The Scenario archive now features a REST API in order for other applications to access scenario information. Examples of this include the VASL Templates utility.Note: If you would like to use this data for any purpose other than your own personal use you must contact me first for permission.
Please do not overuse this service. There are rate limits that can be applied and this may result in your IP address being banned. A fair use policy of no more than 10 requests every 30 seconds is enabled.
Listing all scenarios - provides a scenario archive id, name and scenario id in a JSON list- arc_id: Scenario Archive ID
- name: Scenario namespace
- id: Scenario identifier
Scenario specific information (ie, the archive's scenario id is 63502) provides the scenario payload, again as a JSON file.An optional parameter 'verbose' may be added to this to obtain null values if required. (?verbose=1)
Example scenario payload:
{ "scenario_id":"63502", "pub_name":"ASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition)", "publisher_id":"1", "publisher_name":"Multi-Man Publishing", "name":"1976", "sc_id":"30", "title":"Sylvan Death", "author":"Rex Martin", "prior_publication":"Partisan!", "attacker":"German", "defender":"Partisan", "scen_location":"Bessarabia, Romania", "scen_date":"1944-05-01 00:00:00", "d_guns":"1", "theatre":"ETO", "players":"2", "misc":"Stream Dry, roads are paths in wood hexes, ford. D: Entire OB sets up HIP, Wire, minefields", "min_turns":"7", "max_turns":"7", "overview":"In the spring of 1944, elements of the Grossdeutschland en route from southern Poland to Vinnitsa were ordered to suppress partisan bands that were paralyzing communication with the 6th and 8th Armies defending Romania. One of the ensuing encounters occurred when the approximate location of a partisan group was ascertained. . .", "d_inf":"10.0", "a_inf":"14.0", "pub_id":"1976", "time_to_play":"4.0000", "att_desc":"Panzer-Division Grossdeutschland", "def_desc":"Romanian Partisans", "is_vc_area":"1", "vc_confirmed":"1", "gps_long":"-99.99", "gps_lat":"-99.99", "maps":["32"], "overlays":["NONE"], "errata":[], "mapImages":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/51.2018\/sylvan_map.png","user":"hoxson1","created":"2018-12-18 18:19:18"}], "templateImages":[], "vaslTemplates":[], "vaslTemplateSetups":[], "guns":[{"name":"76.2mm P obr. 00\/02P","quantity":"1","side":"d"}], "afvs":[], "playings":[{"totalGames":"2","defender_wins":"1","attacker_wins":"1"}] }
Bulk Scenario Listing
Use the following REST command to retrieve paged information (ie, multiple scenario payloads):<page>/<size>
Where <page> is your page count and <size> is the records per page - so you can iterate through up to 1000 records at a time by calling pages 0 to 9 with a size of 1000. By default size is 500.