Blitzkrieg Pack

Published by: Fanatic Enterprises. January 2004
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FE 78: The Birth of Blitzkrieg05 3.00Wilkowiecko, PolandETOGermanPolish3.5 hrs60% Polish4%
FE 79: Motorcycle Probe014 6.43Krolewsh, PolandETOGermanPolish3.9 hrsBalanced11%
FE 80: The World Aflame00 Mokra, PolandETOGermanPolish13.8 hrsUnknown0%
FE 81: Smialya00 Mokra, PolandETOGermanPolish15.6 hrsUnknown0%
FE 82: Mokra Melee03 6.33Mokra, PolandETOPolishGerman4.7 hrs67% Polish2%
FE 83: The Fifth Column06 6.86Chorzow, PolandETOGermanPolish2 hrs62% German5%
FE 84: Black Monday00 Ochota, PolandETOGermanPolish10.1 hrsUnknown0%
FE 85: Danish Pride05 5.80Soelstad, DenmarkETOGermanDanish3.7 hrsBalanced4%
FE 86: The End at Dombaas00 Dombaas, Norway ETONorwegianGerman4.7 hrsBalanced0%
FE 87: Lightning War01 5.00Limramont-Neufchateau, BelgiumETOGermanFrench7.1 hrsBalanced1%
FE 88: The Hard Way00 Floing, FranceETOGermanFrench6.6 hrsUnknown0%
FE 89: Crossing The Meuse02 5.50Montherme, FranceETOGermanFrench1.9 hrsBalanced2%
FE 90: Busted at Bulson00 Bulson, FranceETOFrenchGerman4.8 hrs100% German0%
FE 91: Elan00 La Horgne, FranceETOGermanFrench4.8 hrs75% German0%
FE 92: Loveluck04 6.75Merville, FranceETOGermanBritish1.9 hrs75% German3%
FE 93: Guerra del Lampo01 5.00Elea, GreeceMTOItalianGreek7.7 hrs60% Greek1%
FE 94: Krushed at Kroussia00 Kroussia, GreeceMTOGermanGreek10.8 hrsUnknown0%
FE 95: Branzini Brouhaha07 7.00Branzini, BessarabiaETORomanianRussian6.8 hrs100% Romanian6%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.8hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.77

Total playing time: 114.4hrs

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