Nor'easter Scenario Pack II

Published by: Yankee ASL Club. May 2020
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YASL 14: Szczuki028 6.36Szczuki, PolandETOGermanPolish3.5 hrs67% German17%
YASL 15: Chances Are Slim027 6.3840 km from the Hungarian border, PolandETOPolishRussian6 hrs63% Russian16%
YASL 16: Legion of Doom06 6.20Stary Sanhary, UkraineETOCroatianRussian2.6 hrs64% Croatian4%
YASL 17: Hill 200 - Gateway to Rzhev09 7.60Hill 200, Polunino, RussiaETORussianGerman5.8 hrs75% German5%
YASL 18: Recon On The Logging Trail01 2.00The Logging Trail, West of Hill 700, BougainvillePTOJapaneseAmerican1.7 hrs71% American1%
YASL 19: Indirect Panther06 6.75Hill 204.8, along the Gniloi Tikich, northwest of Yarnpol, UkraineETOGermanRussian7.4 hrs77% German4%
YASL 20: Broe Bay Brouhaha07 5.29print(61+56);PTOAmericanJapanese2.8 hrsBalanced4%
YASL 21: A Matter of Honor02 4.50Orote Peninsula, GuamPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese8.2 hrs100% American (USMC)1%
YASL 22: Where The Reindeer Dare Not Go014 7.33East of Luostari, Murmansk Oblast, RussiaETORussianGerman4.2 hrs58% German9%
YASL 23: Bloody Christmas Hill01 4.50Mont de Sigolsheim - Hill 351, FranceWTOAmericanGerman3.1 hrs100% German1%
YASL 24: The Flying Column07 7.00Cabanatuan, PhilippinesPTOAmericanJapanese16.2 hrs57% American4%
YASL 25: Stein's Stinger04 7.00Iwo JimaPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese7 hrs75% Japanese2%
YASL 26: Whiteout017 7.00Hoheleye, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman (SS)7.2 hrs59% American10%
YASL 27: A Man Called Hog Jaw02 7.00West of Seoul, South KoreaKWAmerican (USMC)North Korean9.9 hrs67% North Korean1%
YASL 28: Fool's Errand02 The Kon Brai Road, near Kontum, French IndochinaVIETViet MinhFrench5.1 hrs78% Viet Minh1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.8hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.07

Total playing time: 90.7hrs

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