From The Cellar Pack # 5
Published by: Le Franc Tireur. September 2010
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France based Le Franc Tireur continue to enhance their reputation as a reliable producer of well researched and developed ASL materials. This pack also includes a replacement for the misprinted LFT2 Released in the last Franc Tireur mag. This pack contains mostly 'extra' scenarios that didn't get into the various themed issues of LFT. Released in Oct 2010.
A short article in the pack discusses three scenarios featuring the battle for La Horgne (15-16 May 1940) with elite French Spahis trying to hold off an assault from the 1st Panzer Division. Two of the La Horgne scenarios are included in the pack: FT 148 "La Horgne" and FT 149 "Tombés Pour La France". FT 90 "Sans Esprit de Recul" was published earlier.
This release also features the winning scenario from MWT3 FT156 "Leonov's Hill" by with some introductory text by author Norman DeLaura II
A short article in the pack discusses three scenarios featuring the battle for La Horgne (15-16 May 1940) with elite French Spahis trying to hold off an assault from the 1st Panzer Division. Two of the La Horgne scenarios are included in the pack: FT 148 "La Horgne" and FT 149 "Tombés Pour La France". FT 90 "Sans Esprit de Recul" was published earlier.
This release also features the winning scenario from MWT3 FT156 "Leonov's Hill" by with some introductory text by author Norman DeLaura II
Map board(s):
Board: LFT2

Articles and Resources:
Title | Author | Description | Page/url |
The Battle for La Horgne | Hugues Pauget | Reference Material | 3-8 |
Monkeys With Typewriters 3 | Norman De Laura | Review | 9-11 |
This publication has been rated: 8/10 by 1 users. Write a reviewLFT continues to roll nathan wegener: 8.0 out of 10. [Review score: 1] [Agree] [Disagree] Played my first battle from this pack tonight FT150 "Storm Over Champagne" and it reminded me why I feel that LFT are at the top of the TPP list. High quality scenario cards, interesting situations, and loads of action with high replay value. (I also have to admit I am a sucker for early war and this pack has it with 9 of 14 before the end of 1942. Nice to have LFT fix the board issue... Read full review... |
Scenario | Played | Total | Rating | Location | Theatre | Attacker | Defender | Length | Balance | Popularity* |
FT146: Bridge of Life | 0 | 3 | 5.00 | Luding Bridge, Sichuan Province, China | CCW | Red Chinese | GMD | 2.5 hrs | 60% GMD | 2% |
FT147: Flight of the Intruders | 0 | 1 | 6.00 | Olankhuduk, Mongolia | CBI | Japanese/Manchukuoan | MPRA | 6.8 hrs | 67% MPRA | 1% |
FT148: La Horgne | 0 | 5 | 6.50 | La Horgne, France | ETO | German | French | 6.5 hrs | Balanced | 3% |
FT149: Tombés pour la France | 0 | 2 | 8.00 | La Horgne, France | ETO | German | French | 11 hrs | 60% French | 1% |
FT150: Storm Over Champagne | 0 | 5 | 7.00 | Souain, France | ETO | French | German | 7.7 hrs | 83% German | 3% |
FT151: Get Them Out! | 0 | 5 | 6.40 | Millançay, France | ETO | German | French | 2.8 hrs | 67% French | 3% |
FT152: Avanti! | 0 | 10 | 7.00 | Near Jasnaja Poljana, Russia | ETO | Axis | Russian | 4.4 hrs | 58% Axis | 5% |
FT153: Nailed to the Ground | 0 | 2 | 5.00 | Volkhov Front, Russia | ETO | Russian | Spanish Blue | 2.4 hrs | 100% Spanish Blue | 1% |
FT154: First Defeat | 0 | 1 | 7.00 | Milne Bay, New Guinea | PTO | Japanese | Australian | 8.4 hrs | 100% Australian | 1% |
FT155: Once Upon A Time ... In The East | 0 | 19 | 6.20 | Novoia Vodolaga, Russia | ETO | Russian | German (SS) | 7.4 hrs | 68% Russian | 10% |
FT156: Leonov's Hill | 0 | 4 | Cape Krestovyi, Finland | ETO | German | Russian | 6.1 hrs | 75% Russian | 2% | |
FT157: The Lost Column | 0 | 8 | 5.38 | Near Assy Montboint, France | WTO | German (SS) | Canadian | 6 hrs | Balanced | 4% |
FT158: Close Combat Teams | 0 | 0 | 8.00 | Near Mutanchiang, Manchuria | CBI | Russian | Japanese | 7.2 hrs | 75% Russian | 0% |
FT159: Tangled at Tsangkou | 0 | 0 | Tsangkou, China | CBI | GMD | Red Chinese | 15.9 hrs | Unknown | 0% |
* Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.
(Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.
Median length of scenarios: 6.65hrs
Average rating of scenarios: 6.46
Total playing time: 95.1hrs