HASL 10a - Red Factories

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 2019
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Red Barricades reissue + Red October scenarios and new maps. This follow-on HASL adds two new maps, expanding the playing area covered in Red Barricades to include the “Krasny Oktyabr” (or Red October) factory complex. RED OCTOBER features four CGs and fourteen scenarios. See HASL10b for Red October details.

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Board: RB

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RB01: One Down, Two to Go0109 7.60The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGerman Russian17.9 hrs63% Russian7%
RB02: Blood & Guts0133 6.58The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian11 hrs63% German8%
RB03: Bread Factory #20295 6.85The Bread Factory, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian4 hrs62% German18%
RB04: To The Rescue014 7.12Behind the Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian5.1 hrs58% Russian1%
RB05: The Last Bid02 7.50The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian129.2 hrs100% German0%
RB06: Turned Away0248 6.00Southeast of the Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian2 hrs56% German15%
RB07: The Red House089 5.73The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETORussianGerman6 hrs71% Russian6%
RB08: Fire on the Volga032 7.14The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian9.7 hrsBalanced2%
RB09: Ghosts in the Rubble06 5.00Southeast of the Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETORussianGerman5.5 hrs80% Russian0%
RB10: The Commissar's House013 6.07The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian9.9 hrs82% Russian1%
RB11: Oh Joy!08 6.50The Barrikady, Stalingrad, RussiaETORussianGerman4 hrs71% Russian0%
RB12: The 138 of the 138th03 6.67Northeastern Barrikady District, StalingradETOGermanRussian7.7 hrsBalanced0%
RB13: Sandbanks of the Volga020 5.86East Central Barrikady District, Stalingrad ETOGermanRussian8.8 hrs58% Russian1%
RB14: Anchoring the Line011 6.20Northeastern Barrikady District, StalingradETORussianGerman4.7 hrs60% German1%
RB CG I: Into the Factory01 8.00Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian1 hrs100% German0%
RB CG II: Operation Hubertus037 8.67Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian66% German2%
RB CG IV: Bled White018 Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussianUnknown1%
RB CG III: The Barrikady01 5.00Stalingrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian1 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.75hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.62

Total playing time: 227.5hrs

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