HazMo Scenario Pack 5: Firestarter

Published by: Hazardous Movement. December 2024
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Hazardous Movement Pack 5: Firestarter follows in the footsteps of Pack 4 : it's chock full of thoroughly playtested, fun, tournament-sized scenarios that feature a wide variety of nationalities, terrain and theaters of war. In addition, Firestarter includes a new two-sided Hazmo map (HZ3a/3b)!

Map board(s):

Board: HZ3a, HZ3b

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HazMo41: An Even Chance02 8.50Taksony, HungaryETOHungarianRussian4.5 hrs100% Russian22%
HazMo42: All One Rank00 Poddorye, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)/German5 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo43: A Negative Object04 7.25Cinkota, HungaryETORomanianHungarian3.7 hrs100% Hungarian44%
HazMo44: War Without Mercy00 Lajosmizse, HungaryETORussianGerman6.6 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo45: Only Half Alive00 Kommerscheidt, GermanyETOGermanAmerican5 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo46: Frog Marched00 Balikpapan, Dutch BorneoPTOAustralianJapanese6.1 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo47: Slavic Brotherhood02 8.33Grodno, PolandETORussianPolish10.1 hrsBalanced22%
HazMo48: Firefox00 Salla, FinlandETOGerman/FinnishRussian7.5 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo49: Massif Resistance00 Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte, FranceETOGermanFrench/American5.6 hrsUnknown0%
HazMo50: Heart and Seoul01 10.00Seoul, South KoreaKWAmerican (USMC)North Korean6.6 hrs100% American (USMC)11%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.85hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 8.52

Total playing time: 60.7hrs

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