Rally Point # 2

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2007
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Rally Point Volume 2 is an ASL/ASL Starter Kit Compatible scenario pack from the Tampa ASL Group. Each scenario is fully compatible with full ASL rules and ASL Starter Kit Rules. These 10 scenarios were playtested with consideration for both rules sets and are presented in the Schwerpunkt easy-to-read format on high-quality cardstock.

ASL players need boards t, u, v, w, x, y, and z to play these scenarios. ASL Starter Kit Players need Starter Kits 1, 2, and 3 to play the scenarios. This edition of Rally Point is intended to unite ASLers and ASL Starter Kit players through a common set of scenarios.

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This publication has been rated: 8/10 by 1 users. Write a review
nice fine quality ASL senario
youhei nakano: 8.0 out of 10. [Review score: 1] [Agree] [Disagree]

A am playing ASL on Japan.Face to face only.this senario is playing CHiba region GAme circle on playing last month.
My friend is playing RPT14 and ROPT17.Very fun.
This module is ASLSK-OK,ASLstandard-OK.I am usualy play ASLstandard. this RPT14and17 convert myASLstandard life to ASLSK game playing.
Very interesting.
setup thinking on VASL my computer now.sunday morning my thinki... Read full review...


RPT11: Butchers and Bakers033 5.98Barfour, Normandy, FranceETOBritishGerman1.1 hrsBalanced7%
RPT12: Retreat From Bairak017 7.35Bairak, RussiaETORussianGerman4.9 hrs60% German4%
RPT13: A Handful of Howdy021 6.67Wegberg, GermanyETOAmericanGerman1.9 hrs57% American5%
RPT14: Keitel and Cox022 6.12Cecina, ItalyETOAmericanGerman (SS)2.5 hrs59% American5%
RPT15: Comrade Klimenkov010 6.41Ogledow, PolandETORussianGerman5.6 hrs70% Russian2%
RPT16: Miracle at Sinagoga03 7.33Sinagoga, ItalyMTOBritishGerman8.2 hrs67% British1%
RPT17: Hetzer Hunters019 7.58Dürboslar, GermanyETOAmericanGerman3.4 hrsBalanced4%
RPT18: Worker's Settlement No. 8030 6.92Worker's Settlement No. 8, USSRETORussianGerman2.8 hrs59% German6%
RPT19: Mercury Rising016 6.57Near Modion, CreteMTOGermanGreek / New Zealand4.7 hrs67% Greek / New Zealand3%
RPT20: The Trouble with Tigers02 7.50Sandomierz, PolandETOGermanRussian8.6 hrs57% Russian0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.05hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.84

Total playing time: 43.7hrs

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