Iron Coffins ETO (id:#61330)
Near Beresov, Russia
1943-07-05 (38 others)
D07: With Flame and Shell (DASL 1 - Streets of Fire)
AP02: Storm of Steel (ASL Action Pack # 1)
CH 8: The Predators (Critical Hit # 1)
CH164: Cry of the Valkyries (Critical Hit # 7.1)
PBP 23: Panzerkeil (Aussie '98 Pack)
TOT 37: Breaching Maloarkhangelsk (Time on Target # 3)
LSSAH25: Getting the Job Done! (Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide!)
O89.2: Tiger Hunt (On All Fronts # 89)
O102.2: Tactical Exercises: Tank Busters (On All Fronts #102)
O115.3: Tank Buster: Kursk (On All Fronts #115)
O116.3: Tank Buster: Kursk revised (On All Fronts #116)
PJ7.3: Scream of the Panther (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
SP98: Pesky Pachyderms (Schwerpunkt # 9)
GD 4: Fight and Die Forward (Gun Duel 2001)
FrF23: Elephants Unleashed (Friendly Fire Pack 3)
J118: Elephants Unleashed (ASL Journal # 8)
Ponyri #18: Funk Lenken (Kursk - Devil's Domain)
AP66: Cat's Cradle (ASL Action Pack # 7)
BFP-75: Schreiber's Success (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-76: Trial of the Infantry (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-77: Burning Down the House (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-78: Operation Wheatfield (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-79: A Hard Push (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-80: Ratushniak's Sacrifice (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
GDx19: Pioneers Forward! (Generic Playtesting Log)
DL 24.3: Cry of the Valkyries (Coastal Fortress)
GJ056: Lucky 313 (Grumble Jones)
Ponyri #18: Funk Lenken (Devil's Domain : Metalgods of Ponyri)
CH 8 (ver. 1.1): The Predators (Critical Hit Retro Magazine 1)
KV4: And So It Begins... (Klementi Voroshilov Blog Scenarios)
D07: With Flame and Shell (Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader)
SA4: With Burning Liquid (Stavka Archives - Scenario File #1)
Sim2: La Notte Porta Consiglio (Simulazioni Issue 3)
CH 8: The Predators (Critical Hit #1 2022 Reprint)
GD19: Pioniers Forward! (Großdeutschland Pack 3: High Tide at Kursk)
GD20: The Nut That Is Cherkasskoye (Großdeutschland Pack 3: High Tide at Kursk)
BG9: Testing Minenknackers (Covered)
DB177: Ozreki (Dispatches from the Bunker #55)
AP02: Storm of Steel (ASL Action Pack # 1)
CH 8: The Predators (Critical Hit # 1)
CH164: Cry of the Valkyries (Critical Hit # 7.1)
PBP 23: Panzerkeil (Aussie '98 Pack)
TOT 37: Breaching Maloarkhangelsk (Time on Target # 3)
LSSAH25: Getting the Job Done! (Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide!)
O89.2: Tiger Hunt (On All Fronts # 89)
O102.2: Tactical Exercises: Tank Busters (On All Fronts #102)
O115.3: Tank Buster: Kursk (On All Fronts #115)
O116.3: Tank Buster: Kursk revised (On All Fronts #116)
PJ7.3: Scream of the Panther (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
SP98: Pesky Pachyderms (Schwerpunkt # 9)
GD 4: Fight and Die Forward (Gun Duel 2001)
FrF23: Elephants Unleashed (Friendly Fire Pack 3)
J118: Elephants Unleashed (ASL Journal # 8)
Ponyri #18: Funk Lenken (Kursk - Devil's Domain)
AP66: Cat's Cradle (ASL Action Pack # 7)
BFP-75: Schreiber's Success (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-76: Trial of the Infantry (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-77: Burning Down the House (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-78: Operation Wheatfield (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-79: A Hard Push (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
BFP-80: Ratushniak's Sacrifice (BFP 4: Crucible of Steel)
GDx19: Pioneers Forward! (Generic Playtesting Log)
DL 24.3: Cry of the Valkyries (Coastal Fortress)
GJ056: Lucky 313 (Grumble Jones)
Ponyri #18: Funk Lenken (Devil's Domain : Metalgods of Ponyri)
CH 8 (ver. 1.1): The Predators (Critical Hit Retro Magazine 1)
KV4: And So It Begins... (Klementi Voroshilov Blog Scenarios)
D07: With Flame and Shell (Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader)
SA4: With Burning Liquid (Stavka Archives - Scenario File #1)
Sim2: La Notte Porta Consiglio (Simulazioni Issue 3)
CH 8: The Predators (Critical Hit #1 2022 Reprint)
GD19: Pioniers Forward! (Großdeutschland Pack 3: High Tide at Kursk)
GD20: The Nut That Is Cherkasskoye (Großdeutschland Pack 3: High Tide at Kursk)
BG9: Testing Minenknackers (Covered)
DB177: Ozreki (Dispatches from the Bunker #55)
Designer: Chas Smith
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
German (SS)Russian
After some delay due to soft ground and infantry battling through the first line of the defense, the armored spearhead of the Das Reich finally got moving. One group consisted of a “half-company” of Tigers along with other panzers that sent some Russian infantry fleeing for the cover of buildings. The group continued pushing forward and took a temporary halt near a ridge. One of the Tigers came under fire from the next ridge about 1 kilometer away. The Das Reich armored group moved forward to see a wave of tanks launching a counterattack at the Russian force consisted of T-34s and American made M3 Lee tanks. The Russian maneuver to blunt the German advance resulted in a swirling armored engagement.Attacker: German (SS) (SS Panzergrenadier Division 2)
Defender: Russian (130th Tank Regiment)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:0.0 D:0.0 |
AFVs: A:15 PzKpfw VIE x 3 PzKpfw IVH x 2 PzKpfw IVF1 x 2 PzKpfw IIIJ x 3 PzKpfw IIIL x 3 Pz T34/M41(L)(r) x 2 |
AFVs: D:23 T-34 M41 x 7 T-34 M43 x 9 Lee(a) x 7 |
Guns: A:0 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | Tanks may not set up in Buildings. D: Tanks may set up Hull Down |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
High Ground 2 | BFP-H |
High Ground 2 | BFP-I |
BFP 4: Crucible of Steel | BFP-N |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
BFP-81 Options: The options should be reversed. The Board N image is flipped. The Board N # orientation is in the correct location. | BFP website |
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Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2024-12-18 12:11:06 |
Hutch Modified the overview | 2024-12-18 12:07:03 |
Dispang12 Added a playing | 2024-12-18 04:22:57 |
Dispang12 Rated the scenario | 2024-12-18 04:22:28 |
Hutch Modified the Defender's AFVs | 2024-05-24 15:02:53 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(M3 Lee leadlease smoking dead.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 906 |
(!SS-sov new.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 861 |
VASLMap (BFP81-VASLMap.png) | Map Image | bkemp01 | 1184 |
(bfp81 map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 534 |
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