s ago
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Pentecost Sunday Meeting Hutch Modified the unit counts10h 46m 12s ago
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Pentecost Sunday Meeting Hutch Modified the Defender's AFVs13h 3m 23s ago
Pentecost Sunday Meeting Hutch Modified the unit counts13h 7m 58s ago
Pentecost Sunday Meeting Hutch Modified the Defender's AFVs13h 7m 58s ago
Revenges at Saint-Julienasloser Added a playing14h 8m 13s ago
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"Looks Like the Fourth of July"asloser Added a playing14h 19m 36s ago
Last Stand On An-Sanasloser Added a playing14h 52m 19s ago
Armored Probe at Sidi-Nsirasloser Added a playing14h 53m 54s ago
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Siam SambalHutch Modified the unit countsYesterday
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It's Hardly FairHutch Modified the gps location2 days ago
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Thatched CottagesHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs2 days ago
Gun & RunBongiovanni Added a playing2 days ago
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Debacle at Yeang DangHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs2 days ago
Armored SamuraiHutch Modified the unit counts2 days ago
Armored SamuraiHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs2 days ago
Chapei ChockblockHutch Modified the gps location2 days ago
Bukit Full of TroubleHutch Modified the gps location2 days ago
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The GovernorHutch Modified the gps location2 days ago
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Armoured Aussie Pack 76.22
ASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle! 176.22
Tactiques # 2 106.21
ASL 11 - Doomed Battalions (2nd Edition) 86.20
Dezign Pak 4 156.20
Schwerpunkt #15 126.20
ASL 4 - Partisan! 86.19
Internet: MMP 66.19
Out of the Bunker 146.19
Rally Point # 8 106.19
The Canadians In Italy 1: The Red Patch Devils in Sunny Sicily 86.17
Schwerpunkt #19 126.17
Rally Point # 6 106.15
Rally Point # 9 106.13
SASL 1 - Solitaire ASL (2nd Edition) 216.11
The Canadians In Italy 2: The Spaghetti League 126.09
Schwerpunkt # 3 126.08
Schwerpunkt #18 126.08
Buckeyes! 106.07
From The Cellar Pack #7 106.07
Schwerpunkt # 2 126.06
ASL 8 - Code of Bushido 86.05
HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II 86.05
ASL 6 - The Last Hurrah (2nd Edition) 86.04
Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide! 86.04
Franc-Tireur#14 326.02
Backblast # 2 86.00
Recon by Fire! #1 86.00
Waffen-SS I: No Quarter No Glory! 66.00
Objective: Schmidt 176.00
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) 106.00
Dezign Pak 8 105.98
Schwerpunkt # 1 125.93
The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers 105.91
Dezign Pak 3 155.90
Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign 65.90
HASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far 125.88
Paddington Bears '97 Pack 85.87
Time on Target # 2 215.87
Deluxe Pack #1 125.87
HASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa 105.86
Time on Target # 1 135.86
Hero PAX 2: Eastern Front Hero Fest 85.83
Southern Cross Scenario Pack `96 65.80
From the Cellar Pack#12 115.79
Wacht Am Rhein 165.73
ASLOK 2005 - 20th Anniversary Scenario Pack 105.71
Winpak #2 65.68
ASL For Fun-LCP 325.68
Melee Pack I 65.63
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell 85.60
All American I: Kellam's Bridge 105.52
Leibstandarte Pack 3 - Clash at Kharkov! 85.48
Panzer Aces 65.43
Shingle's List 85.42
Hell's Highway 65.35
Firefights! 65.27
Guerra Civil: The Spanish Civil War 125.20
The Long March 175.16
Soldiers of the Negus 84.93

Top rated players

As of October 5, 2024. Grey players are inactive. Filter Active: View all
1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1661397
3Paolo Cariolato8381307
4Stefan Fiedler371297
5Paul Works3741288
6patrick palma4881284
7Steven Linton501284
8Aaron Cleavin561273
9Philippe Briaux321267
10Dave Mareske
11jon smith551242
12Justin DiSabatino
13Aaron Sibley2751228
14Craig Benn461227
15Gordon Jupp4281224
16Paul Messina581216
17Tommi Kangasmaa481215
18Sam Tyson281213
19Michael Focht771209
20randy shurtz391209
21David Stoffey401207
22Indy Lagu
23Seumas Hoskins641189
24Carl Nogueira181189
25M T941187
26Kevin Sanders1201186
27Simon Staniforth
28Steven Pleva121168
29Spencer Armstrong571167
30Vilis Pavulans1491165
31Curtis Brooks251163
32Paul Sidhu171160
33Tony Fermendzin371159
34B-E Karlsson1251158
35Scott Fischbein1061158
36Douglas Leslie
37John Garlic1061154
38Tom Kearney5351152
39L Mattila561150
40Brian Wiersma211150
41david ginnard271149
42Robert Wolkey191149
43Sean Mitchell251147
44Ben Jones191144
45Mark Moore271143
46César Moreno451143
47davide galloni1411142
48Igor Luckyanov371141
49S. Slunt661141
50Lionel Colin701140
51Michael Augustine191139
52Will Fleming201139
53Eric Topp
54Michael Rodgers
55Raoul Duke1011137
56Ron Duenskie171137
57Scott Hasson241134
58John O'Reilly171134
59Xavier Vitry111133
60Gerard Burton1851133
61Melvin Falk101131
62Martin Vicca251128
63Martin Mayers911125
64Andreas R661125
65Don Lazov921125
66Andrew Young141125
67Steve Bowen441125
68Eric Partizan Eric15651124
69John Boyle381124
70David Douglas71123
71Larry Rohlfing1711123
72nathan wegener6491123
73Derek Ritter231120
74Jobbo Fett
75Darren Kovacs111118
76Miguel Guerrero91117
77Björn Lorenzen151116
78Mark McG171116
79Alessandro Demichelis301115
80Bob Callen521115
81Greg Barsness551115
82P-J Palmer121114
83Rick Reinesch171114
84JP Laurio2261113
85Enrico Catanzaro221113
86John Gorkowski481111
87Jeff B8201110
88Chris Mazzei171109
89Louis Langdeau611108
90Juhani Bonsdorff111108
91X von Marwitz4161107
92Jeffrey wasserman921106
93Paul Schaeffer131104
94Andy Bagley
95Dennis Sheppard271102
96Andy Hershey6111102
97Jim Thompson151102
98Tom Weniger71101
99David Reenstra361101
100Mark Thompson951100

Newest players - welcome!

taylormfooteTaylor Foote2024-10-03 22:47:44
flywithabuzzScott Verhasselt2024-09-29 23:51:02
perrialMarc marius2024-09-29 13:06:11

On this day...

A 99 To Clear a Roadblock16 miles east of Compobasso, Italy1943
HP 1 Seeking SanctuarySivry, France1944
JATK7 Brothers in ArmsTornio, Finland1944
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