From The Cellar Pack # 6

Published by: Le Franc Tireur. May 2011
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FT160: Close Encounter of the Bad Kind05 5.25South of La Neuville, FranceETOFrenchGerman3.3 hrs75% German1%
FT161: French Civil War in Gabon04 3.33N'Guigui, Afrique Equatoriale FrancaiseAFRFree FrenchVichy French3 hrs75% Vichy French1%
FT162: Assault on District Rovno02 6.50Kaunas, LithuaniaETOPartisanRussian3.9 hrs75% Russian1%
FT163: Price of Persia05 5.60Abadan, PersiaDTOIndianIranian2.1 hrs80% Iranian1%
FT164: Guts Are Not Enough02 6.00North of Shwedaung, Irrawady Valley, BurmaCBIBritishBurmese3.2 hrsBalanced1%
FT165: Shopino Struggle016 6.13Shopino, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)4.3 hrs81% German (SS)4%
FT166: Heroes at Leros05 4.80Leros Island, GreeceMTOBritishGerman3 hrs67% British1%
FT167: Wasp Sting019 6.90Montboint, FranceWTOCanadianGerman3.1 hrsBalanced5%
FT168: By Dawn's Early Light092 6.76Hemroulle, BelgiumWTOGermanAmerican3 hrsBalanced24%
FT169: Daring Parafroggers08 6.00Spier, NetherlandWTOGermanFree French / Canadian2.4 hrs63% Free French / Canadian2%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 3.05hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.73

Total playing time: 31.3hrs

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