Operations Special Issue #1
Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. August 2008
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Table of Contents:
Bastogne for the Standard Combat Series
Driving on Fumes, as Ordered!
The Low Blow - invading Fortress Europe through the Netherlands (for The Mighty Endeavor)
Learning Wargames with simple Afrika
Stuff that didn't get into Strike Them A Blow
Assault on Rotterdam - an extended scenario for Fallschirmjaeger
Soviet Leader Units in RSR
Armies of the Wehrmacht in RSR
Hinge of Fate - 1942 - A new scenario for Shifting Sands
Valor of the Guards - a primer to Central Stalingrad
Making Waves - scenario analysis for ASLSK
XXX Corps, A Race to Arnhem - German strategy for Monty's Gamble
Warriors of God Leader Profiles
Salamanca review
Take me to Waterloo
An interview with Dean Essig
Gaming Stuff:
IGS game Iwo Jima - Rage Against The Marines with 88 5/8" counters, two maps, 8 pages of rules, 1 force screen
ASL mini-CG HASL Singling
ASL scenario Fire on the Volga converted to use VotG map
ASLSK scenario Ripples on the Pond
ASLSK scenario Going to New York
SCS Fallschirmjaeger variant 1/2" counters
Bastogne for the Standard Combat Series
Driving on Fumes, as Ordered!
The Low Blow - invading Fortress Europe through the Netherlands (for The Mighty Endeavor)
Learning Wargames with simple Afrika
Stuff that didn't get into Strike Them A Blow
Assault on Rotterdam - an extended scenario for Fallschirmjaeger
Soviet Leader Units in RSR
Armies of the Wehrmacht in RSR
Hinge of Fate - 1942 - A new scenario for Shifting Sands
Valor of the Guards - a primer to Central Stalingrad
Making Waves - scenario analysis for ASLSK
XXX Corps, A Race to Arnhem - German strategy for Monty's Gamble
Warriors of God Leader Profiles
Salamanca review
Take me to Waterloo
An interview with Dean Essig
Gaming Stuff:
IGS game Iwo Jima - Rage Against The Marines with 88 5/8" counters, two maps, 8 pages of rules, 1 force screen
ASL mini-CG HASL Singling
ASL scenario Fire on the Volga converted to use VotG map
ASLSK scenario Ripples on the Pond
ASLSK scenario Going to New York
SCS Fallschirmjaeger variant 1/2" counters
Map board(s):
Board: SG

Articles and Resources:
Title | Author | Description | Page/url |
Valor of the Guards: A Primer to Central Stalingrad | Jim Torkelson | Analysis | 25 -27 |
Making Waves - A Scenario Analysis of "Ripples on the Pond" | Brian Youse | Analysis | 27 - 28, 33 |
No reviews right now, why not write one?
Scenario | Played | Total | Rating | Location | Theatre | Attacker | Defender | Length | Balance | Popularity* |
S30: Ripples on the Pond | 0 | 27 | 6.66 | Apweiler, Germany | ETO | American | German | 2.4 hrs | 57% American | 6% |
S31: Going to New York! | 0 | 41 | 6.40 | Station San Oliva, Sicily | MTO | Italian | American | 2.4 hrs | 58% American | 9% |
SG01: Abrams' Charge | 0 | 7 | 6.89 | Singling, France | WTO | American | German | 9 hrs | 83% German | 2% |
SG02: Fitzgerald's Fire | 0 | 19 | 6.25 | Singling, France | WTO | German | American | 2.4 hrs | 75% American | 4% |
VotG18: In Sight of the Volga | 0 | 11 | 7.86 | Stalingrad, Russia | ETO | German | Russian (NKVD)/Russian | 9.8 hrs | 80% German | 2% |
SG CG I: A Pleasant Diversion | 0 | 26 | 6.83 | Singling, France | WTO | American | German | 62% German | 6% |
* Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.
(Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.
Median length of scenarios: 2.4hrs
Average rating of scenarios: 6.82
Total playing time: 26hrs