With the fall of the German command center in Cleve, Operation Veritable called for lightning strikes along the main lines of communications before the Germans could recover. One main road was assigned to the 7th Seaforth Highlanders, who were detained by mud that prevented the supporting armor from reaching the front in time. The strike was further blunted by the now recovering Germans. In the first village on the Highlanders' road, an ambush was being prepared.
Attacker: British (7th Seaforth Highlanders / 49th Royal Tank Regiment / Detachment Guards Armoured Division)
Defender: German (Qualberg Garrison)
8 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:8.0 D:7.0
AFVs: A:10
Ram Kangaroo(a) x 8 Churchill VII x 2
AFVs: D:1
Guns: A:0 D:0
Misc Rules:
Pine Woods. All roads paved. No hills. A: enter as Passengers
Clarification - Roads with Shellholes are not considered Open Ground for Bog Purposes. (During playtest we interpreted B2.1 as the PLACEMENT of created shellholes to eliminate terrain in the hex, not existing shellholes. B3.43 supports this point by stating Infantry cannot gain road bonus if they use shellholes. They can move along a road with shellholes, avoid them, and still get road bonus - ergo the road still exists).
Ed Beekman North Texas ASL
Players wanting to play this game/Request a match:
Great Game. As the British, my husband got enough points in the exit area. Last turn I ran a 7-0 out in the open who survived defense fire from multiple targets. Got a panzerfaust and blew up the trailing tank to win the game. Right out of Hollywood baby.
(D) Jeff B
Scott Sherer
German win
Once we got past the nonsensically gamey mechanic for how the Brits can freely move (why they didn't move in a convoy is beyond me) the game got rather interesting, if not totally predicated on dice. I wanted them well sucked into town, so this didn't happen until Turn 3 Brit moves, when they wisely unloaded all passengers. My StuG was caught on the front line without infantry support, promptly whiffed on its first shot, managed to knock out an adjacent Roo using IF during DFPh, and was then stunned and ready to be raided in CC by a surviving crew. With 7(!) CS on all Brit vehicles, there would be a lot of those running around this game. Thankfully it survived, and my infantry moved up on my turn to try their luck on PB PF shots. Let the dicefest begin. To say I got extremely lucky would be an understatement. I fried two adjacent Roos with PFs (eating the backblast on one), knocked out another with my repositioned StuG, and eliminated a Churchill with a lucky long range PSK shot. On my half of the turn he thankfully lost his Piat for good during RPh, and another Roo was knocked out by my StuG. I had had a precious squad turn berserk during Brit AFPh, and he was setup to provide an almost instant death to him, but against all odds he survived all fire, only to be pinned looking for a PF in CC with a Roo. He would be gone next turn, but again only after absorbing an inordinate amount of fire. Going into this I thought 8 turns was way too many for the attacker, but it became painfully apparent at this stage how costly moving through the mud was. After he lost his other Churchill to a sniper, he would need to get all of his units across the line and capture/eliminate just about all my units to pull this out. So Scott threw up the concession in the middle of Turn 6. Not the complete dog I thought it was going to be, but the goofy nature of the Brits basically dictating the "ambush" pretty well ruined it for me from the start.
(A) Scott Sherer
Jeff B
German win
(D) Steve Nicewarner
Don Nordloff
German win
British followed the road as required, then executed a flank turn to the right, neatly avoiding the PSK and the StuG. While the Germans lacked leadership and MGs, it was 1945 so we had panzerfausts like candy. Those proved decisive to the German victory