Tactiques # 7

Published by: Tactiques. December 1994
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Tactiques (1994)

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48-page magazine, including 8 scenarios as magazine pages; two PBDYO nationality charts

The theme of Tactiques #7 was Tunisia and the first combat actions of the U.S. Army (outside of the Pacific). The issue includes an article about desert terrain as well as a scenario replay/analysis.

It was this issue of Tactiques that also introduced PBDYO (Platoon-Based Design Your Own), which was a series of rules and charts designed to provide form and substance to ASL’s nebulous and partial DYO rules (in Chapter H) by focusing on particular times and theaters. The first installments, in this issue, provided information for the Italians and French in Tunisia in 1943-43.

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TAC51: L'Union Fait la Force035 6.31Oostrozebeke, BelgiumETOBelgianGerman2.1 hrs64% German64%
TAC52: L'Armee du Bout du Monde023 7.00Na Cham Border Post, IndochinaCBIJapaneseFrench4.9 hrs65% French42%
TAC53: Victoire a la Pyrrhus04 6.80Mavropye, GreeceMTOGermanBritish / New Zealand11.4 hrs75% British / New Zealand7%
TAC54: Nel Nome Di Roma060 6.14Jasnaya Polyana, USSRETOItalianRussian7.4 hrs63% Italian109%
TAC55: Carrefour Dangereux03 7.50South of Mateur, Tunisia DTOBritishItalian / German7.8 hrs100% Italian / German5%
TAC56: Les Petits du Renard01 7.00Jebel El Guessa, TunisiaDTOGermanAmerican15.4 hrs100% German2%
TAC57: Dernier Baroud04 5.75Near Bou Saadia, TunisiaDTOFrench / BritishGerman4.2 hrsBalanced7%
TAC58: Vingt Neuf en Avant!02 6.00Grandcamp, FranceWTOAmericanGerman6.1 hrsBalanced4%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 6.75hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.56

Total playing time: 59.3hrs

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