Schwerpunkt #20

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2014
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SP229: The Devil's Congregation034 5.86Dég, HungaryETOGerman (SS)Russian4.7 hrs76% German (SS)9%
SP230: The Rimling Circus024 7.13Rimling, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American9.1 hrs61% American7%
SP231: Galician Persuasion066 6.93Ottynia, Galicia, HungaryETOHungarian (Vannay)/HungarianRussian5.7 hrsBalanced18%
SP232: The Krutoy Log Roll05 9.00Northeast of Krutoy Log, U.S.S.R.ETOGermanRussian10.1 hrs60% Russian1%
SP233: Easy Come Easy Go09 6.78Nunen, HollandWTOGermanAmerican / British5.8 hrs89% American / British2%
SP234: Teltow Two-Step023 7.17Neukölln, GermanyETORussianGerman (SS)5 hrsBalanced6%
SP235: Blue Ridger Blues027 5.29Heiderschied, LuxembourgWTOGermanAmerican4.1 hrs63% German7%
SP236: Hammer Time069 7.00Hannut, BelgiumETOGermanBelgian / French5.4 hrsBalanced19%
SP237: Shanghai Scuffle07 7.50Shanghai, ChinaCBIJapaneseChinese5.5 hrs86% Chinese2%
SP238: Inherent Systemic Violence09 7.57Ostrog, Ukraine ETOGermanRussian7.4 hrs67% Russian2%
SP239: Nankai Shitai016 5.13Isurava, Papua, New GuineaPTOJapaneseAustralian2 hrs67% Japanese4%
SP240: Quiet Desperation036 6.27Outreau, FranceETOGermanBritish1.6 hrs56% German10%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.45hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.8

Total playing time: 66.4hrs

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