BFP 5: Poland in Flames

Published by: Bounding Fire Productions. February 2016
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BFP 5: Poland in Flames (PiF) covers the conflict that triggered the start of World War 2 in Europe when Germany invaded Poland in September, 1939. This campaign was much more than the German Blitzkrieg overrunning a helpless Polish opponent. Rather, the Poles, deficient in both quality and quantity to the German Army as well as having to fight against Slovak and Russian forces, put up stiff resistance under the most dire of circumstances. The contents of PiF depict this brave struggle against overwhelming odds.

Map board(s):

Board: BFP-O, BFP-P, BFP-Q, BFP-R, BFP DW-5a, BFP DW-5b, BFP DW-6a, BFP DW-6b

Articles and Resources:

Poland in Flames Designer's NotesChas SmithReference Material2-8
Pyromania: Fire in ASLEdward W. Fritz Jr.Rules and Strategy9-23
Guns in ASLChas SmithRules and Strategy24-43
Odyssey of the Black BrigadeSteve SwannReference Material44-46
The Polish CampaignChas SmithReference Material47-55


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BFP-105: The Winter City082 6.03Zakopane, PolandETOSlovakPolish4.5 hrsBalanced5%
BFP-106: Going Postal042 5.50Danzig, PolandETOGerman (SS)Polish5.9 hrs71% German (SS)3%
BFP-107: Costly Baptism0165 7.11Krzynowloga Mala, PolandETOGermanPolish2.9 hrs58% German11%
BFP-108: Ceramic City055 6.65Boleslawez (Boleslawiec), Poland ETOGerman (SS)Polish8.3 hrs69% Polish4%
BFP-109: Training Day019 5.33Mlawa, PolandETOGermanPolish15.8 hrsBalanced1%
BFP-110: Polish Panzerjagers035 5.89Wysoka, PolandETOGermanPolish15.3 hrsBalanced2%
BFP-111: Before the Blunder037 7.12Nitzwalde, PolandETOGermanPolish3.2 hrs59% Polish2%
BFP-112: Killer Carp011 5.38Melno, PolandETOGermanPolish6.9 hrs60% German1%
BFP-113: Bunker Bash022 5.25Katowice, PolandETOGermanPolish6.6 hrs70% German1%
BFP-114: Engineering Defeat0100 7.57Graudenz, PolandETOGermanPolish6.1 hrsBalanced6%
BFP-115: Turned Back at Tylicz012 6.53Tylicz, PolandETOSlovakPolish7.2 hrs65% Slovak1%
BFP-116: Stop, Turn, Fight061 7.04Kazina, PolandETOPolishGerman4.4 hrs63% German4%
BFP-117: Silent Bayonets020 6.21Zabrzez, PolandETOPolishSlovakian3.2 hrs57% Polish1%
BFP-118: Kazina Klash020 6.90,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5988=5988) THEN 1 ELSE 5988*(SELECT 5988 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS) END))ETOGermanPolish5.2 hrsBalanced1%
BFP-119: Real Steel011 7.82Piotrkow, PolandETOGermanPolish10.9 hrsBalanced1%
BFP-120: Defiant Resistance06 6.00Mniechow, PolandETOGermanPolish12 hrs63% German0%
BFP-121: Old Friends036 6.22Trzelana, PolandETOGermanPolish15.9 hrs67% German2%
BFP-122: At Sword Point09 5.80Milejow, PolandETOPolishGerman14.4 hrs67% German1%
BFP-123: Asphalt Soldiers04 5.67Pabianice, PolandETOPolishGerman (SS)14.2 hrs67% Polish0%
BFP-124: The Tanks of Warsaw026 6.29Warsaw, PolandETOGermanPolish15.7 hrsBalanced2%
BFP-125: A Wave Breaking with the Tide010 6.10Leczyea, PolandETOPolishGerman9.6 hrsBalanced1%
BFP-126: Give 'em Some Flak016 5.33Szepietowo, PolandETOGermanPolish5.4 hrs63% Polish1%
BFP-127: The Road to Warsaw020 6.59Kopytow, PolandETOGerman (SS)Polish3.3 hrs64% Polish1%
BFP-128: The Devil's Armpit09 6.33Andrzejewo, PolandETOPolishGerman8.1 hrs78% Polish1%
BFP-129: A Bitter Day043 6.79Gdynia, PolandETOPolishGerman6.2 hrsBalanced3%
BFP-130: The Spearhead023 6.25Krasnik, PolandETOPolishGerman6.8 hrs91% German1%
BFP-131: Zboiska Heights04 6.25Zboiska, PolandETOPolishGerman11.2 hrs70% German0%
BFP-132: Steel Garden010 5.92Brzesc, PolandETOGermanPolish10.1 hrs67% German1%
BFP-133: Over the Hills09 7.20Harasiuki, PolandETOGermanPolish5.7 hrsBalanced1%
BFP-134: Hell at Kiernozia07 7.25x2dElETOGermanPolish10.4 hrs57% Polish0%
BFP-135: No Shortage of Determination016 7.22Lemberg, PolandETOPolishGerman4.1 hrs70% Polish1%
BFP-136: Boiling Kettle of Fire and Blood06 6.83Tomaszów Lubelski, PolandETOPolishGerman14.1 hrs56% Polish0%
BFP-137: Death Throes033 7.13Biala Gora, PolandETOGermanPolish4 hrs72% Polish2%
BFP-138: Outgunned029 7.00Nizniow, PolandETOPolishRussian8.7 hrs67% Russian2%
BFP-139: Cockroaches Against Panzers011 6.00Sierakow, PolandETOGermanPolish12.2 hrs73% Polish1%
BFP-140: Iron Greeting0102 6.72Krasne, PolandETOPolishRussian6.3 hrs63% Polish7%
BFP-141: Belorussian Brawl010 7.00Skidel, PolandETORussianPolish8.6 hrs60% Russian1%
BFP-142: The New Eagles02 6.50Grodno, PolandETORussianPolish11.3 hrs67% Russian0%
BFP-143: Gun Show012 5.00Stochow, PolandETORussianPolish9.9 hrs58% Russian1%
BFP-144: Forest of Death020 6.45Tarnawacki, PolandETOGermanPolish7.8 hrs74% Polish1%
BFP-145: Rock and a Hard Place02 6.00Southeast of Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland ETOGermanPolish10.1 hrs100% German0%
BFP-146: Szacked025 6.44Szack, PolandETOPolishRussian3.2 hrs71% Russian2%
BFP-147: The Commissar's Folly030 6.30Milanow, PolandETORussianPolish3.4 hrs80% Polish2%
BFP-148: Backs Against the Wall013 5.50Wytyczno, PolandETORussianPolish12.4 hrs58% Polish1%
BFP-149: Kock Strong010 7.00Kock, PolandETOGermanPolish10.9 hrs70% German1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 8.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.39

Total playing time: 382.4hrs

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