Battle for France

Published by: Lone Canuck Publishing. July 2022
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On 10 May 1940, the Phony War came to an end. Germany launched Fall Gelb (Case Yellow) with the goal: the destruction of the French First Army and control of the Low Countries and the part of France north of the Somme and Aisne Rivers. By the end of May, the Wehrmacht had concluded Fall Gelb with stunning success. On 5 June 1940, the Germans launched Fall Rot (Case Red), which called for the complete destruction of the remaining Allied forces in France and the occupation of the whole country.

This scenario pack has ten scenarios spanning the six weeks from the battles along the Meuse River to the Mediterranean Riviera, and is compatible with MMP’s Advanced Squad Leader™ System.

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BF#9: The Shield of France02 The Saar Gap, FranceETOGermanFrench3.8 hrs100% German3%
BF#3: French Courage029 7.00Huppy, FranceETOFrenchGerman4.3 hrs100% German45%
BF#2: French Aggression04 6.00Mont Saint Eloi, FranceETOFrenchGerman4.8 hrs56% German6%
BF#10: Mussolini's Gamble00 French-Italian border, east of Menton, FranceETOItalianFrench4.9 hrs100% Italian0%
BF#1: No Shortage of Valour03 7.67La Horgne, FranceETOGermanFrench5.9 hrs60% German5%
BF#5: Resolute Defence02 9.00Hangest, FranceETOGermanFrench6 hrsBalanced3%
BF#6: Stand at Rouen0105 6.75Rouen, FranceETOGermanFrench7.9 hrs60% German162%
BF#4: French Determination01 5.00Villers-Sur-Mareuil, FranceETOFrenchGerman11.1 hrs67% German2%
BF#7: Steel Mammoths03 2.00Perthes, FranceETOFrenchGerman11.7 hrs75% French5%
BF#8: Clash at Juniville01 6.00Juniville, FranceETOGermanFrench12.9 hrs75% French2%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.95hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.18

Total playing time: 73.3hrs

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