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The French Perimeter toffee
TotensonntagSt. Louis ASL Tournament 2024. Danno
In Front of the StormLost on last turn by being pinned in front of the empty 4th VC hex. Bongiovanni
Uncles and PupsThis scenario ended quickly as hot dice from my Hungarians broke or killed any Russians getting close to the rail line. Too many Russians massed towards the railroad bridge made for easy pickings. It was a strong gambit that backfired. Although I like to concentrate my forces when I attack as well, with so little time, I think the Russians need to split their forces, be aggressive, and try and put the Hungarians on their heels. No matter the strategy, though, I do think this one is very tough for the Russians. Jude
Death Solves All ProblemsOverall fun scenario. The Russians entering East have to cover lots of ground to arrive at the VC Buildings. The Russians entering North will likely run into a fortified building complex which is a tough nut to crack but they do have plenty toys. Germans will be torn on how to defend so much map with very little. If we are getting scenarios with giant rail yards it sure seems like a single rail yard map board would have been a good idea. I don't mind overlays but darn.............lots to lay in here. nekengren
Opening Probe Bongiovanni
Pocket Panzers Bongiovanni
Ham and Bloody JamBrtish crash all.3 gliders one group 2 groups elimnatwd. Remaining force gets to bridge. Many killed in melee on.bridge. British unable to clwar bridge despite push. Turned catastrophe into something. Germans win. BobMcKenna1966
Anhalt Pandemonium Cpl Wright
Cooks, Clerks, and Bazookas Mad_Anthony77
Bite of the Bassotto Dispang12
Death Box RJenulis
Strangers in a Strange Land Bongiovanni
Sugar Cane ShuffleWent to the last turn. wwillow
Stiff Resistance Bongiovanni
Besting BasiloneThis has to be, indeed *is*, the most rock and roll ASL ever.

Well done the players that have the rules knowledge to play this properly. Well done the designer.

To the players that say 'Korea is not ASL' 'The rules are too complex'

You're a bunch of chops.
Spring and SummerJapanese gave the balance and the Australians really did not engage until the exit which took the INF gun out of the game even though the eager Japanese pushed it for four turns. The HIP unit managed to KIA a full squad, but then was overwhelmed. Straying was never an issue with both sides being stealthy. A fun game and a good intro to PTO. We gave both sides snipers and played full ASL. dmareske
Glide Path to HellVASL jrwusmc
Germans in GhermanThe Germans managed to get two AFVs with the AT guns but then in an disastrous turn four got all four of the other AFVs by either street fighting, ATR or LMGs. With the Russians running out of troops (they ELRed a lot) and were never able to gather enough firepower on German positions to make a difference. The Germans were able to exit three squads and leader as well. In the end there were not enough Russians to take all the buildings in time. dmareske
Last Man StandingFirst to play and post. Danno
Schloss HemingsteinExcellent defensive setup by the Germans. Would be willing to play again as either side. dsoukup
Regalbuto Ridge antro
Four Stars of ValorFun scenario. Lots of setup choices for both sides. Germans are extremely thin on defense and can't hold most places. Allies don't really have much to cover attacks on such a vast front. Allies will be hard pressed to achieve clearing all buildings along the RR since just moving to the rear buildings will take many turns. Allies might achieve the multiple building objective but........hard to get them all. LOTS of maneuver in this one. nekengren
Last Man StandingRussians slowly advanced up the hill under the cover of dark. The Germans managed to get some breaks, but a 4-4-7 managed to get into CC with three 1-4-9's in F2 and in two CC Phases managed to KIA all three. The 8-1 and his one remaining 1-4-9 threw a DC and broke 3 squads, but then the 1-4-9 was KIA'd by the same DC. The Russian 9-0 Commissar then took 3 squads into CC with the 8-1 and KIA'd him for the win. grumblejones
Priority TargetBritish victory, but very close strategos
Legio Patria NostraThis was my secondo scenario.
I put my HS with the leader and the MMG in P9, because I thought that it was more easy to defend than the other hex, and this was my first mistake. Paolo put the AT with the major part of his troops in the other building and it became very difficult to capture for me.
I set-up in three different points: upper, middle and lower, trying to conquer 1 building in each part by taking the advantage of the number and the quality of my troops.
In the lower part, initially, my push goes very well but then it stopped in a bad way.
My upper corps had tryied to help the guys in P9 and push forward to the next building with moderate success.
But It was in the middle that I faced with an unexpected placement of the flak that gave me a lot of problems and it took a couple of turn to shut down that gun.
Paolo is very strong and experienced player, that with patient explain me my mistake and how to play better.
I enjoyed this scenario and I hope to play again and again
Last Charge at UmbregaA quick little scenario with a few tactical choices on setup. Mostly the attacker won't want to use their Cavalry I think. Better to be safe and work for that 2Camp/DoubleCVP victory. Getting 3 camps could be a stretch with the 5 turns. nekengren
Italian BehemothItalians cross open ground to take the hill. British Mortar getting rate will destroy that assault. ATR and MG with luck can stop the Tin Cans. This one is dicey on who wins. Low unit count. nekengren
One-Eyed JacquesGettysburg 2024. Called after German 2 wwillow
First DropFirst to play and post. Danno
First DropVery tough on the Russians. Russians were scattered and 3 of the 4 support weapons landed in bad terrain and were broken. Germans rolled 3's and 2's left and right, which KIA'd many of the Russians that landed in the village area. The Russian bombers only immobilized the Kuebelwagen and nothing else. By Turn 4 it was over as the Germans were in their tanks and the Russians were down to 3 three unbroken half-squads. grumblejones
Death at the Cement PlantGettysburg 2024 wwillow
Over Open SightsGermans were able to break two gun crews in the mid-game, allowed them to ultimately KIA those crews and capture the guns. Third crew held on, protected by the US -1 leader and MMG in the stone building. The last gun malf'd on its first shot and that crew also broke, allowing the Germans to get to the gun just before the US reinforcements could get into position. Fun scenario; can see what it favors the Americans, however - if the crews can hang on through a couple Germans shots, they can blast the German assault. worksp2018
Legio Patria NostraGerman victory on last CC roll (failed to eliminate last defender 2-1) strategos
Legio Patria NostraRiccardo choose building P9 for his initial forces and that made O5 my natural central fortress, I put the AT in O6 and the Flak 38 in R6, the fortress hold till the very end of the game, the Flak GUN surprised a stack moving in open and he lost an HS and a leader wounded out of the game.
Riccardo put a lot of effort on both flanks but failed to push through. In the end he went for a mad dash but was down to 2 buildings.
Good scenario.
A Bit of Colored RibbonGettysburg 2024 wwillow
Dompaire DestructionGettysburg 2024 wwillow
On the Swedish Border grumblejones
88s at ZonVery tight game.
The Germans had incredibly good fire rolls.

But the US is a rallying machine. A couple of German mistakes led to a very tight finish were the remaining GIs all rushed cx on T6. 4 squads and 1 leader got broken (most of them by one shot by a pesky 2-3-6 and its residual FP1!).
But a 9-2, a 8-1 and a squad made it (the squad and the 8-1 passing the last NMC caused by a residual FP2). What a tense game!
On the Swedish Border Danno
Brasching the BritishFirst to play and post. Danno
Brasching the BritishGame is scripted to allow a recreation of the German heroics. Just go with it. grumblejones
Return of the Black Company
At the Feet of ZeusWhat a nightmare of a fight. New Zealand setup with the trenches split in threes, creating cross cover between them and the MGs and Mortars covering just behind. The action began turn one as the shots started while Germans attempted their initial approach. As if it wasn't brutal enough, a combination of crit hit mortar fire and sniper activation luck managed to completely wipe out all German leaders by turn 2. This spelled disaster for the Germans as they quickly ran out of momentum on the approach to the first line of trenches. With unit after unit breaking and almost no options to rally, The Germans tossed in the towel after one of the last remaining good order squads got cut down in CC in the trench after being ambushed. feralhuntsman
Pynda AvengedGettysburg 2024 wwillow
Simple EquationGiven the strong American lean, I gave the balance to the Germans this time. It definitely made the approach into the village feel more contested. The Germans set up a HMG in a fortified building on one flank, MMG in a fortified building on the other, each with a leader, and forced the Americans to either funnel through the middle or charge across open ground to be cut down. The Americans tried both routes, and came close, but ultimately had their forces decimated to the point that the VC were impossible and the game called at the top of turn 6. Turuk
Down In Flames Dispang12
Raff's DistressVASL jrwusmc
Extracurricular ActivityPretty vanilla game. Just take/defend a lone building in the back of the playing area. As the Hungarians, I didn't do anything special. The T-34's were set up to interdict the Zrinyis, but probably slightly too far forward. I was able to get squads in PF range and took a bunch a potshots. I took some losses, but I bagged both tanks by turn 2. This freed up the Zrinyis to freeze and interdict the Russians. I lost two of the tanks due to Street Fighting, but they did their job. This allowed me to run up a bunch of squads to the west of the victory building and eventually force my way in. The Russians were a bit spread out, so I was able to easily have an advantage in squads in the building in the end.

I think this one favors the Russians. If they keep the T-34's back far enough to avoid the PF's, their mere presence alone will slow everything down. Couple that with a strong fallback strategy and the Hungarians should run out of time. The one saving grace for the Hungarians is the +2 broken side morale. This means even broken conscripts (due to ELR break) have a good chance of returning quickly. In fact, without this special rule, I think the Hungarians almost stand no chance of winning. Overall, there is really is nothing about this scenario that says "play me". I'd say you could safely skip this one unless you absolutely have to play all the official AH/MMP scenarios. You won't be missing anything if you do.
The Puma ProwlsSolo play to practice armor. This seems like a balanced scenario good for fast play. Would play again. tpdorsey
The Last RoadblockThe Germans could not gain any traction with their innumerable -1 and -2 shots while the Allies attained a few fortunate strikes with the mortar and some Prep fire action, to include breaking the German mortar crew. The German mortar on Hill 740 crestline was neutralized in Turn 1 and played no more roll. The German HMG sat concealed behind the crest line just east of the Hill 740 peak protecting 6 hexes plus its own. The Allies simply avoided moving in the LOS, pushing to the west side of Hill 740. With that, the Allied troops were able to slog their way up the slope in good order. Allied OBA had little effect, but did force the Germans to adjust their mountain top defense giving the Allies more latitude to reach the summit. The Allies were able to get their 9-2 leader with MMC and MMG on the east hill covering the backside of Hill 740. This position had the potential of causing great havoc. However, a low roll for a German Prep fire followed by 2 high rolls for a MC broke the leader and MMC. They did not rally until the last turn and had no more effect on the battle. The Allies had the upper hand leading into the last turn and valiantly pushed themselves in a position to block further advance, but the Allied forces on the hill were strong enough to break most of the defenders allowing the Allies to easily gain control of more than enough hilltop hexes for a win. Heloanjin
Out of LuckThe use of rare vehicles and early war combat, with only vehicles to contend with makes for a tense, fun, and short scenario. There are options for either side to take in their approach at attacking/defending, and the terrain, for the most part, can force the scenario to become a knife fight amongst a few buildings and wheat fields. The biggest change I could see to this scenario is swapping out the easternmost board for something with a little less open ground in it. Otherwise, worth a play. Jobbo_Fett
Out of LuckThe use of rare vehicles and early war combat, with only vehicles to contend with makes for a tense, fun, and short scenario. There are options for either side to take in their approach at attacking/defending, and the terrain, for the most part, can force the scenario to become a knife fight amongst a few buildings and wheat fields. The biggest change I could see to this scenario is swapping out the easternmost board for something with a little less open ground in it. Otherwise, worth a play. Jobbo_Fett
Out of LuckThe use of rare vehicles and early war combat, with only vehicles to contend with makes for a tense, fun, and short scenario. There are options for either side to take in their approach at attacking/defending, and the terrain, for the most part, can force the scenario to become a knife fight amongst a few buildings and wheat fields. The biggest change I could see to this scenario is swapping out the easternmost board for something with a little less open ground in it. Otherwise, worth a play. Jobbo_Fett
The Sangshak RedemptionHad a blast playing this scenario. The Gurkha heavy weapons were unscathed during the initial Japanese attack but didn't contribute much in the battle that followed. In the end, it came down to an assault on one victory building which only one 648 survived long enough to enter CC against one and a half Japanese squads, both of which were pinned. It all came down to the final CC DR. The Gurkhas needed to kill the Japanese defenders in hand to hand combat at 1 to 1 odds and then survive a 1-4 attack in return. On this occasion, the dice gods were with me and I pulled of the win...just. Great scenario and it is easy to see why it has achieved "classic" status Dougban
Abrams' Charge toffee
Newborn Partisans igycrctl
Break In On Rollbahn A A15.4er
Rage Against the MachineGerman PF's ruled the day by taking out all but one Russian tank. My infantry, on the other hand, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. That, coupled with pulling back maybe a turn too late and not collapsing towards the Russian main thrust in the middle of the playing area, had my forces way too strung out. However, the German reinforcements got into good positions, and I was able to run enough guys back to make taking the HQ or crossroads very difficult. By mid game, the Russians were down to one tank and mired on the other side of the road splitting the village. With little chance of taking one, let alone two of the three victory condition options, we ended it. Jude
Bertoldo the Brave Blaze
Hands Off The Loot!Germans captured a squad and ran them off the board on Turn 4.
Hands Off The Loot! Danno
Texas Flood A15.4er
Last DropContinuing our Blood and Jungle playthrough with this, the second japaneese air drop scenario. This time, Tom had the airborne Japaneese. Two of his three wings missed their drop points and ended up as far from the objective buildings on board 48 as possible assembling and moving to the objective area just cost him to much time, US long range rifle fire and MG fire made movement hazerdous whittling away the Japaneese, as they Banzied. Tom's CC DR were lack luster while mine were good leading to an American Victory. SGT Mac
Hart AttackHUMAN WAVE 2024. The German player must be selective about setup since he has a lot of ground to cover and cannot defend everything. I focused primarily on the north and center of the map, leaving only my ATG, MMG and a light Mtr to cover the intersection at the south of the map.

Jeff entered primarily on the south and center, with his main effort in the center. Throughout the game I prioritized knocking out his armor to reduce his victory options and try to preserve some freedom of movement for myself. In the south, I lost my lt mtr and 40LL to his infantry assault but managed to knock out a tank and hold him up until my armor reinforcements arrive. In the center I traded ground for time and scored a lucky Deliberate Immobilization hit with an ATR firing at point blank range. My armor entered as he was moving his armor from south to north, setting me up for side shots from the hill at M13/M12, where 2 of my 3 tanks found good hull-down positions. I had some pretty hot dice with my APCR shots on German Turn 4, knocking out two of his three remaining tanks.

Although Jeff's infantry was had not taken many losses, he felt that he no longer had the firepower or the time to take the buildings he needed in the two turns remaining and conceded.
For an Army Routed Danno
Forest Gumm A15.4er
For an Army RoutedGot my butt whipped before the end of Turn 1 and had to concede after a 4-3-6 with a Panzerfaust KIA'd my 6-4-8 stack with the 9-2. Then the SS 81 MTR nuked my other boys and that was it. Game over. grumblejones
Stryker's ChargeDefense allowed clean board entry. No ROF for HMG and I was able to close quickly. My berserk Squad CR’d during its charge but took a squad out in CC.
So I would say this was fun but dicey since so small.
Oliwa's EscapeDave was Partisans and won by exiting. Rex Loewen was the Germans and Dan Best was the Russians. Danno
A Quick Strike Cpl Wright
A Saar SoireeLots of scrambling early on to get the most advantageous positions. The bridge quicmly became a scene of chaos as French trucks tried their level best to zoom past the defenders, some still trying to unhook their guns, for some quick points. They were quickly turned into wrecks, burning or otherwise, which simply added to the struggles of the French to mve past the myriad wrecks, and for the Germans to get a bead on their targets.

In our playing, the French lost steam on the offense due to some lucky shots, being flanked on the right side of the board, and losing their best leader to an absolutely disgusting roll that had no reason to succeed.

Overall, the scenario needs more time in the workshop, but the situation is nice and worth exploring
Oliwa's EscapeOliwa was able to escape with about 5 other squads giving the victory to the Partisans. The Germans came in second with some successful PF shots at the Russian tanks. dmareske
St. Kilian's Bloody SwordA very Easy German win. The Germans swarmed the overlay factories and moved most of the other group around towards those factories.

It's tough for the Americans to delay the factory attack without transferring forces from one side to the other.

But with mortars with WP and a plan they can do this, even though a HIP MMG with a FL can really interfere.
A Quick StrikeStarted with 13.5 squads and 3 leaders. Ended with .5 squads and 1 wounded leader. A15.4er
A Hard Push A15.4er
Absolut MärkäjärviI liked the unusual victory conditions. My opponent rolled bad and he finished with 9/12 VPs still. Mortar got struck with a critical OBA hit early. Radio malfed. We concluded it might be beneficial to do a HW early to get that extra movement. KalleW
The Cloak of Disorder Danno
The Cloak of DisorderYeah...this was not a lot of fun. Dan's Japanese just walked right over my grave like Doc Holiday talking to Johnny Ringo. The Japanese tanks just walked up the middle and broke apart my defense. My poor rolls on D fire let the Japanese just walk on top of me and cut my throat in Close Combat. I hate scenarios where I have crap troops just get slaughtered and no way answer to back, My Chinese were completely beaten at the end of Turn 2. Dan is an uber aggressive attacker and Japanese are exactly the kind of troops that will roll right over you. Good luck if you're the Chinese in this one. Order your tombstone in advance. grumblejones
800 Heroes A15.4er
Hot TigersCraig did the right thing and tried to immobilize my Tigers. I used the two STUGs on a level one hill in the north to lay out some SMOKE which was very effective, but still the Russians were able to deliberately immobilize 4 tigers and I got another one on a start up. Down to my last two tigers I was able to park them behind a wall in the village and pepper the Russian positions with HE. It still came down to the last CC and the game ended with a Russian crew locked in Melee. A very narrow victory for the Germans. A great game! dmareske
Hot Tigers Heloanjin
Bidermann's Escape Cpl Wright
One-Eyed JacquesHUMAN WAVE 2024. A close game with Jeff pulling off a win on the last turn, as he had a stack in the factory I couldn't reach, since its 36 FP attack blew away the only guys I had who could have possibly CC'd them... In this game I attempted to 'blitz' up the right side of the map only to be stymied by his OBA and the 37* which he hurried into position. Jeff was substantially aided by scoring critical hits on my armor with an LMG, the 75, and the 37*. My best move of the game was probably driving my armor through a fortified location, into the factory where I was able to chew up his infantry with my MGs. Even so, it wasn't enough for the win. Good game! Agoldin
Race to the RiverAmerican fire power carried the day with low dice rolls. Kydder
Landstorm Over Arnhem Bongiovanni
Alcazar! fdapra
End of the Rope... Danno
End of the Rope...Games like this always beg the question about how well it was play tested. The ROAR stats are clear indication of how hard this will be for the Commonwealth, who cannot beat the Japanese reinforcements to the top of the hill...ain't every going to happen. In our game, I MALF'd the British gun on the very first roll of the game. Should have just conceded right then and there. I would concede on Turn 3 after losing the 8-1 and three squads to Japanese squads in close combat. We also had heavy rain which messed everything up. Additionally, the level 2 jungle hexes block LOS for both sides to a large extent. This is a scenario that the winner is determined by the sad sack who rolls the Commonwealth. Accept your fate with dignity. grumblejones
Rocket's Red Glare igycrctl
Royal Marines GOUREAU
Former FoesViet Minh held on early. Japanese flanked and British pivoted. Viet Minh did not react and skulk and fall back effectively. Initial dice luck went south for Viet Minh. British win. Fun hit and run scenario.. BobMcKenna1966
A Veritable DelayGreat Game. As the British, my husband got enough points in the exit area. Last turn I ran a 7-0 out in the open who survived defense fire from multiple targets. Got a panzerfaust and blew up the trailing tank to win the game. Right out of Hollywood baby. Dispang12
St. Kilian's Bloody SwordAs Todd's game, a similar experience. All 5 factories fell, the church held and the road was mostly un-touched. I could have won with a wild run into the factory on the last turn, but a 1+1 shot broke the leader and pinned the squad. Close game but we both felt like we didn't play as well as we could have done. Dave
Obian Highway oybj
L'Union Fait la ForceGerman use of Fire Lanes carried the day. Having unit in V0 and V10 had significant effect, due to disrupting many Rout possibilities for the Belgians.

The scenario is very quick to play and we had fun. Of course, it's dicey, as small scenarios will almost always be. Playing the Germans here would probably provide good practice in the use of Fire Lanes for beginners.
Having a GoThe German Fire Lane done the road broke a couple of British MMCs and slowed down the progress just enough. Also, the British could not finish off CCs fast enough. Some German conscript squads were able to hold a couple buildings in the end. Good tight game. dmareske
Bydgoszcz CoupA punishingly hard scenario for the Germans who did whatever they could to take ground early and steal ammo wagons where possible, only to fail many of their CC rolls and be killed in the process. This scenario is nearly impossible for the Germans outside of tremendous luck or a braindead opponent. The only positives here are that it uses deluxe boards, and has an interesting premise/concept, but its so one-sided youre better off skippibg this one. Jobbo_Fett
Le ManoirThis is a fast, and fun little scenario. The German defense is very fragile - if they lose one of their small, but powerful positions, the whole thing comes tumbling down quickly if the US can manage to press from all sides, i.e., outflanking. MNov
Le ManoirGreat to have a new F2F opponent move to live within 100 yds of my rural home in the UK. Our first meeting to break the ice was this old classic. The US paras did a simultaneous left and right flank manouevre to get into position and I missed a great shot on a big stack moving into the bocage at long range which allowed the paras to get close and personal. Once they were close in numbers the demise of the defenders was inevitable. A snake eyes on a final assault advancing fire withered the German defence of the final building to nothing on US Turn 5. Game over. bulletbaron

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Reports and statistics
I've added a replica of the roar balance report (based on archive plays) underneath reports -> balance, on the left hand menu and some statistics charts, too.

Want to see how many games have been logged and when? Are we playing more now than we did 3 years ago? What about the year when the most scenarios were published? Or are games played with vasl more regularly than ftf?

All this and a little bit more on the statistics page (found on the left hand side under reports).
Map page and new search options
The Maps link on the left hand nav bar takes you to a maps page that provides the opportunity to search the maps via names and tags. The maps that don't have images will slowly get updated, and those who have admin rights can add tags to help scenario designers and players filter maps by a set of tags, such as Rural, City, Stream, etc.

You can update your map collection, in order to search by maps owned on the advanced search, by ticking the boxes on this page which should automatically update your map collection. The button that is on this page takes all publications that you own and adds the maps that are listed on those into your collection.

As always, a big thanks to those who help populate this data!
Map data update
The way maps are stored under-the-hood has been changed. Previously maps were simply strings of text that were split into map_strings and added to the scenario. They weren't really unique map rows, which meant that there could be duplicates with similar names, and it wasn't really feasible to do nicer things with them, like attach images to them, or work out which publications they were from.

This has changed now, and the data has been ported across to the new map objects. All that's missing is the publication->map data, ie, which publications have which maps!

For those that like to edit and update these things, it's now possible to enter the maps for each publication (by logging in and editing the publication page and adding the maps). If we can get a good set of this data we can do things like "show me scenarios that I own the maps for" and other module dependencies for scenarios.

I've not done the same for overlays, because it seems a bit more of an overhead, but in theory it would be possible, but maybe a bit too much effort.

Finally - you can now hover over the map values within the scenarios and publication pages (if the maps have been added to them yet) to see a map preview. If the map image isn't there yet, it might need updating, but the standard ones should all work - I think!
Advanced Search tidy up
Thanks to JP whose eagle-eyes spotted a couple of small issues, the advanced search is now correctly handling third party/official searches and remembering your selection of starter kit preference during a search.
March Madness 2023: 10th Mountain Division pack - now available for download
Thanks to the guys over in Kansas, and Encircled productions, the archive is now hosting the 2023 10th Mountain Division pack.

Price is $15 and the pack features 9 scenarios and a 4 scenario campaign which can be played as individual scenarios or as the connected mini-campaign.


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Kunikov's Schoolhousegrumblejones Uploaded a Misc. file1h 52m 50s ago
Kunikov's Schoolhousegrumblejones Uploaded an Image1h 53m 23s ago
TotensonntagDanno Added a playing1h 53m 31s ago
Kunikov's Schoolhousegrumblejones Added the scenario1h 54m 16s ago
Grumble Jonesgrumblejones Added the scenario1h 56m 30s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Uploaded a Misc. file1h 58m 50s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Uploaded an Image1h 59m 41s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Uploaded a Misc. file2h 10s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Uploaded an Image2h 38s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Added the scenario2h 1m 7s ago
Krafft's Blocking Line (Parts I & II)grumblejones Added the scenario2h 4m 24s ago
Factory Fodderpeacmyer Rated the scenario2h 13m 31s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the overview3h 23m 16s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the Unit Elements3h 30m 47s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the overview3h 42m 33s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the misc. rules4h 24m 22s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the overlays4h 25m 29s ago
Uncles and PupsJude Added a playing4h 25m 30s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the unit counts4h 26m 50s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs4h 26m 50s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the unit counts4h 31m 17s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs4h 31m 17s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns4h 31m 17s ago
Uncles and PupsJude Rated the scenario4h 36m 58s ago
BenedelloHutch Modified the maps4h 37m 14s ago
BenedelloHutch Added the scenario4h 38m 13s ago
The Eternal Cityhoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs4h 47m 33s ago
The Eternal Cityhoxson1 Modified the unit counts4h 47m 34s ago
Terrify and Destroyhoxson1 Modified the unit counts4h 49m 31s ago
Terrify and Destroyhoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs4h 49m 31s ago
The R.C.R. RedemptionHutch Modified the Scenario OBA details4h 54m 25s ago
The R.C.R. RedemptionHutch Modified the overlays4h 55m 4s ago
Orange Blossom DisasterHutch Modified the Scenario OBA details4h 56m ago
Orange Blossom DisasterHutch Modified the overlays4h 56m 46s ago
Morning GloryHutch Modified the Scenario OBA details4h 58m 16s ago
Last of its Kindhoxson1 Modified the overview4h 58m 24s ago
Last of its Kindhoxson1 Modified the unit counts4h 58m 53s ago
Last of its Kindhoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs4h 58m 53s ago
Morning GloryHutch Modified the overlays4h 59m ago
Last of its Kindhoxson1 Modified the unit counts4h 59m 29s ago
Last of its Kindhoxson1 Modified the Defender's AFVs4h 59m 29s ago
It's Hardly Fairhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 3m 51s ago
It's Hardly Fairhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 3m 51s ago
Honsfeld Rushhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 4m 40s ago
Honsfeld Rushhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 4m 40s ago
Rolling Down Rollbahn Dhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 5m 47s ago
Rolling Down Rollbahn Dhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 5m 47s ago
Rolling Down Rollbahn Dhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 6m 24s ago
Rolling Down Rollbahn Dhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 6m 57s ago
Rolling Down Rollbahn Dhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 6m 57s ago
Hoffmeister's Chargehoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 10m 30s ago
Hoffmeister's Chargehoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 10m 30s ago
Hoffmeister's Chargehoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 11m 30s ago
Hoffmeister's Chargehoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 11m 30s ago
Furor Hungaricushoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 14m 27s ago
Furor Hungaricushoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 15m 3s ago
Furor Hungaricushoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 15m 4s ago
Woodland PursuitHutch Modified the gps location5h 20m 43s ago
Woodland PursuitHutch Modified the unit counts5h 21m 42s ago
Woodland PursuitHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 21m 42s ago
Woodland PursuitHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 25m 20s ago
Woodland PursuitHutch Modified the unit counts5h 25m 21s ago
White HorsesHutch Modified the misc. rules5h 27m 2s ago
White HorsesHutch Modified the unit counts5h 29m 39s ago
White HorsesHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 29m 39s ago
The Sound of Hoof BeatsHutch Modified the misc. rules5h 31m 11s ago
An Unconventional Attackhoxson1 Modified the unit counts5h 31m 23s ago
An Unconventional Attackhoxson1 Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 31m 23s ago
The Sound of Hoof BeatsHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs5h 32m 11s ago
The Sound of Hoof BeatsHutch Modified the unit counts5h 32m 12s ago
Grappling GlowaczowHutch Modified the unit counts5h 34m 58s ago
Grappling GlowaczowHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 34m 58s ago
Les Chasses D'Hugohoxson1 Modified the location5h 35m 18s ago
Les Chasses D'Hugohoxson1 Modified the gps location5h 35m 53s ago
Age-Old FoesHutch Modified the unit counts5h 36m 31s ago
Age-Old FoesHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 36m 31s ago
Age-Old FoesHutch Modified the unit counts5h 37m 22s ago
Age-Old FoesHutch Modified the Attacker's Guns5h 37m 22s ago
The River DanceHutch Modified the misc. rules5h 40m 25s ago
The River DanceHutch Modified the Defender's Guns5h 41m 32s ago
The River DanceHutch Modified the unit counts5h 41m 33s ago
The River DanceHutch Modified the Defender's AFVs5h 41m 33s ago
Ceux du Bataillon Fochhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 41m 36s ago
The Fabulous Thunderbirdshoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 42m 30s ago
Wetlethoxson1 Modified the gps location5h 46m 49s ago
Hill 731hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 50m 19s ago
Asking for Troublehoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 52m 30s ago
Asking for Troublehoxson1 Modified the gps location5h 53m 8s ago
Point 247hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 54m 20s ago
Pursuing Kobayashihoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 55m 5s ago
The Killing Groundhoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 56m 40s ago
Riding the Coattailshoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR5h 57m 42s ago
The RingHutch Modified the misc. rules6h 4m 17s ago
The RingHutch Modified the unit counts6h 5m 33s ago
The RingHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 5m 33s ago
The Outskirts Of LembergHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 10m 1s ago
The Outskirts Of LembergHutch Modified the unit counts6h 10m 32s ago
The Outskirts Of LembergHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 10m 32s ago
The Outskirts Of LembergHutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs6h 11m 47s ago
The Outskirts Of LembergHutch Modified the Defender's Guns6h 11m 47s ago

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Top rated players

As of July 26, 2024. Grey players are inactive. Filter Active: View all
1Dmitry Klyuykov1501431
2fabrizio da pra1661398
3Paul Works3571330
4Paolo Cariolato8361327
5Stefan Fiedler351292
6Steven Linton501285
7patrick palma4871283
8Aaron Cleavin561273
9Philippe Briaux321267
10jon smith551242
11Justin DiSabatino
12Indy Lagu
13Aaron Sibley2751228
14Craig Benn461227
15Gordon Jupp4281225
16Paul Messina581216
17nathan wegener6431214
18randy shurtz391209
19David Stoffey401208
20Michael Focht771207
21Sam Tyson261193
22Carl Nogueira181189
23Seumas Hoskins641189
24Curtis Brooks251184
25Dave Mareske
26Tony Fermendzin361179
27M T931179
28Tom Kearney5301178
29Lionel Colin671174
30John Garlic1041171
31Simon Staniforth
32Kevin Sanders1181170
33Brian Wiersma201168
34Vilis Pavulans1491159
35Steven Pleva121158
36B-E Karlsson1251158
37Scott Fischbein1061157
38Douglas Leslie
39Spencer Armstrong561153
40david ginnard271149
41Robert Wolkey191149
42Sean Mitchell251148
43Paul Sidhu161147
44Eric Topp
45Don Lazov871146
46Mark Moore271143
47César Moreno451143
48davide galloni1411142
49Igor Luckyanov371141
50Will Fleming201139
51Jobbo Fett
52Raoul Duke1011137
53Derek Ritter211135
54Scott Hasson241135
55Alessandro Demichelis291135
56John O'Reilly171135
57Gerard Burton1851131
58Andrew Young141126
59Steve Bowen441125
60John Boyle381124
61David Douglas71123
62Larry Rohlfing1711122
63John Gorkowski471122
64Martin Mayers911119
65Melvin Falk91119
66Miguel Guerrero91118
67Darren Kovacs111118
68Martin Vicca241117
69Andy Bagley
70Björn Lorenzen151116
71Martí Cabré3231115
72Rami Saarinen831115
73Greg Barsness551115
74Michael Augustine171114
75Chuck Hammond131114
76P-J Palmer121114
77Enrico Catanzaro221114
78JP Laurio2261113
79Ben Jones161112
80Chris Mazzei171110
81Juhani Bonsdorff111108
82Louis Langdeau611108
83Rick Reinesch151107
84Jeffrey wasserman921105
85Ron Garcia4381105
86Davide Bendazzi881105
87S. Slunt631104
88J. R. Tracy121104
89Rich Weiley
90martin barker
91Tom Weniger71101
92Steve Bond661100
93Jim Thompson101100
94stan jackson321098
95Fred Ingram8171097
96Bruno NITROSSO121097
97Michael Rodgers
98Peter Dunn191096
99David Reenstra351096
100Tom Mueller171096

Newest players - welcome!

ric.tirritoRiccardo Tirrito2024-07-22 15:34:40
GrenzerAlvaro Diaz-Arce2024-07-20 17:27:56
wawowWa wow2024-07-17 12:08:06

On this day...

ASLUG17 Escape At Dawn18 miles southeast of Odessa, USSR1941
HoW 3 Redlegs as InfantryNear Pont Brocard, France1944
CH 7 Prelude to BreakthroughSaint Gilles, France1944
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