New England Volunteers Play Pack 1

Published by: New England Volunteers (NEV). December 2019
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Starter Kit scenario pack from New England Volunteers ASL.
5 ASL Starter Kit scenarios that only require ASL SK #1 in order to be played.

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NEV 1: Taking San Stefano08 6.88San Stefano, SicilyMTOAmericanGerman4.2 hrs64% American13%
NEV 2: Bridgehead Over The Venta08 7.40Tryskiai, LithuaniaETOGermanRussian3.7 hrs67% German13%
NEV 3: Battle In The Ardennes09 6.89St. Vith, BelgiumWTOAmericanGerman3.7 hrs78% German14%
NEV 4: Hedgehog08 7.40Syrzewo, RussiaETORussianGerman2.9 hrs56% Russian13%
NEV 5: The Factory 'Aprilia'02 5.50Aprilia, ItalyMTOAmericanGerman4 hrs60% German3%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 3.7hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.81

Total playing time: 18.5hrs

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