Franc-Tireur #11
Published by: Le Franc Tireur. January 2008
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This issue focuses on the fight for France in 1940. As usual 10 scenarios printed on hard paper and featuring actions with French units are included. Moreover, this issue includes a seashore map (SK style). Another bonus is the SASL campaign game covering the exploits of 1st Ranger Infantry Battalion.
Map board(s):
Board: LFT1

Articles and Resources:
Title | Author | Description | Page/url |
10 Questions to Christian Koppmeyer | Xavier Vitry | Analysis | 16-18 |
ASL Sud Méditerrannée 2007 AAR | Philippe Briaux | After Action Report | 22 |
Villeneuve d'Ascq 2007 | Alexander Rousse-Lacordaire | After Action Report | 23 |
Brigade Legere Mechanique | Philippe Naud | Reference Material | 26-30 |
The French-Italian War in the Alps, 10-24 June 1940 | Laurent Closier | Reference Material | 31-36 |
Stonne 1940/2007 | Xavier Vitry | Reference Material | 37-41 |
Franco-German Infantry Tactics | Philippe Naud | Reference Material | 42-45 |
Solitaire ASL Historical Campaign Game | Hans Mielants | Rules and Strategy | 46-57 |
GSASL Is Not SASL | Hans Mielants | Analysis | 58-61 |
Gun Duel | Laurent Forest | Rules and Strategy | 62-64 |
France 1940: Instructions for use | Alexandre Rousse-Lacordaire | Rules and Strategy | 65 |
Platoon Movement | Laurent Forest | Rules and Strategy | 66-69 |
Play Fast! | Xavier Vitry | Rules and Strategy | 70-75 |
France's Behemoth | Jean Pascal Paoli | Reference Material | 76-77 |
This publication has been rated: 9/10 by 2 users. Write a reviewIf 1940 French battles interest you, buy it! Michael Rodgers: 8.0 out of 10. [Review score: 5] [Agree] [Disagree] Review LFT11 This is my opinion of issue number 11 of Le Franc Tireur. Your mileage may vary. Overall, while I believe it is a good product, at the same time I feel it is a bit over done and a bit over priced. I prefer to end with the positive aspects, so I begin with what I did not like. I dislike the articles that I feel belong in club newsletters, rather than in a magazine... Read full review... |
FT better than ever nathan wegener: 10.0 out of 10. [Review score: 4] [Agree] [Disagree] Best FT yet. FT has grown into a very high quality production material. I loved the Stonne articles - especially the tour of the area and the superimposed map - in fact after hesitating for months it made me pull the trigger on the CH Stonne product. The articles summarizing Gun Duels and Platoon Movement were very well written and helpful. |
Scenario | Played | Total | Rating | Location | Theatre | Attacker | Defender | Length | Balance | Popularity* |
FT 89: Too Little, My Friend ... | 0 | 42 | 6.67 | Marloie, Belgium | ETO | French | German | 6 hrs | 67% French | 13% |
FT 90: "Sans Esprit de Recul" | 0 | 4 | 3.17 | La Horgne village, 20 km south-west of Sedan | ETO | German | French | 15 hrs | 100% French | 1% |
FT 91: "Ne Pas Subir" | 0 | 29 | 7.00 | Rethel sur l'Aisne, France | ETO | French | German | 4.5 hrs | Balanced | 9% |
FT 92: No Fortress Is Impregnable | 0 | 10 | 6.50 | Fortress of Boulogne, France | ETO | German | French | 5.8 hrs | 56% German | 3% |
FT 93: Counterattack At Watten | 0 | 3 | 7.00 | Watten, France | ETO | French | German (SS) | 5.3 hrs | 67% French | 1% |
FT 94: Here Stands The Legion! | 0 | 10 | 6.92 | Village of Marchélepot to the South of Péronne, France | ETO | German | French | 4.4 hrs | 60% French | 3% |
FT 95: Raining Bullets | 0 | 11 | 7.29 | On the Ailette Canal, close to Pont St Mard, France | ETO | German | French | 5.5 hrs | 60% German | 3% |
FT 96: Rassenkampf | 0 | 8 | 6.00 | Lentilly, France | ETO | German (SS) | French | 7.5 hrs | 75% German (SS) | 3% |
FT 97: Rout On The Riviera | 0 | 6 | 6.38 | Cap-Martin Strongpoint, West of Menton, France | MTO | Italian | French | 5.2 hrs | 67% French | 2% |
FT 98: And Then They Landed | 0 | 13 | 6.00 | Dong Tac, Southwest of Do Son, Indochina | CBI | Japanese | French | 2.8 hrs | 82% French | 4% |
Mission DAR 4f: Panzer Revenge | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | German/Italian | American | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 4e: Mussolini Canal | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 4d: Death At Dawn | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 4c: Breaking The Kraut's Back | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 4b: Filtering Through The Line | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 4a: Breaking Through | 0 | 0 | Cisterna di Latina, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 3c: Uneasy | 0 | 0 | Isola Bella, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 3b: Into The Ditch, Into The Night | 0 | 0 | Isola Bella, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 3a: Operation Darkwood | 0 | 0 | Isola Bella, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 2b: Not Yet At Ease | 0 | 0 | Anzio, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | 100% German/Italian | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 2a: Out Of Town | 0 | 0 | Anzio, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% | ||
Mission DAR 1: Off We Go! | 0 | 0 | Anzio, Italy | MTO | American | German/Italian | Unknown | 0% |
* Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.
(Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.
Median length of scenarios: 5.4hrs
Average rating of scenarios: 6.29
Total playing time: 62hrs