Counterattack Along the Danube ETO (id:#60227)
Budapest, Hungary
1944-12-24 (22 others)
KGP08: Les Montis (HASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II)
OA14: Across the Aisne and into Freineux (Out of the Attic)
PBP 20: Hard to Kill (Critical Hit # 4.2)
SC19: Medal of Honor (Devils in the Woods)
SC20: The Last to Die (Devils in the Woods)
BdF 9: Across the Aisne and Into Freineux (Baraque de Fraiture)
RBF17: Third Hotspot (Recon by Fire! #2)
WAR12: Just Short (Wacht Am Rhein)
WAR13: Aus der Traum (Wacht Am Rhein)
WAR14: To Cut the Hotton-Marche Road (Wacht Am Rhein)
O77.1: The Sledgehammer (On All Fronts # 77)
VV32: A Contre Pied (Vae Victis # 48)
CN 5: Executive Decision (CanCon 1997)
BdF#9: Across the Aisne and into Freineux (Baraque de Fraiture (2nd Edition))
OA23: A Midnight Clear (Out of the Attic #2)
Aussie Bonus #1: Hardest to Kill (Afrikakorps - Bonus Stuff)
DD # 19: Medal Of Honor (Darkest December)
DD # 20: The Last To Die (Darkest December)
SP235: Blue Ridger Blues (Schwerpunkt #20)
WaR 12: Just Short (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
WaR 13: Aus Der Traum (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
WaR 14: To Cut The Hotton-Marche Road (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
OA14: Across the Aisne and into Freineux (Out of the Attic)
PBP 20: Hard to Kill (Critical Hit # 4.2)
SC19: Medal of Honor (Devils in the Woods)
SC20: The Last to Die (Devils in the Woods)
BdF 9: Across the Aisne and Into Freineux (Baraque de Fraiture)
RBF17: Third Hotspot (Recon by Fire! #2)
WAR12: Just Short (Wacht Am Rhein)
WAR13: Aus der Traum (Wacht Am Rhein)
WAR14: To Cut the Hotton-Marche Road (Wacht Am Rhein)
O77.1: The Sledgehammer (On All Fronts # 77)
VV32: A Contre Pied (Vae Victis # 48)
CN 5: Executive Decision (CanCon 1997)
BdF#9: Across the Aisne and into Freineux (Baraque de Fraiture (2nd Edition))
OA23: A Midnight Clear (Out of the Attic #2)
Aussie Bonus #1: Hardest to Kill (Afrikakorps - Bonus Stuff)
DD # 19: Medal Of Honor (Darkest December)
DD # 20: The Last To Die (Darkest December)
SP235: Blue Ridger Blues (Schwerpunkt #20)
WaR 12: Just Short (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
WaR 13: Aus Der Traum (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
WaR 14: To Cut The Hotton-Marche Road (Wacht Am Rhein Second Edition Volume 2)
Designer: Scott Holst
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
German (SS) / HungarianRussian
The first week of the siege was characterized by a series of uncoordinated violent Soviet attacks from several directions while the defenders contracted their lines in eastern Pest and stabilized the precarious situation in Buda. The 8.SS-Kavalerie-Division "Florian Geyer" deployed its three regiments in a rough semicircle from an elevated railway embankment south of Gellert Hill to opposite Margit island. The key terrain features of Eagle Hill, Farkasteri Cemetery, Schwabian Hill and Rose Hill down to the Danube were of strategic importance and could be turned into urban strongpoints once the Soviets were evicted from their recent gains. On 24 December, German troops counterattacked, supported by armor of the Panzerjaeger Abteilung equipped with outdated Italian M15/42, a few Hetzers and with the help of some Hungarian assault guns.Attacker: German (SS) / Hungarian (8.SS-Kavalerie-Division "Florian Geyer and Kompanie 3 Panzerjager Abteiling and 6th Hungarian Assault Battalion and University Students Assault Battalion)
Defender: Russian (2nd Guards Mechanized Corps)
8 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:17.0 D:25.0 |
AFVs: A:11 JgdPz 38(t) x 2 43M Zrinyi II x 2 PzA III/IV Hummel SPA x 2 PzKpfw M15/42(i) x 3 StuG IIIG(g) x 2 |
AFVs: D:9 T-34 M43 ISU-122 x 2 SU-85 x 3 M4/76(a) x 3 |
Guns: A:0 D:0 50mm RM obr. 40 PTRD-41 ATR x 2 |
Misc Rules: | D: Assault engineers |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL Starter Kit #1 | z |
ASL Starter Kit #2 | w |
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition) | 1 |
Overlays: | X25 | X16 |
Errata (source)
Players wanting to play this game/Request a match:
Scenario info
Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2024-06-19 17:30:07 |
Hutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs | 2024-06-19 17:30:07 |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2021-02-25 19:27:17 |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2020-10-15 21:51:59 |
Hutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs | 2020-10-15 21:51:59 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(buda isu-122s.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 963 |
(sshung-russ new.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 802 |
(counterattack on danube map.jpg) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 899 |
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