Able Forward WTO (id:#61933)
Authie, France
1944-07-08 (26 others)
D11: Ripe Pickings (DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell)
JA-14: Open Draw Bridges (Internet)
BP 5: Charnel-Wood (Internet)
OB14: Berated at Baranovichi (Onslaught to Orsha)
TAC37: Chaud! Chaud les Buron! (Tactiques # 4)
Round 3: The Ardennes Abbey (ANZACon 2000)
BtB 13: By Chance (Beyond the Beachhead 2)
ASLSK B4: Battle for Buron (Battles Magazine #4)
BAA 1: The Contest For St. Contest (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 2: First Big Fight (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 3: Crazy Carriers (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 5: Taste For Cold Steel (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 6: Storming The Abbey (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BB2: Smashing In The Door (Bloody Buron)
BB1: First Big Fight (Bloody Buron)
BB3: Haywire Communications (Bloody Buron)
BB4: Zoot Suit Boys (Bloody Buron)
: Bloody Buron CG (Bloody Buron)
AP128: Flight of Fancy (ASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII)
#1: Mixed Bag (Kaunas Offensive)
AP138: Red Horse Recon (ASL Action Pack #14 Oktoberfest XXXIV)
Q11: Demented with Grief (Quick 6 Scenario Pack II)
OtO 32: Berated at Baranovichi (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
D11: Ripe Pickings (Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader)
AP138: Red Horse Recon (ASL European Union Championship 2022)
HazMo36: For an Army Routed (HazMo Scenario Pack 4: Making the Grade)
JA-14: Open Draw Bridges (Internet)
BP 5: Charnel-Wood (Internet)
OB14: Berated at Baranovichi (Onslaught to Orsha)
TAC37: Chaud! Chaud les Buron! (Tactiques # 4)
Round 3: The Ardennes Abbey (ANZACon 2000)
BtB 13: By Chance (Beyond the Beachhead 2)
ASLSK B4: Battle for Buron (Battles Magazine #4)
BAA 1: The Contest For St. Contest (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 2: First Big Fight (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 3: Crazy Carriers (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 5: Taste For Cold Steel (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BAA 6: Storming The Abbey (The Battle for the Abbaye des Ardennes)
BB2: Smashing In The Door (Bloody Buron)
BB1: First Big Fight (Bloody Buron)
BB3: Haywire Communications (Bloody Buron)
BB4: Zoot Suit Boys (Bloody Buron)
: Bloody Buron CG (Bloody Buron)
AP128: Flight of Fancy (ASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII)
#1: Mixed Bag (Kaunas Offensive)
AP138: Red Horse Recon (ASL Action Pack #14 Oktoberfest XXXIV)
Q11: Demented with Grief (Quick 6 Scenario Pack II)
OtO 32: Berated at Baranovichi (Onslaught To Orsha 2)
D11: Ripe Pickings (Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader)
AP138: Red Horse Recon (ASL European Union Championship 2022)
HazMo36: For an Army Routed (HazMo Scenario Pack 4: Making the Grade)
Designer: George Kelln
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
CanadianGerman (SS)
Operation Charnwood: by late afternoon, the North Nova Scotia Highlanders were forming up in an orchard near Buron prior to the third phase of the operation. They planned to push south to capture Authie and the Franqueville, while the Glengarrians would attack south to take an old chateau about a half-mile from Authie. The Glengarrians’ thrust towards the Chateau de St. Louis went well. For the Noth Novas, the fight was tougher. Under relentless fire the order was give “Able Forward”. Able and Delat companies advanced towards Authie encountering many pockets of Germans which had to be eliminated.Attacker: Canadian (Cameron Highlanders and North Nova Scotia Highlanders supported by Sherbrooke Fusiliers and B Squadron, 7th Canadian Recce Regt.)
Defender: German (SS) (III/SS-Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 25)
10 turns
Players: 2 OBA: Both Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:16.5 D:12.5 |
AFVs: A:12 Sherman V(a) x 6 Sherman VC(a) x 2 Carrier A x 2 Carrier C Carrier 2" MTR |
AFVs: D:3 PzKpfw IVH x 3 |
Guns: A:0 OML 2-in. Mortar x 2 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | D: Assault engineers w Sapper capabilities; IVHs have Schuerzen |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL 3a - Yanks (2nd Edition) | 16 |
ASL 5a - For King and Country | 12 |
ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre | 43 |
ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned | 43 |
ASL Action Pack # 1 | 43 |
ASL 3 - Yanks | 16 |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
Players wanting to play this game/Request a match:
Scenario info
Action | Date |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2024-03-25 19:09:52 |
hoxson1 Modified the Theatre | 2021-02-24 20:26:25 |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2020-10-07 23:51:56 |
Hutch Modified the Attacker's Guns | 2020-10-07 23:51:56 |
Hutch Modified the Unit Elements | 2020-10-07 23:50:58 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(authie.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 994 |
(canad-ss new.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 748 |
(able forward map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 922 |
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