Storm, Five, Five, Five! ETO (id:#58256)
Bobruysk, USSR
1944-06-25 (32 others)
TTF1: Right Hook (Tigers To The Front!)
TTF6: A Nasty Surprise (Tigers To The Front!)
TTF7: Tigers to the Rescue (Tigers To The Front!)
BTB8: Steel Inferno (Beyond the Beachhead)
SP115: The Five Pound Prize (Schwerpunkt #10)
SP134: Barracuda! (Schwerpunkt #12)
PP06: Sturmwind on the Sopot (March Madness 2009 Partisan Pack)
BtB 8: Steel Inferno (Beyond the Beachhead 2)
SV11: Swede Revenge (Swedish Volunteers)
S36: Satisfaction and Confidence (Operations Special Issue #3)
RPT70: The Five Pound Prize (Rally Point # 7)
GJ028: Wulf Hunt (Grumble Jones)
DB113: Fontenay By Day (Dispatches from the Bunker #38)
JAVA06: Hammer of the Guards (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06a: Probing the Line (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06b: Door Bashers (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06c: Objective: The Bridge (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06d: Spewing Flames (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06e: Door Knocker (ASL For Fun-LCP)
PP06: Sturmwind on the Sopot (March Madness 2015 - The Very Best of.. .(Vol. 1))
DB144: Fontenay By Night (Dispatches from the Bunker #47)
OtO 14: Hornet Swarm (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
OtO 15: Western Dvina Duel (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
AP156: Swede Revenge (ASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers)
FLP 1: A Bright Red Scarf (Operation Martlet)
FLP 2: An Unorthodox Situation (Operation Martlet)
FLP 3: Scots Fusiliers' Assault (Operation Martlet)
FLP 4: Prize For A Panther (Operation Martlet)
FLP 5: A Parcel For The Chateau (Operation Martlet)
FLP 6: Forward The Dukes (Operation Martlet)
FLP 7: Across The Bordel (Operation Martlet)
FLP 8: Polar Bear's First Dance (Operation Martlet)
TTF6: A Nasty Surprise (Tigers To The Front!)
TTF7: Tigers to the Rescue (Tigers To The Front!)
BTB8: Steel Inferno (Beyond the Beachhead)
SP115: The Five Pound Prize (Schwerpunkt #10)
SP134: Barracuda! (Schwerpunkt #12)
PP06: Sturmwind on the Sopot (March Madness 2009 Partisan Pack)
BtB 8: Steel Inferno (Beyond the Beachhead 2)
SV11: Swede Revenge (Swedish Volunteers)
S36: Satisfaction and Confidence (Operations Special Issue #3)
RPT70: The Five Pound Prize (Rally Point # 7)
GJ028: Wulf Hunt (Grumble Jones)
DB113: Fontenay By Day (Dispatches from the Bunker #38)
JAVA06: Hammer of the Guards (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06a: Probing the Line (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06b: Door Bashers (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06c: Objective: The Bridge (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06d: Spewing Flames (ASL For Fun-LCP)
JAVA06e: Door Knocker (ASL For Fun-LCP)
PP06: Sturmwind on the Sopot (March Madness 2015 - The Very Best of.. .(Vol. 1))
DB144: Fontenay By Night (Dispatches from the Bunker #47)
OtO 14: Hornet Swarm (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
OtO 15: Western Dvina Duel (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
AP156: Swede Revenge (ASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers)
FLP 1: A Bright Red Scarf (Operation Martlet)
FLP 2: An Unorthodox Situation (Operation Martlet)
FLP 3: Scots Fusiliers' Assault (Operation Martlet)
FLP 4: Prize For A Panther (Operation Martlet)
FLP 5: A Parcel For The Chateau (Operation Martlet)
FLP 6: Forward The Dukes (Operation Martlet)
FLP 7: Across The Bordel (Operation Martlet)
FLP 8: Polar Bear's First Dance (Operation Martlet)
Designer: George Kelln
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
The radios of the Soviet Don Tank Corps crackled with the words “Storm Five-Five-Five!” The all-out offensive against the salient of Army Group Centre had begun. However, east of the Bobruysk Bridge over the Berezina River waited a worthy opponent. The reinforced II/Panzer Regiment 21, Panzer Division 20 was well placed and could be employed against either a northerly or southerly Russian thrust. The battalion was superbly equipped, with about one hundred battle worthy Mark IVs. However, Major Paul Schulze, in command of the regiment, had received no orders. Therefore, on his own initiative, Schulze hurled three of his companies, including his own tank, against the attack of the Soviet 48th Army, north of Bobruysk. From the north to the south, the Russians smashed the German Ninth Army’s strongpoints along the Berezina River. The Russians broke through to the northwest and were threatening the rear of Schulze’s panzerkampfgruppe. The Major pulled Leutnant Begemann’s Panzer Kompanie out of the operation and ordered it to race back to the north to hold the crossroads and bridge east of Bobruysk. Lt. Begemann had arrived just as the Russians’ attack was being launched on the bridge. Between him and the bridge was a screening force sent around to cut off any reinforcements.Attacker: Russian (Advance elements of the Soviet Don Tank Corps)
Defender: German (Elements of the Ninth Army Bridge Guard and Kompanie 2, II/Panzer Regiment 21)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:5.0 D:3.0 |
AFVs: A:10 T-34 M43 x 10 |
AFVs: D:10 PzKpfw IVH x 10 |
Guns: A:0 D:1 3.7cm FlaK 36 o. 37 |
Misc Rules: | River is shallow. D: may set up entrenched in foxholes in suitable terrain |
Map Board(s): |
Overlays: | Wd5 |
Errata (source)
Replace SSR 1: with the following SSR1. EC is moderate with a Mild Breeze to the Northeast. The River (B21.12) Depth is Fordable, the Current is North to South, and the Force is Slow. There is a two-lane stone bridge from 40Q2-3. | LCP website |
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Action | Date |
Turuk Uploaded a VASL file | 2024-07-18 16:34:00 |
Danno Added a playing | 2023-08-26 18:37:25 |
dmareske Added a playing | 2023-08-26 17:50:30 |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2020-11-02 19:10:54 |
von Garvin Added a playing | 2020-08-08 15:09:47 |
File | Description | User | Views |
VASL Scenario Setup (OST-2 Storm, Five, Five, Five! v667.vsav) | VASL Setup | Turuk | 187 |
(!sov-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 972 |
(t-34s riders up.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 842 |
(storm 555 map w overlay.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 1053 |
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