From The Cellar #13

Published by: Le Franc Tireur. December 2024
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"From The Cellar #13" contains 35 updated and revised scenarios from older, out-of-print issues of "Le Franc Tireur" (LFT) publications, offering a collection of classic ASL battle scenarios with improved balance and design elements for both new and veteran players.

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FT13: Cabanes Vieilles01 Cabanes Vieilles, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman7.7 hrs100% Free French0%
FT14: Les Mille Fourches09 Authion Height, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman3.5 hrs89% German3%
FT15: La Forca06 La Forca, Authion Height, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman4.4 hrsBalanced2%
FT16: Les 3 Communes00 The Redoubt of Les 3 Communes, Authion Heights, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman6.1 hrsUnknown0%
FT17: Patrol00 Raus Pass, Authion Heights, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman0.9 hrs67% German0%
FT49: Lingevres - Aftermath00 Lingevres, FranceWTOGermanBritish5.1 hrs64% British0%
FT50: Meeting On The Summit00 Mont Froid, FranceWTOAxis (German and Italian)Free French5 hrs100% Free French0%
FT51: Harmless Steel00 Raseinai, RussiaETOGermanRussian7.1 hrs88% Russian0%
FT52: Bouchon A Bouchain00 Bouchain, FranceETOGermanFrench6.6 hrs67% French0%
FT53: First Drop00 Gorki, RussiaETORussianGerman5 hrs75% Russian0%
FT54: The Wisps Come And Go06 Abbeville, FranceETOAlliesGerman4.9 hrs67% Allies2%
FT55: Finnish Blitzkrieg00 Alakurtti, FinlandETOAxisRussian6 hrs68% Axis0%
FT56: Primo Contatto00 Pokrovskoje, RussiaETOItalianRussian5.1 hrs75% Italian0%
FT57: Wysoka Mountain00 Wysoka, PolandETOGermanPolish11.1 hrs80% Polish0%
FT58: Dream Is Over00 Le Mesnil Adelee, FranceETOAmericanGerman9.1 hrs67% German0%
FT59: War The Italian Way00 Ocestovo, YugoslaviaMTOItalianYugoslav5.2 hrs73% Yugoslav0%
FT60: Bloody Brothers03 Kupres, YugoslaviaMTOPartisan (NOVJ)Croatian5.3 hrs100% Croatian1%
FT61: First Cossack Victory00 Oborova, YugoslaviaMTOGermanPartisan (NOVJ)7.1 hrsBalanced0%
FT62: New Model Army00 Gabela, YugoslaviaMTOGermanPartisan (NOVJ)10.9 hrs100% German0%
FT63: Clear That Road!00 Blagaj, YugoslaviaMTOGerman (SS)Partisan (NOVJ)3.3 hrs60% German (SS)0%
FT64: Savnik00 Savnik, YugoslaviaMTOGerman (SS)Partisan (NOVJ)4 hrs59% German (SS)0%
FT65: Last Chance Breakthrough00 Vojnik, YugoslaviaMTOPartisan (NOVJ)German (SS)5.7 hrs100% Partisan (NOVJ)0%
FT66: Raid On Grohote04 Grohote, Solta Island, YugoslaviaMTOAllies (American / British)German3.6 hrs100% German1%
FT67: Knin Pocket00 Knin, YugoslaviaMTOPartisan (NOVJ)German / Croatian9.8 hrs67% Partisan (NOVJ)0%
FT68: Red Lightning02 Gradiste, YugoslaviaMTOPartisan (NOVJ)German3.2 hrs100% Partisan (NOVJ)1%
FT69: Durs A Cuire00 Poix/Thieulloy-L'Abbaye crossroad, FranceETOFrenchGerman6 hrs63% German0%
FT70: Ride Across The Caucasus00 Kutaskaya, RussiaETOAxis (German / Slovakian)Russian3.8 hrs66% Russian0%
FT71: The Last Circle00 Pitomnik, RussiaETORussianGerman5.2 hrsBalanced0%
FT72: Catcher Caught08 Leskovicz, AlbaniaMTOGermanPartisan4.3 hrs75% German3%
FT73: The Adriatic Pirates00 Milna, Brac Island, YugoslaviaMTOPartisanAxis (German (SS) and Ustashi)16.6 hrs83% Partisan0%
FT74: Freeing The Roadway00 Crepon, FranceWTOBritishGerman3.2 hrs57% German0%
FT75: Unexpected Fire00 Cristot, FranceWTOBritishGerman (SS)6 hrs65% British0%
FT76: White Suns05 Mantes, FranceWTOGermanAmerican12.9 hrs60% German2%
FT77: Surprised Buffalo00 Vergemoli, ItalyMTOItalianAllies (American / Partisan)9.7 hrs67% Allies (American / Partisan)0%
FT78: The War Is Over013 Ferlach, AustriaETOGermanPartisan5.1 hrs69% Partisan4%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.2hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 218.5hrs

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