Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 2011
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Following 2010's Winter Offensive Bonus Pack, this pack is similar, 3 new scenarios and a new map. Like the 2010 pack, 60% of the proceeds from the sale are donated to charity. This years charity is the 'Richard Winters Leadership Project'.

Geomorphic Mapboard 63
3 scenarios

Map board(s):

Board: 63

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WO03: Counterattack at Carentan046 6.38Carentan, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American3.1 hrs58% German (SS)13%
WO04: I Don't Like Retreating028 6.07Nuenen, The NetherlandsWTOGermanBritish / American7.5 hrsBalanced8%
WO05: Astride Hell's Highway013 5.85Koevering, HollandWTOGermanBritish / American10 hrs58% British / American4%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 7.5hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.1

Total playing time: 20.6hrs

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