Legio Patria Nostra | cesar moreno | German | 2020-12-08 | Won | The Free French (FF) started with a even push across the board, but took heavy losses crossing the first road line on both the east and west flanks, while the center was able to fairly quickly link up with the isolated half squad. Unfortunately for the FF, the Germans were very good with their shooting (rolled low all game) and stopped the FF from gathering any momentum. In the end, the FF were able to secure 3 of the required building, but did not have enough men left to push for a fourth building on the west side. The FF attack was well planned, but defeated very good shooting and timely KIA rolls by the Germans. A tense and enjoyable game. | 9 |
Once the Americans were able to mass their (massive) FP along the river on either side of the footbridge, those two FGs were soon DMd and the route to victory was open.
This scenario is the SK version of a couple of ASL scenarios, one of which is in the mini HASL "Hell's Corner." IIRC, both of the ASL versions are difficult for the Americans to win. However, IMO this SK version is tilted noticeably in favor of the Americans.
That imbalance, coupled with unlucky dice, was more than Bob could overcome.