Contre-Attaque à Connage ETO (id:#58884)
Connage, France
1940-05-14 (27 others)
U: Chance D'une Affaire (AH:The General # 30.5)
CH 52: Gross Deutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit # 3.1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux: The Feint)
FE 89: Crossing The Meuse (Blitzkrieg Pack)
FE 90: Busted at Bulson (Blitzkrieg Pack)
O98.1: Repoussage #1 (On All Fronts # 98)
PJ7.4: Sedan Breakout (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
ATL 93.4: Chance D'une Affaire (ASL Digest # 3.09)
SP149: Labarthe's Charade (Schwerpunkt #13)
SP158: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Schwerpunkt #14)
48: Pak Nest (Dezign Pak 4)
FF15: Dragoons Returned (FireFights! #2)
WO02: Failure to Communicate (Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010)
AP57: Kleckerweise (ASL Action Pack # 6 A Decade of War)
O1: Go Big or Go Home (Special Ops # 1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux II)
VV65: Les Panzers Passent La Meuse (Vae Victis # 92)
SP254: Propitious Arrival (Schwerpunkt #22)
RPT114: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Rally Point #12)
MM 43: Meuse - French Counter Attack (March Madness 2018 Players Pack)
232: Chance d'une Affaire (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
233: Failure to Communicate (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN09: The Road to Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN10: Finale: Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
GhD #3: Bouvignes Riposte (Ghost Division 1: 7th Panzer Division France 1940)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3.1 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Gross Deutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit # 3.1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux: The Feint)
FE 89: Crossing The Meuse (Blitzkrieg Pack)
FE 90: Busted at Bulson (Blitzkrieg Pack)
O98.1: Repoussage #1 (On All Fronts # 98)
PJ7.4: Sedan Breakout (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
ATL 93.4: Chance D'une Affaire (ASL Digest # 3.09)
SP149: Labarthe's Charade (Schwerpunkt #13)
SP158: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Schwerpunkt #14)
48: Pak Nest (Dezign Pak 4)
FF15: Dragoons Returned (FireFights! #2)
WO02: Failure to Communicate (Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010)
AP57: Kleckerweise (ASL Action Pack # 6 A Decade of War)
O1: Go Big or Go Home (Special Ops # 1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux II)
VV65: Les Panzers Passent La Meuse (Vae Victis # 92)
SP254: Propitious Arrival (Schwerpunkt #22)
RPT114: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Rally Point #12)
MM 43: Meuse - French Counter Attack (March Madness 2018 Players Pack)
232: Chance d'une Affaire (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
233: Failure to Communicate (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN09: The Road to Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN10: Finale: Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
GhD #3: Bouvignes Riposte (Ghost Division 1: 7th Panzer Division France 1940)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3.1 2022 Reprint)
Designer: Philippe Naud & Sylvain Ferreira
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
"Counterstroke in Connage" -- On the previous day the Germans crossed the Meuse in several places, and three three Panzerdivisions (1st, 2nd and 10th) went through in Sedan. The French defenders, demoralized by air bombings, were succumbing under the assault. To face the attack General Lafontaine, commander of the Xth army corps “holding” the area, ordered a counterstroke south of Sedan. Two tank battalions and two infantry regiments were to “close and recapture” the breach opened by the enemy. The 213th Infantry Regiment, with good leadership but poor equipment (officers hadn’t had time to supply grenades) set up on the left wing. Support was limited to one antitank platoon and to the 7th BCC equipped with FCM 36, but the French soldiers had never performed any combined attack training with tanks. The attack began at 0620 May 14. In spite of some initial success (for example the destruction of enemy machine guns and 37mm guns) the French were getting behind schedule and moved forward without coordination. After taking the weakly defended hamlet of Connage, the 3rd company of 7th BCC and 213th Infantry Regiment marched over Chéhery. In front of them the Germans had prepared an antitank defense with disparate but quality elements such as the 14th Panzerjäger anti-tank company of Regiment Gross Deutschland. The last guns were barely emplaced when the first French tanks appeared.Attacker: French (3rd Company, 7th BCC, 506th Divisional Anti-Tank Company/2nd Battalion, 213rd Infantry Regiment)
Defender: German (Battalion Richter, 1st Assault Regiment/Anti-Tank Company, 14th Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland and 83rd FlaK Battalion and Heavy Infantry Gun Company 702/1st Panzer Brigade)
9 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:22.5 D:9.5 |
AFVs: A:6 FCM 36 x 6 Renault UE x 3 |
AFVs: D:6 sIG IB PzKpfw IIA x 3 PzKpfw IIIF PzKpfw IVC |
Guns: A:3 Canon AC de 25 SA-L mle 34 x 3 D:3 Mortier de 60 mle 35 3.7cm PaK 35/36 x 2 8.8cm FlaK 18 5cm leGrW 36 x 2 PzB 39 ATR x 2 |
Misc Rules: | Ov4, Soft ground adj to Stream (Exc: Plowed Ground or Road hexes) |
Map Board(s): |
Overlays: | St1 | St2 |
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Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2024-09-25 20:05:18 |
asloser Added a playing | 2024-09-25 19:36:03 |
Rich Weiley Added a playing | 2020-06-07 02:50:40 |
hoxson1 Modified the overview | 2019-02-20 18:22:18 |
hoxson1 Modified the misc. rules | 2019-02-20 18:17:51 |
File | Description | User | Views |
German AT - Battle of Sedan (sedan german AT.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1084 |
(!frenchgerm.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1044 |
(tac32_map_SSRs_added.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 1063 |
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