The Irish Guards had captured the key bridge at Lommel-Neerpelt. General Student ordered an immediate counterattack. Hauptmann von Hutz assembled a scratch force of infantry and assault guns. They approached the bridge in dense fog. Soon, a Western-style armor gunfight broke out.
Attacker: German (No more details)
Defender: British (No more details)
5.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:6.0 D:6.5
AFVs: A:6
StuH 42 x 2 StuG IIIG x 4
AFVs: D:6
Sherman II(a) AEC III Stuart V(a) Sherman VC(a) Achilles(a) Staghound I (a)
With the German 10-2 and the Germans having the half turn at the end to use as an advance into the victory territory this one is very hard on the Brits.
Jim did an end around the Brit right flank with 2 Stugs and the 2 HS to tie down some infantry and try to hit the armor that had to be crewed. He also tried to make a run down the road to put a Stug in position to hit the Firefly coming across the bridge. I took that one out with a hidden piat and a side shot on the road. I managed to blunt the end around but wound up with a broke squad to protect.
Jim used the other 3 stugs and their extensive smoke and armored assault to push up the left flank. In the end i managed to kill all the Stugs but the flaming wrecks did the Brits almost as much harm letting the Germans move through the trees and fight for the buildings. I lost a couple AFV to the panzerfaust trying to block infantry. The marsh hex offers the ability to minimum move in from the stone building and then advance out into a victory hex in turn 5. The Germans also can keep a leader back with a DC for a long run in the end (that is 3VP with 8MF + the advance that must be protected). I wound up with too little to be able to defend all the possibilities even though it was only a 5 hex front.
In the end the Germans were able to assault move to the edge of victory helped by the smoke and then advance into the victory hexes for the win. I made it at least scary managing an NMC on the 10-2 with an 8 +3 shot in the advance and he rolled 12 but survived the CR to advance in.
Scenario was fun with the British toys but the Brits really need some very good luck and some German mistakes to win this one.
(D) Lawrence Spangler
Diane Spangler
German win
(D) Dave Mareske
Steve Anderson
British win
Germans advanced up the right side (east). The Sherman II wrecked two STUGs that came into view and forced the Germans to continue north to the canal and then move west. By then the Brits had the way blocked with both infantry and armor support. The DTF scenarios have been pretty good and would recommend their play.
(A) Jeff B
Magnus Rimvall
German win
6.25 hrs
German plan was to send a few HS ahead to scout for HIPsters and maybe strip some concealment. while the rest of the force bided their time waiting for the armor to position themselves for some armored assaulting. Since theoretically the Germans could almost just AM/advance each turn and make it to the goal line this seemed like a sound plan. Of course plans never fulfill entirely as expected, and when over the next couple turns the Irish snipers went bonkers - braining the 10-2 and recalling two CE tanks - you would think I would've had cause for pause. But being that I was already on the doorstep of Board 79 with the majority of my force (laden with three DCs), I wasn't overly concerned. The first British vehicle was lost on Turn 4 when the AC got a bit too close for comfort and got fried by a PSK, but that was only the start of what would prove to be a hot finish. Turn 5 saw the Stuart baking but not burned after it had parked in what it thought was a blind spot, but the motion Achilles managed to escape certain death after the StuH that went after it broke its gun. The Germans then lost their remaining three AFVs as they moved into the victory circle trying to provide some cover for their all-important infantry. Would this prove to be too great a loss? I thought it would be, but the Achilles was torched by a PSK, and the Staghound by a captured PIAT. Going into Turn 6 the Germans just needed to survive a 4+3 on a stack worth 6VPs to win, which they did. An existing melee also went their way, granting them another 4VP (including the only 2VP coming from DCs). I was probably too overconfident going into this, but considering the damages the Irish snipers wreaked I think I'm justified to say that I'd want the Germans every time in this one.
(D) Andy Beaton
Jeff Wasserman
German win
(D) nathan wegener
Rob Schmitt
German win
The Stugs got several rolls on pivoting shots and were deadly to the Brit armor. Not enough left at the end to stem the tide.
(D) Simon Staniforth
German win
Fun to play. As the Brits you get 6 AFVs all different. The Germans have limited infantry but a strong 10-2 leader and StuGs with lots of Smoke potential. Our game came down to the last CC the 10-2 proving the key, despite a number of MCs against him he breezed through them all to move into the victory area T6 and win the crucial CC