With the final Soviet offensive pushing into the German capital, the war in the east was drawing to its conclusion. Soviet attacks in other sectors along the front were designed to keep German units pinned down, preventing them from reinforcing the battle for Berlin. The Red Army made penetrations everywhere along the front, and numerous German units found themselves surrounded and cut off.
In the small town of Niesky, a garrison of the once-proud Brandenburg Division was in dire straits. Strong Soviet forces ringed the town, applying steady pressure against the beleaguered Germans. On the 20th of April, the Red Army attempted to take Niesky from its veteran defenders.
The Russians got pinned down from so very accurate HMG fire with the direction of the 10-2. The Russian finally conceded During the German Turn 7 Prep fire when the 5th T-35 was turned into a burning wreck. The Germans were is full control of all of the buildings and were posed to get 20VP off the map edge on Turn 8
(D) Dwayne Duval
Kevin Duval
Russian win
(A) Kevin Duval
Dwayne Duval
Russian win
Lots of good action. Germans held out fairly well until Turn 10 entry of the SU-122's that helped break the will of the final defenders.
(D) Jeff B
Scott Sherer
Russian win
14.5 hrs
This one is a chess match, and much will depend on the German setup versus the Russian choice of reinforcement entry. I went with a completely unorthodox approach, choosing to go all-in defending the western part of the map and leaving all buildings in town unoccupied. The goal obviously was to survive the first two, maybe three, waves of Russian reinforcements and exit. Unfortunately for me the Russian choices turned out to be optimal to counter my plan. Cavalry entered Turn 1 from the east, flying in the face of my expected infantry-only entry, and quickly made their way into town and down toward my men - who by this time were scrmabling to consolidate and furiously began digging foxholes. The village was secure by Turn 3, and the cavalry turned their attention to begin their assault on my wood denizens. Two misconceptions played a part in plans for both sides. On my part, I had assumed units attempting to enter from offboard via detection would be bounced back and eliminated from play. On Scott's part, he had thought he'd be able to human wave from offboard. I didn't know what to expect on Turn 4, but when Scott revealed his infantry were to enter from the west I knew all hell would break lose. By the end of the turn there were 15 dead Russian squads and a leader, while the Germans lost 4 squads plus two leaders (including my 10-2). Besides the fact that my northern defense was hampered by his highly destructive mortars and my southern defense harassed by multiple MGs, I was very happy with the situation, The next couple turns saw the Germans dish out more than they took, completely eliminating the southern MG threats, but the Russians had little care for losses, and every German unit they took down with them would benefit them in the end. With bated breath I awaited where the first Russian tanks would enter, and I was more than a little apprehensive when it turned out to be from the south. MG pressure from here I was able to deal with, but I had very little answers for dealing with heavy armor which kept a respectful distance. When I lost my Tiger to a lucky bounding fire CH on Turn 8 I knew that was most likely the nail in my eventual coffin. That was a 16 point swing and, only able to exit 11VP worth of units, was too big of a deficit to overcome. The next couple turns were highly entertaining, and we could've played it to the end with many more exciting moments, but I decided to concede on Turn 10, with the score 87-11 at the time. Very fun game, that has the potential to be played much more than once with all te variables involved.
(A) Scott Sherer
Jeff B
Russian win
Classic ASL slugfest with quite a bit of strategy on each side. As Jeff points out, we both made considerable tactical (and rule) mistakes, but my biggest best choice was brining in the infantry group in from the bottom on Turn 4. The Russians lost a lot (and I mean a lot) of men, but in classic Russian style with no CVP they just continued to pound away at the German positions, eventually wearing them down considerably. But to Jeff's point, my incredibly lucky CH to eliminate the Tiger gave the Russians the advantage which the Germans could not overcome. Great fun!
(A) Chuck Dye
German win
Worth every minute of play time
(D) patrick palma
Chuck Dye
German win
(D) Chuck Dye
German win
(A) Diane Spangler
Lawrence Spangler
German win
(D) Lawrence Spangler
Diane Spangler
German win
(A) Jason Wert
Damon Norko
German win
Blast to play. Great options and action
(A) Martí Cabré
Jesús Pié
Russian win
This game took 15 months of PBEM. I took the Russians and decided to move first the infantry and then wait for the reinforcements instead of going directly for the fight. I used artillery to launch some smoke on the MGs to approach the village and some HE on the village which destroyed a couple of ammo trucks. The German MGs killed some Russian units on the way. The medium and heavy tanks appeared but they started rolling 6,6 when firing and 5 of 9 tanks suffered recall (the 3 SU and 2 T34). Only 2 T34 survived the battle.
I attacked the village using a huge human wave from the woods in the northwest and after that the cavalry launched an attack from the north side, when the infantry had entered the village. Inside the village the Panther held infantry CC attacks for four or five turns, immobilized and killing its attackers. The Russian number finally started cracking the German defense and I captured three buildings.
With 50CVP in casualties and 3 buildings I was still needed 5VP to win. I attacked the building in X2 and tried to kill more units (crews, HS...). On the last turn I managed to get 55CVP and conquered the last building during the enemy RtPh, scoring 75VP and the victory.
I find it extraordinary that after 15 months of playing the scenario was decided on the last player turn.
(D) Jesus Pie
Martí Cabré
Russian win
Impossible to describe better this game as Martí did. A very fun and exciting scenario, in the same line as old classics like Hill 621 or Sowchos 76...
(D) Steffen Knippel
Eoin Corrigan
German win
Eoin gave up, demoralized, way too early. Twin HMGs at Level 2 with seemingly neverending ROF can have that effect.
(A) Steffen Knippel
Mark Pingley
Russian win
(D) Vic Lauterbach
German win
This was real a barn-burner; situation requires both players to be aggressive. Lost all the board 10 buildings but got 10 CVP off the map for a very narrow victory.