ASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Published by: Avalon Hill. January 1990
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CODE OF BUSHIDO, the Japanese ASL module. Eagerly anticipated for years, the Japanese finally make their debut in wargaming's premier system of WWII tactical ground combat.

Inside you will find the complete ASL order of battle for the Japanese: all the significant vehicles, guns and troop types they employed from the 1930s through 1945. Eight scenarios, whose settings range from the barren plains of Manchuria to the steaming jungles of New Guinea, pit the Japanese against a wide variety of Allied nationalities.
Also included are four new mapboards (#s 34-37), fully compatible with the other SL/ASL boards, which depict the dense vegetation so common in tropical areas. Four sheets of overlays (village, stream, wooded hill, rice paddies, etc.) provide the means to create an almost endless variety of new terrain configurations.
Chapter G of the ASL rules covers the many unique characteristics of the Japanese as well as new terrain types like jungle, bamboo, huts, swamp and kunai grass, among others.

Fanatical soldiers who will die rather than break and run - unwavering, seemingly unstoppable banzai charges - individual tank-hunter infantrymen willing to blow themselves up along with an enemy AFV - these are but a hint of what is offered in this most unique addition to the ASL system. Your first CODE OF BUSHIDO scenario will be an ASL experience like none before - and one you'll likely never forget.


Boards 34, 35, 36, 37
PTO Terrain Overlays (4 pages) [1-5, B1-B5, G1-G5, M1-M5, O1-O5, OG1-OG5, RP1-RP5, Wd1-Wd5, X6]
Chapter G (1-16)
Chapter G Divider 1st Edition (PTO Terrain)
Chapter H Japanese (H89-H100)
Chapter N N17-N18
Scenarios 59 - 66
3 Counter Sheets

Map board(s):

Board: 34, 35, 36, 37

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59: Smertniki089 6.506 miles north of Mutanchiang, ManchukuoCBIRussianJapanese10.3 hrsBalanced12%
60: On the Kokoda Trail0158 6.21Deniki, Papua New GuineaPTOJapaneseAustralian7.6 hrs65% Japanese22%
61: Shoestring Ridge091 5.85Damulaan, Leyte, The PhilippinesPTOJapaneseAmerican8.5 hrs58% American12%
62: Bungle in the Jungle086 6.36Payagyi, BurmaCBIBritishJapanese10.8 hrs72% Japanese12%
63: The Eastern Gate098 5.5711 miles northeast of Maungdaw, BurmaCBIJapaneseGurkha10.2 hrs60% Japanese13%
64: Hazardous Occupation063 4.55Tamparan, Mindanao, PhilippinesPTOJapanesePartisan (Muslim)5.1 hrs59% Japanese9%
65: Red Star, Red Sun038 6.608 miles southwest of Nomonhan, ManchukuoCBIRussianJapanese12.5 hrs75% Japanese5%
66: The Bushmasters0111 6.2912 miles southeast of Sarmi, New GuineaPTOAmericanJapanese16.4 hrs68% Japanese15%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 10.25hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.99

Total playing time: 81.4hrs

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